[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/ZConfig - info.py:1.12 matcher.py:1.11

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fred@zope.com
Mon, 24 Mar 2003 11:58:00 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/ZConfig
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv4186

Modified Files:
	info.py matcher.py 
Log Message:
Remove some of the doubly-indirect data structures that are no longer needed.
Also remove some methods that were never used.

=== Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/info.py 1.11 => 1.12 ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/info.py:1.11	Wed Feb 19 12:56:38 2003
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/info.py	Mon Mar 24 11:57:59 2003
@@ -320,10 +320,8 @@
         return d.keys()
-    def getsectionindex(self, type, name):
-        index = -1
+    def getsectioninfo(self, type, name):
         for key, info in self._children:
-            index += 1
             if key:
                 if key == name:
                     if not info.issection():
@@ -341,13 +339,13 @@
                         raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError(
                             "name %s must be used for a %s section"
                             % (`name`, `st.name`))
-                    return index
+                    return info
             # else must be a sectiontype or an abstracttype:
             elif info.sectiontype.name == type:
                 if not (name or info.allowUnnamed()):
                     raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError(
                         `type` + " sections must be named")
-                return index
+                return info
             elif info.sectiontype.isabstract():
                 st = info.sectiontype
                 if st.name == type:
@@ -359,50 +357,8 @@
                     # not this one; maybe a different one
-                    return index
+                    return info
         raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError("no matching section defined")
-    def getsectioninfo(self, type, name):
-        i = self.getsectionindex(type, name)
-        st = self._children[i][1]
-        if st.isabstract():
-            st = st.gettype(type)
-        return st
-    def getinfobyname(self, name):
-        """Return the info object corresponding to the section 'name'.
-        Returns None if there is no matching info.  The resulting info
-        may represent either a section or a key; if it's a section, it
-        may be abstract or a multi-section.
-        """
-        if name in ("*", "+"):
-            raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError(
-                "'*' and '+' may not be used as key or section names")
-        for key, info in self._children:
-            if info.name == name:
-                return info
-        return None
-    def getsectionbytype(self, type):
-        L = []
-        for key, info in self._children:
-            if not info.issection():
-                continue
-            if info.sectiontype.name == type:
-                L.append(info)
-            if info.sectiontype.isabstract():
-                st = info.sectiontype
-                if st.hassubtype(type):
-                    L.append(info)
-        if len(L) == 1:
-            return L[0]
-        elif L:
-            raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError(
-                "section type not found in context")
-        else:
-            raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError(
-                "section type ambiguous in context")
     def isabstract(self):
         return False

=== Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/matcher.py 1.10 => 1.11 ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/matcher.py:1.10	Mon Mar 24 09:57:06 2003
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZConfig/matcher.py	Mon Mar 24 11:57:59 2003
@@ -24,7 +24,16 @@
     def __init__(self, info, type, handlers):
         self.info = info
         self.type = type
-        self._values = [None] * len(type)
+        self._values = {}
+        for key, info in type:
+            if info.name == "+" and not info.issection():
+                v = {}
+            elif info.ismulti():
+                v = []
+            else:
+                v = None
+            assert info.attribute is not None
+            self._values[info.attribute] = v
         self._sectionnames = {}
         if handlers is None:
             handlers = []
@@ -42,16 +51,13 @@
                     "section names must not be re-used within the"
                     " same container:" + `name`)
             self._sectionnames[name] = name
-        i = self.type.getsectionindex(type, name)
         ci = self.type.getsectioninfo(type, name)
-        v = self._values[i]
-        if v is None:
-            if ci.ismulti():
-                self._values[i] = [sectvalue]
-            else:
-                self._values[i] = sectvalue
-        elif ci.ismulti():
+        attr = ci.attribute
+        v = self._values[attr]
+        if ci.ismulti():
+        elif v is None:
+            self._values[attr] = sectvalue
             raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError(
                 "too many instances of %s section" % `ci.sectiontype.name`)
@@ -61,19 +67,18 @@
             realkey = self.type.keytype(key)
         except ValueError, e:
             raise ZConfig.DataConversionError(e, key, position)
-        length = len(self.type)
         arbkey_info = None
-        for i in range(length):
+        for i in range(len(self.type)):
             k, ci = self.type[i]
             if k == realkey:
             if ci.name == "+" and not ci.issection():
-                arbkey_info = i, k, ci
+                arbkey_info = k, ci
             if arbkey_info is None:
                 raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError(
                     `key` + " is not a known key name")
-            i, k, ci = arbkey_info
+            k, ci = arbkey_info
         if ci.issection():
             if ci.name:
                 extra = " in %s sections" % `self.type.name`
@@ -83,13 +88,15 @@
                 "%s is not a valid key name%s" % (`key`, extra))
         ismulti = ci.ismulti()
-        v = self._values[i]
+        attr = ci.attribute
+        assert attr is not None
+        v = self._values[attr]
         if v is None:
             if k == '+':
                 v = {}
             elif ismulti:
                 v = []
-            self._values[i] = v
+            self._values[attr] = v
         elif not ismulti:
             if k != '+':
                 raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError(
@@ -113,7 +120,7 @@
         elif ismulti:
-            self._values[i] = value
+            self._values[attr] = value
     def createChildMatcher(self, type, name):
         ci = self.type.getsectioninfo(type.name, name)
@@ -127,22 +134,17 @@
     def finish(self):
         """Check the constraints of the section and convert to an application
-        length = len(self.type)
         values = self._values
-        # XXX attrnames should be provided by the type, so it can be
-        # computed once per section type
-        attrnames = [None] * length
-        for i in range(length):
-            key, ci = self.type[i]
-            attrnames[i] = ci.attribute or key
-            v = values[i]
-            if v is None and ci.name == '+' and not ci.issection():
-                if ci.minOccurs > 0:
+        for key, ci in self.type:
+            assert ci.attribute is not None
+            attr = ci.attribute
+            v = values[attr]
+            if ci.name == '+' and not ci.issection():
+                # v is a dict
+                if ci.minOccurs > len(v):
                     raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError(
                         "no keys defined for the %s key/value map; at least %d"
                         " must be specified" % (ci.attribute, ci.minOccurs))
-                v = {}
-                values[i] = v
             if v is None and ci.minOccurs:
                 default = ci.getdefault()
                 if default is None:
@@ -153,10 +155,10 @@
                     raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError(
                         "no values for %s; %s required" % (s, ci.minOccurs))
-                    v = values[i] = default[:]
+                    v = values[attr] = default[:]
             if ci.ismulti():
-                if v is None:
-                    v = values[i] = ci.getdefault()[:]
+                if not v:
+                    v[:] = ci.getdefault()
                 if len(v) < ci.minOccurs:
                     raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError(
                         "not enough values for %s; %d found, %d required"
@@ -166,17 +168,18 @@
                     v = ci.getdefault()[:]
                     v = ci.getdefault()
-                values[i] = v
-        return self.constuct(attrnames)
+                values[attr] = v
+        return self.constuct()
-    def constuct(self, attrnames):
+    def constuct(self):
         values = self._values
-        for i in range(len(values)):
-            name, ci = self.type[i]
+        for name, ci in self.type:
+            assert ci.attribute is not None
+            attr = ci.attribute
             if ci.ismulti():
                 if ci.issection():
                     v = []
-                    for s in values[i]:
+                    for s in values[attr]:
                         if s is not None:
                             st = s.getSectionDefinition()
@@ -186,36 +189,36 @@
                                     e, s, (-1, -1, None))
                 elif ci.name == '+':
-                    v = values[i]
+                    v = values[attr]
                     for key, val in v.items():
                         v[key] = [vi.convert(ci.datatype) for vi in val]
-                    v = [vi.convert(ci.datatype) for vi in values[i]]
+                    v = [vi.convert(ci.datatype) for vi in values[attr]]
             elif ci.issection():
-                if values[i] is not None:
-                    st = values[i].getSectionDefinition()
+                if values[attr] is not None:
+                    st = values[attr].getSectionDefinition()
-                        v = st.datatype(values[i])
+                        v = st.datatype(values[attr])
                     except ValueError, e:
                         raise ZConfig.DataConversionError(
-                            e, values[i], (-1, -1, None))
+                            e, values[attr], (-1, -1, None))
                     v = None
             elif name == '+':
-                v = values[i]
+                v = values[attr]
                 for key, val in v.items():
                     v[key] = val.convert(ci.datatype)
-                v = values[i]
+                v = values[attr]
                 if v is not None:
                     v = v.convert(ci.datatype)
-            values[i] = v
+            values[attr] = v
             if ci.handler is not None:
                 self.handlers.append((ci.handler, v))
-        return self.createValue(attrnames)
+        return self.createValue()
-    def createValue(self, attrnames):
-        return SectionValue(attrnames, self._values, None, self)
+    def createValue(self):
+        return SectionValue(self._values, None, self)
 class SectionMatcher(BaseMatcher):
@@ -227,8 +230,8 @@
                 `type.name` + " sections may not be unnamed")
         BaseMatcher.__init__(self, info, type, handlers)
-    def createValue(self, attrnames):
-        return SectionValue(attrnames, self._values, self.name, self)
+    def createValue(self):
+        return SectionValue(self._values, self.name, self)
 class SchemaMatcher(BaseMatcher):
@@ -252,13 +255,10 @@
     before attempting to modify self.
-    def __init__(self, attrnames, values, name, matcher):
-        assert len(attrnames) == len(values)
-        d = self.__dict__
-        for i in range(len(attrnames)):
-            setattr(self, attrnames[i], values[i])
-        d['_name'] = name
-        d['_matcher'] = matcher
+    def __init__(self, values, name, matcher):
+        self.__dict__.update(values)
+        self._name = name
+        self._matcher = matcher
     def __repr__(self):
         if self._name:
@@ -272,9 +272,10 @@
     def __str__(self):
         l = []
-        for i in range(len(self._attrnames)):
-            k = self._attrnames[i]
-            v = self._values[i]
+        attrnames = [s for s in self.__dict__.keys() if s[0] != "_"]
+        attrnames.sort()
+        for k in attrnames:
+            v = getattr(self, k)
             l.append('%-40s: %s' % (k, v))
         return '\n'.join(l)