[Zope3-checkins] CVS: zopeproducts/pypgsqlda/interfaces - geometric.py:

Christian 'Tiran' Heimes heimes@faho.rwth-aachen.de
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 05:31:32 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/zopeproducts/pypgsqlda/interfaces
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv27638/interfaces

Modified Files:
      Tag: tiran-pypgsql_types-branch
Log Message:
changed to 2d and 3d objects

=== zopeproducts/pypgsqlda/interfaces/geometric.py 1.3 => ===
--- zopeproducts/pypgsqlda/interfaces/geometric.py:1.3	Wed Mar 19 05:16:03 2003
+++ zopeproducts/pypgsqlda/interfaces/geometric.py	Thu Mar 20 05:31:30 2003
@@ -16,14 +16,73 @@
-from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
+from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
+class IGeometricInfinite(Interface):
+    """Represents an infinite geometric object
+    """
+    pass
+class IGeometric2d(Interface):
+    """A 2d geometric object"""
+    isClosed = Attribute("Is this object closed, e.g. a box or polygon")
+    isOpen   = Attribute("Is this object open, e.g. a path or line")
+    coord    = Attribute("x/y coordinates")
+    length   = Attribute("Lenght of a line or circumference of a box")
+    def getClosed():
+        """
+        """
+    def getOpen():
+        """
+        """
+    def getLength():
+        """
+        """
+    def getCoord():
+        """Gets x/y coordinate as tuple of floats
+        """
+    def setCoord(x, y = None):
+        """Sets x/y coordinate
+        The first argument can be:
+            * a number, y must be given as number, too
+            * a tuple with two elements
+            * a list with two elements
+            * a dictionary with two keys named 'x' and 'y'
+            * a string '(x,y)' or '(x/y)'
+        """
+    def __str__():
+        """Prints coordinates
+        """
+class IGeometric3d(IGeometric2d):
+    """A 3d geometric object"""
+    coord = Attribute("x/y/z coordinates")
+    volume = Attribute("volume of the object")
+class IShape2d(IGeometric2d):
+    """An abstract interface for geometric shapes."""
+    area = Attribute("area of the shape as float (ro)")
+    def getArea():
+        """Return size of containing area
+        Must be overwritten by shape
+        """
-class IPoint(Interface):
+class IPoint2d(IGeometric2d):
     """A 2 dimensional point in cartesian representation."""
     x = Attribute("x coordinate as float")
     y = Attribute("y coordinate as float")
-    coord = Attribute("x/y as tuple, input may be more")
     def getX():
         """Gets x coordinate
@@ -41,80 +100,8 @@
         """Sets y coordinate
-    def getCoord():
-        """Gets x/y coordinate as tuple of floats
-        """
-    def setCoord(x, y = None):
-        """Sets x/y coordinate
-        The first argument can be:
-            * a number, y must be given as number, too
-            * a tuple with two elements
-            * a list with two elements
-            * a dictionary with two keys named 'x' and 'y'
-            * a string '(x,y)' or '(x/y)'
-        """
-    def __str__():
-        """Prints coordinate as '(x,y)'
-        """
-    def __len__():
-        """Distance from 0/0
-        Return distance from 0/0 in euclidic norm:
-            sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
-        """
-    def __cmp__(other):
-        """Compare point with other points or length
-        * Compare distance from 0/0 if other is a number
-        * Compare distance using __len__() if other is a point
-        """
-    def __rcmp__(other):
-        """See __cmp__
-        """
-class IShape(Interface):
-    """An abstract interface for geometric shapes."""
-    area = Attribute("area of the shape as float (ro)")
-    circumference = Attribute("circumference of the shape as float (ro)")
-    def getArea():
-        """Return size of containing area
-        Must be overwritten by shape
-        """
-    def getCircumference():
-        """Return lenght of circumference
-        Must be overwritten by shape
-        """
-    def __len__():
-        """Return area as size of shape
-        """
-    def __cmp__(other):
-        """compare area to number or other shape
-        """
-    def _rcmp__(other):
-        """
-        """
-    def __str__():
-        """
-        """
-class ICircle(IShape):
+class ICircle2d(IShape2d):
     """A circle. It is represented as a center point and a radius."""
     center = Attribute("center as point coordinate")
@@ -135,15 +122,23 @@
     def setRadius():
+        """
+    def getCircle():
+        """
+        """
+    def setCircle():
+        """
-class IBox(IShape):
+class IBox2d(IShape2d):
     upperRight = Attribute("Upper right point of the box as point coordinate")
     lowerLeft = Attribute("Lower left point of the box as point coordinate")
     corners = Attribute("upper right and lower left point together")
-class IPath(Interface):
+class IPath2d(IGeometric2d):
     """A path is an ordered set of points. A path can be closed, which means
        that the end point is connected to the start point. A special kind of
        path is the line, which only has to points and is open."""