[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/utilities/fssync - add.py: checkout.py: commit.py: common.py: sync.py: update.py:

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Mon, 5 May 2003 11:09:57 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/utilities/fssync
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv9270

Modified Files:
      Tag: fssync-branch
	add.py checkout.py commit.py common.py sync.py update.py 
Log Message:
Checking in more stuff that seems to import but without having tested it.

=== Zope3/utilities/fssync/add.py => ===
--- Zope3/utilities/fssync/add.py:	Thu May  1 17:39:23 2003
+++ Zope3/utilities/fssync/add.py	Mon May  5 11:09:56 2003
@@ -12,17 +12,17 @@
-from common import getZODBPath, getApplicationRoot, getObject, \
-     getObjectAdapter, setPrint
-from Zope.App.FSSync.IObjectDirectory import IObjectDirectory
-from Zope.App.FSSync.FSAddRequest import FSAddRequest
-from Zope.ComponentArchitecture import getView, queryView
-from Zope.App.OFS.Content.Folder.Folder import Folder
-from Zope.App.FSSync.Syncer import toFS, fromFS
-from Zope.XMLPickle.XMLPickle import loads
 import string, os
-from Zope.ComponentArchitecture.GlobalViewService import viewService
+from common import getZODBPath, getApplicationRoot, getObject
+from common import getObjectAdapter, setPrint, IObjectDirectory
+from zope.app.fssync.classes import FSAddRequest
+from zope.component import getView, queryView
+from zope.app.content.folder import Folder
+from zope.app.fssync.syncer import toFS, fromFS
+from zope.xmlpickle.xmlpickle import loads
+from zope.component.view import viewService
 env = os.environ
@@ -174,4 +174,4 @@
                 setPrint(' %s  \n %s \n\n' % (view, doc))
\ No newline at end of file

=== Zope3/utilities/fssync/checkout.py => ===
--- Zope3/utilities/fssync/checkout.py:	Thu May  1 17:39:23 2003
+++ Zope3/utilities/fssync/checkout.py	Mon May  5 11:09:56 2003
@@ -12,10 +12,12 @@
-from Zope.App.FSSync.Syncer import toFS
-from common import getObject, getApplicationRoot, \
-     makeNewEntry, getObjectAdapter
 import string, os
+from zope.app.fssync.syncer import toFS
+from common import getObject, getApplicationRoot
+from common import makeNewEntry, getObjectAdapter
 def checkout(fspath
              , dbpath

=== Zope3/utilities/fssync/commit.py => ===
--- Zope3/utilities/fssync/commit.py:	Thu May  1 17:39:23 2003
+++ Zope3/utilities/fssync/commit.py	Mon May  5 11:09:56 2003
@@ -12,12 +12,13 @@
-from Zope.App.FSSync.Syncer import fromFS
-from common import getZODBPath, createTempfile, getObject, \
-     getApplicationRoot, traverseFS, checkConflictData, \
-     isNewObject, setPrint
-from Transaction import get_transaction
 import os, string, commands
+from zope.app.fssync.syncer import fromFS
+from common import getZODBPath, createTempfile, getObject
+from common import getApplicationRoot, traverseFS, checkConflictData
+from common import isNewObject, setPrint
+from transaction import get_transaction
 env = os.environ

=== Zope3/utilities/fssync/common.py => ===
--- Zope3/utilities/fssync/common.py:	Thu May  1 17:39:23 2003
+++ Zope3/utilities/fssync/common.py	Mon May  5 11:09:56 2003
@@ -12,18 +12,19 @@
-from Zope.XMLPickle.XMLPickle import dumps, loads
-from Zope.App.Traversing import traverse, getPhysicalPathString
-from Zope.App import Application
-from Zope.App.FSSync.IObjectEntry import IObjectEntry
-from Zope.App.FSSync.IObjectFile import IObjectFile
-from Zope.App.DublinCore.IZopeDublinCore import IZopeDublinCore
-from Zope.App.FSSync.FSRegistry import getSynchronizer
-from Zope.ComponentArchitecture import queryAdapter, getService
-from Zope.App.FSSync.Syncer import toFS
-from Zope.Exceptions import NotFoundError
 import os, tempfile, string
+from zope.app.fssync.fsregistry import getSynchronizer
+from zope.app.fssync.syncer import toFS
+from zope.app import Application
+from zope.app.interfaces.dublincore import IZopeDublinCore
+from zope.app.interfaces.fssync import IObjectEntry
+from zope.app.interfaces.fssync import IObjectFile, IObjectDirectory
+from zope.app.traversing import traverse, getPath
+from zope.component import queryAdapter, getService
+from zope.exceptions import NotFoundError
+from zope.xmlpickle.xmlpickle import dumps, loads
 seperator = os.sep
 def getObjectAdapter(ob):
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@
     adapter = getObjectAdapter(ob)
     path = ''
-        path = str(getPhysicalPathString(ob))
+        path = str(getPath(ob))
     except TypeError:
@@ -283,4 +284,4 @@
                          , os.path.basename(fspath))
 def setPrint(output_string):
-    print output_string
\ No newline at end of file
+    print output_string

=== Zope3/utilities/fssync/sync.py => ===
--- Zope3/utilities/fssync/sync.py:	Thu May  1 17:39:23 2003
+++ Zope3/utilities/fssync/sync.py	Mon May  5 11:09:56 2003
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
 # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
@@ -13,6 +14,9 @@
 import sys, string, getopt, os, commands
+sys.path.append("/home/guido/projects/fssync/src") # Temp hack
 from diff import getdiff
 from common import checkFSPath, setPrint
 from checkout import checkout

=== Zope3/utilities/fssync/update.py => ===
--- Zope3/utilities/fssync/update.py:	Thu May  1 17:39:23 2003
+++ Zope3/utilities/fssync/update.py	Mon May  5 11:09:56 2003
@@ -11,11 +11,14 @@
 import string, os, commands
-from common import getZODBPath, createTempfile, getObject, \
-     mapFS, traverseFS, checkConflictData, getApplicationRoot, \
-     isNewObject, getFSRoot, setPrint
-from Zope.App.FSSync.Syncer import toFS
+from common import getZODBPath, createTempfile, getObject
+from common import mapFS, traverseFS, checkConflictData, getApplicationRoot
+from common import isNewObject, getFSRoot, setPrint
+from zope.app.fssync.syncer import toFS
 env = os.environ