[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/fssync - merger.py:1.1 metadata.py:1.1 fssync.py:1.4

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Mon, 12 May 2003 16:20:09 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/fssync
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv334

Modified Files:
Added Files:
	merger.py metadata.py 
Log Message:
The complexity of the merge algorithm was driving me crazy.  Start
over using test-driven design.  Also use a more reasonable approach to
loading and storing "entries" file -- this is now abstracted away in a
metadata database.  There's still much to do, but this is a better
foundation for sure!

=== Added File Zope3/src/zope/fssync/merger.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Class to do augmented three-way merges.

This boils down to distinguishing an astonishing number of cases.

$Id: merger.py,v 1.1 2003/05/12 20:19:38 gvanrossum Exp $

import os
import shutil
import filecmp
import commands

from os.path import exists, isdir, isfile

class Merger(object):
    """Augmented three-way file and directory merges.

    An augmented merge takes into account three files (or directories)
    and two metadata entries.  The files are labeled local, original,
    and remote.  The metadata entries are for local and remote.  A
    remote metadata entry is either empty or non-empty.  Empty means
    the file does not exist remotely, non-empty means it does exist
    remotely.  We also have to take into account the possibility that
    the existence of the file belies what the entry declares.  A local
    metadata entry can have those states, and in addition, if
    non-empty, it can be flagged as added or removed.  Again, the
    existence of the file may bely what the entry claims.  The
    original file serves the obvious purpose.  Its existence, too, can
    be inconsistent with the state indicated by the metadata entries.

    To find the metadata entry for a file, we look for a key
    corresponding to its basename @@Zope/Entries.xml in the directory
    that contains it.  For this purpose, we assume the filename given
    uses the correct case even on a case-insensitive filesystem (i.e.,
    the filesystem must be at least case-preserving).

    The purpose of the merge() function is to merging the remote
    changes into the local copy as the best it can, resolving
    inconsistencies if possible.  It should not raise an exception
    unless there are file/directory permission problems.  Its return
    value is an indicator of what it dit.

    The classify() function is a helper for merge(); it looks at all
    the evidence and decides what merge() should do, without actually
    touching any files or the metadata.  Possible actions are:

    Fix      -- copy the remote copy to the local original, nothing else
    Copy     -- copy the remote copy over the local copy
    Merge    -- merge the remote copy into the local copy
                (this may cause merge conflicts when tried)
    Delete   -- delete the local copy
    Nothing  -- do nothing

    The original file is made a copy of the remote file for actions
    Fix, Copy and Merge; it is deleted for action Delete; it is
    untouched for action Nothing.

    It should also indicate the final state of the local copy after
    the action is taken:

    Conflict -- there is a conflict of some kind
    Uptodate -- the local copy is the same as the remote copy
    Modified -- the local copy is marked (to be) modified
    Added    -- the local copy is marked (to be) added
    Removed  -- the local copy is marked (to be) removed
    Spurious -- there is an unregistered local file only
    Nonexistent -- there is nothing locally or remotely

    For Conflict, Added and Removed, the action will always be
    Nothing.  The difference between Removed and Nonexistent is that
    Nonexistent means the file doesn't exist remotely either, while
    Removed means that on the next commit the file should be removed
    from the remote store.  Similarly, Added means the file should be
    added remotely on the next commit, and Modified means that the
    file should be changed remotely to match the local copy at the
    next commit.

    Note that carrying out the Merge action can change the resulting
    state to become Uptodate or Conflict instead of Modified, if there
    are merge conflicts (which classify() can't detect without doing
    more work than reasonable).

    def __init__(self, metadata, verbose=True):

        The argument is the metadata database, which has a single
        method: getentry(file) which returns a dict containing the
        metadata for that file.  Changes to this dict will be
        preserved when the database is written back (not by the Merger
        class).  To delete all metadata for a file, call the dict's
        clear() method.
        self.metadata = metadata
        self.verbose = verbose

    def getentry(self, file):
        """Helper to abstract away the existence of self.metadata."""
        # XXX Hmm...  This could be a subclass of class Metadata...
        return self.metadata.getentry(file)

    def merge_files(self, local, orig, remote, action, state):
        """Helper to carry out a file merge.

        The action and state arguments correspond to the return value
        of classify().

        Return the state as returned by the second return value of
        classify().  This is either the argument state or recalculated
        based upon the effect of the action.
        method = getattr(self, "merge_files_" + action.lower())
        return method(local, orig, remote) or state

    def merge_files_nothing(self, local, orig, remote):
        return None

    def merge_files_remove(self, local, orig, remote):
        if isfile(local):
        if isfile(orig):
        return None

    def merge_files_copy(self, local, orig, remote):
        shutil.copy(remote, local)
        shutil.copy(remote, orig)
        return None

    def merge_files_merge(self, local, orig, remote):
        # XXX This is platform dependent
        if exists(orig):
            origfile = orig
            origfile = "/dev/null"
        cmd = "merge %s %s %s" % (commands.mkarg(local),
        sts, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
        if output and self.verbose:
            print output
        shutil.copy(remote, orig)
        if sts:
            self.getentry(local)["conflict"] = os.path.getmtime(local)
            return "Conflict"
            return "Modified"

    def merge_files_fix(self, local, orig, remote):
        shutil.copy(remote, orig)

    def clearflag(self, file):
        """Helper to clear the added/removed metadata flag."""
        metadata = self.getentry(file)
        if "flag" in metadata:
            del metadata["flag"]

    def classify_files(self, local, orig, remote):
        """Helper for merge to classify file changes.

        Arguments are pathnames to the local, original, and remote

        Return a pair of strings (action, state) where action is one
        of 'Fix', 'Copy', 'Merge', 'Delete' or 'Nothing', and state is
        one of 'Conflict', 'Uptodate', 'Modified', 'Added', 'Removed'
        or 'Nonexistent'.
        lmeta = self.getentry(local)
        rmeta = self.getentry(remote)

        # Sort out cases involving additions or removals

        if not lmeta and not rmeta:
            if exists(local):
                # Local unregistered file
                return ("Nothing", "Spurious")
                # Why are we here?
                return ("Nothing", "Nonexistent")

        if lmeta.get("flag") == "added":
            # Added locally
            if not rmeta:
                # Nothing remotely
                return ("Nothing", "Added")
                # Added remotely too!  Merge, unless trivial conflict
                if self.cmpfile(local, remote):
                    return ("Fix", "Uptodate")
                    return ("Merge", "Modified")

        if rmeta and not lmeta:
            # Added remotely
            return ("Copy", "Uptodate")

        if lmeta.get("flag") == "removed":
            if not rmeta:
                # Removed remotely too
                return ("Remove", "Nonexistent")
                # Removed locally
                if self.cmpfile(orig, remote):
                    return ("Nothing", "Removed")
                    return ("Nothing", "Conflict")

        if lmeta and not rmeta:
            assert lmeta.get("flag") is None
            # Removed remotely
            return ("Remove", "Nonexistent")

        if lmeta.get("flag") is None and not exists(local):
            # Lost locally
            if rmeta:
                return ("Copy", "Uptodate")
                return ("Remove", "Nonexistent")

        # Sort out cases involving simple changes to files

        if self.cmpfile(orig, remote):
            # No remote changes; classify local changes
            if self.cmpfile(local, orig):
                # No changes
                return ("Nothing", "Uptodate")
                # Only local changes
                return ("Nothing", "Modified")
            # Some local changes; classify local changes
            if self.cmpfile(local, orig):
                # Only remote changes
                return ("Copy", "Uptodate")
                if self.cmpfile(local, remote):
                    # We're lucky -- local and remote changes are the same
                    return ("Fix", "Uptodate")
                    # Changes on both sides, three-way merge needed
                    return ("Merge", "Modified")

    def cmpfile(self, file1, file2):
        """Helper to compare two files.

        Return True iff the files are equal.
        # XXX What should this do when either file doesn't exist?
        return filecmp.cmp(file1, file2, shallow=False)

=== Added File Zope3/src/zope/fssync/metadata.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Class to maintain fssync metadata.

The metadata entry for something named /path/base, is kept in a file
/path/@@Zope/Entries.xml.  That file is (an XML pickle for) a dict
containing many entries.  The metadata entry for /path/base is stored
under the key 'base'.  The metadata entry is itself a dict.  An empty
entry is considered non-existent, and will be deleted upon flush.  If
no entries remain, the Entries.xml file will be removed.

$Id: metadata.py,v 1.1 2003/05/12 20:19:38 gvanrossum Exp $

import os
import copy

from os.path import exists, isdir, isfile, split, join, realpath, normcase

from zope.xmlpickle import loads, dumps

class Metadata(object):

    def __init__(self, case_insensitive=None):

        The case_insensitive can be passed as an argument for testing;
        by default, it is set by observing the behavior of normcase().
        if case_insensitive is None:
            case_insensitive = (normcase("ABC") == normcase("abc"))
        self.case_insensitive = case_insensitive
        self.cache = {} # Keyed by normcase(dirname(realpath(file)))
        self.originals = {} # Original copy as read from file

    def getnames(self, dir):
        """Return the names of known non-empty metadata entries, sorted."""
        dir = realpath(dir)
        entries = self._getentries(dir)
        names = [name for name, entry in entries.iteritems() if entry]
        return names

    def getentry(self, file):
        """Return the metadata entry for a given file (or directory).

        Modifying the dict that is returned will cause the changes to
        the metadata to be written out when flush() is called.  If
        there is no metadata entry for the file, return a new empty
        dict, modifications to which will also be flushed.
        file = realpath(file)
        dir, base = split(file)
        entries = self._getentries(dir)
        if base in entries:
            return entries[base]
        if self.case_insensitive:
            # Look for a case-insensitive match -- expensive!
            # XXX There's no test case for this code!
            # XXX What if there are multiple matches?
            nbase = normcase(base)
            for b in entries:
                if normcase(b) == nbase:
                    return entries[b]
        # Create a new entry
        entries[base] = entry = {}
        return entry

    def _getentries(self, dir):
        key = normcase(dir)
        if key in self.cache:
            entries = self.cache[key]
            efile = join(dir, "@@Zope", "Entries.xml")
            if isfile(efile):
                f = open(efile)
                    data = f.read()
                self.cache[key] = entries = loads(data)
                self.cache[key] = entries = {}
            self.originals[key] = copy.deepcopy(entries)
        return entries

    def flush(self):
        errors = []
        for key in self.cache:
            except (IOError, OSError), err:
        if errors:
            if len(errors) == 1:
                raise IOError, tuple(errors)

    def flushkey(self, key):
        entries = self.cache[key]
        todelete = [name for name, entry in entries.iteritems() if not entry]
        for name in todelete:
            del entries[name]
        if entries != self.originals[key]:
            zdir = join(key, "@@Zope")
            efile = join(zdir, "Entries.xml")
            if not entries:
                if isfile(efile):
                    if exists(zdir):
                        except os.error:
                data = dumps(entries)
                if not exists(zdir):
                f = open(efile, "w")
            self.originals[key] = copy.deepcopy(entries)

=== Zope3/src/zope/fssync/fssync.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/fssync/fssync.py:1.3	Sat May 10 20:23:23 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/fssync/fssync.py	Mon May 12 16:19:38 2003
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@
 from os.path import realpath, normcase, normpath
 from zope.xmlpickle import loads, dumps
-from zope.fssync.compare import treeComparisonWalker
+from zope.fssync.compare import treeComparisonWalker, classifyContents
+from zope.fssync.metadata import Metadata
+from zope.fssync.merger import Merger
 class Error(Exception):
     """User-level error, e.g. non-existent file.
@@ -83,6 +85,7 @@
         self.topdir = topdir
         self.verbose = verbose
         self.rooturl = self.findrooturl()
+        self.metadata = Metadata()
     def setrooturl(self, rooturl):
         self.rooturl = rooturl
@@ -108,6 +111,7 @@
             if sts:
                 raise Error("unzip command failed")
+            print "All done"
@@ -154,7 +158,7 @@
         sts = os.system("cd %s; unzip -q %s" % (tmpdir, zipfile))
         if sts:
             raise Error("unzip command failed")
-        self.merge(self.topdir, tmpdir)
+        self.merge_dirs(self.topdir, tmpdir)
         print "All done"
@@ -177,7 +181,7 @@
                 sts = os.system("cd %s; unzip -q %s" % (tmpdir, filename))
                 if sts:
                     raise Error("unzip command failed")
-                self.merge(self.topdir, tmpdir)
+                self.merge_dirs(self.topdir, tmpdir)
                 print "All done"
@@ -185,178 +189,115 @@
     def add(self, path):
-        path = realpath(path)
         if not exists(path):
             raise Error("nothing known about '%s'", path)
-        dir, name = split(path)
-        if name in ("", os.curdir, os.pardir):
-            raise Error("can't add path '%s'", path)
-        entries = self.loadentries(dir)
-        if name in entries:
+        entry = self.metadata.getentry(path)
+        if entry:
             raise Error("path '%s' is already registered", name)
-        pdir = self.parent(dir)
-        dname = basename(dir)
-        pentries = self.loadentries(pdir)
-        if dname not in pentries:
-            raise Error("directory '%s' unknown", dname)
-        dpath = pentries[dname]['path']
-        if dpath == "/":
-            ourpath = "/" + name
-        else:
-            ourpath = dpath + "/" + name
-        entries[name] = d = {"path": ourpath, "flag": "added"}
+        entry["path"] = '/'+path
+        entry["flag"] = "added"
         if isdir(path):
-            d["type"] = "zope.app.content.folder.Folder"
+            entry["type"] = "zope.app.content.folder.Folder"
             self.ensuredir(join(path, "@@Zope"))
             self.dumpentries({}, path)
             # XXX Need to guess better based on extension
-            d["type"] = "zope.app.content.file.File"
-        if "factory" not in d:
-            d["factory"] = str(unicode(d["type"]))
-        self.dumpentries(entries, dir)
-    def merge(self, ours, server):
-        # XXX This method is way too long, and still not complete :-(
-        for (left, right, common, lentries, rentries, ldirs, lnondirs,
-             rdirs, rnondirs) in treeComparisonWalker(ours, server):
-            origdir = join(left, "@@Zope", "Original")
-            lextradir = join(left, "@@Zope", "Extra")
-            rextradir = join(right, "@@Zope", "Extra")
-            lanndir = join(left, "@@Zope", "Annotations")
-            ranndir = join(right, "@@Zope", "Annotations")
-            weirdos = ldirs.copy() # This is for flagging "?" files
-            weirdos.update(lnondirs)
-            for x in common: # Compare matching stuff
-                nx = normpath(x)
-                if nx in weirdos:
-                    del weirdos[nx]
-                if nx in rdirs:
-                    if nx in lnondirs:
-                        print "file '%s' is in the way of a directory"
-                    elif nx not in ldirs:
-                        print "restoring directory '%s'"
-                        os.mkdir(join(left, x))
-                elif nx in rnondirs:
-                    if nx in ldirs:
-                        print "directory '%s' is in the way of a file"
-                    else:
-                        # Merge files
-                        rx = rnondirs[nx]
-                        origx = join(origdir, x)
-                        if nx in lnondirs:
-                            lx = lnondirs[nx]
-                        else:
-                            lx = join(left, x)
-                            print "restoring lost file '%s'" % lx
-                            self.copyfile(origx, lx)
-                        if self.cmp(origx, rx):
-                            # Unchanged on server
-                            if self.cmp(lx, origx):
-                                if self.verbose:
-                                    print "=", lx
-                            else:
-                                print "M", lx
-                        elif self.cmp(lx, origx):
-                            # Unchanged locally
-                            self.copyfile(rx, lx)
-                            self.copyfile(rx, origx)
-                            print "U", lx
-                        elif self.cmp(lx, rx):
-                            # Only the original is out of date
-                            self.copyfile(rx, origx)
-                            print "U", lx
-                        else:
-                            # Conflict!  Must do a 3-way merge
-                            print "merging changes into '%s'" % lx
-                            self.copyfile(rx, origx)
-                            sts = os.system("merge %s %s %s" %
-                                            (commands.mkarg(lx),
-                                             commands.mkarg(origx),
-                                             commands.mkarg(rx)))
-                            if sts:
-                                print "C", lx
-                            else:
-                                print "M", lx
-                # In all cases, merge Extra stuff if any
-                lx = join(lextradir, x)
-                rx = join(rextradir, x)
-                if isdir(rx):
-                    self.ensuredir(lx)
-                    self.merge(lx, rx)
-                # And merge Annotations if any
-                lx = join(lanndir, x)
-                rx = join(ranndir, x)
-                if isdir(rx):
-                    self.ensuredir(lx)
-                    self.merge(lx, rx)
-            entries = self.loadentries(left)
-            entries_changed = False
-            for x in rentries: # Copy new stuff from server
-                entries[x] = rentries[x]
-                entries_changed = True
-                nx = normpath(x)
-                if nx in rdirs:
-                    del weirdos[nx]
-                    # New directory; traverse into it
-                    if nx in lnondirs:
-                        print ("file '%s' is in the way of a new directory" %
-                               lnondirs[nx])
-                    else:
-                        common[x] = ({}, rentries[x])
-                        del rentries[x]
-                        if nx not in ldirs:
-                            lfull = join(left, x)
-                            os.mkdir(lx)
-                            ldirs[nx] = lx
-                elif nx in rnondirs:
-                    if nx in ldirs:
-                        print ("directory '%s' is in the way of a new file" %
-                               ldirs[nx])
-                    elif nx in lnondirs:
-                        if self.cmp(rnondirs[nx], lnondirs[nx]):
-                            print "U", lnondirs[nx]
-                            del weirdos[nx]
-                        else:
-                            print ("file '%s' is in the way of a new file" %
-                                   lnondirs[nx])
-                    else:
-                        # New file; copy it
-                        lx = join(left, x)
-                        rx = join(right, x)
-                        self.copyfile(rx, lx)
-                        # And copy to Original
-                        self.ensuredir(origdir)
-                        self.copyfile(rx, join(origdir, x))
-                        print "U", lx
-                # In all cases, copy Extra stuff if any
-                lx = join(lextradir, x)
-                rx = join(rextradir, x)
-                if isdir(rx):
-                    self.ensuredir(lx)
-                    self.merge(lx, rx)
-                # And copy Annotations if any
-                lx = join(lanndir, x)
-                rx = join(ranndir, x)
-                if isdir(rx):
-                    self.ensuredir(lx)
-                    self.merge(lx, rx)
-            if entries_changed:
-                self.dumpentries(entries, left)
-            for x in lentries: # Flag new stuff in the working directory
-                # XXX Could be deleted on server too!!!
-                nx = normpath(x)
-                if nx in weirdos:
-                    print "A", weirdos[nx]
-                    del weirdos[nx]
-                else:
-                    lx = join(left, x)
-                    print "newborn '%s' is missing" % lx
-                # XXX How about Annotations and Extra for these?
-            # Flag anything not yet noted
-            for nx in weirdos:
-                if not self.ignore(nx):
-                    print "?", weirdos[nx]
+            entry["type"] = "zope.app.content.file.File"
+        if "factory" not in entry:
+            entry["factory"] = str(unicode(entry["type"]))
+        self.metadata.flush()
+    def merge_dirs(self, localdir, remotedir):
+        merger = Merger(self.metadata)
+        ldirs, lnondirs = classifyContents(localdir)
+        rdirs, rnondirs = classifyContents(remotedir)
+        dirs = {}
+        dirs.update(ldirs)
+        dirs.update(rdirs)
+        nondirs = {}
+        nondirs.update(lnondirs)
+        nondirs.update(rnondirs)
+        def sorted(d): keys = d.keys(); keys.sort(); return keys
+        for x in sorted(dirs):
+            local = join(localdir, x)
+            if x in nondirs:
+                # Too weird to handle
+                print "should '%s' be a directory or a file???" % local
+                continue
+            remote = join(remotedir, x)
+            lentry = self.metadata.getentry(local)
+            rentry = self.metadata.getentry(remote)
+            if lentry or rentry:
+                if x not in ldirs:
+                    os.mkdir(local)
+            self.merge_dirs(local, remote)
+        for x in sorted(nondirs):
+            if x in dirs:
+                # Error message was already printed by previous loop
+                continue
+            local = join(localdir, x)
+            origdir = join(localdir, "@@Zope", "Original")
+            self.ensuredir(origdir)
+            orig = join(origdir, x)
+            remote = join(remotedir, x)
+            action, state = merger.classify_files(local, orig, remote)
+            state = merger.merge_files(local, orig, remote, action, state)
+            self.report(action, state, local)
+            self.merge_extra(local, remote)
+            self.merge_annotations(local, remote)
+        self.merge_extra(localdir, remotedir)
+        self.merge_annotations(localdir, remotedir)
+        self.metadata.flush()
+    def merge_extra(self, local, remote):
+        lhead, ltail = split(local)
+        rhead, rtail = split(remote)
+        lextra = join(lhead, "@@Zope", "Extra", ltail)
+        rextra = join(rhead, "@@Zope", "Extra", rtail)
+        if isdir(rextra):
+            self.ensuredir(lextra)
+            self.merge_dirs(lextra, rextra)
+    def merge_annotations(self, local, remote):
+        lhead, ltail = split(local)
+        rhead, rtail = split(remote)
+        lannotations = join(lhead, "@@Zope", "Annotations", ltail)
+        rannotations = join(rhead, "@@Zope", "Annotations", rtail)
+        if isdir(rannotations):
+            self.ensuredir(lannotations)
+            self.merge_dirs(lannotations, rannotations)
+    def report(self, action, state, local):
+        if action != "Nothing":
+            print action, local
+        letter = None
+        if state == "Conflict":
+            letter = "C"
+        elif state == "Uptodate":
+            if action in ("Copy", "Fix", "Merge"):
+                letter = "U"
+        elif state == "Modified":
+            letter = "M"
+        elif state == "Added":
+            letter = "A"
+        elif state == "Removed":
+            letter = "R"
+        elif state == "Spurious":
+            if not self.ignore(local):
+                letter = "?"
+        elif state == "Nonexistent":
+            if action == "Delete":
+                print "local file '%s' is no longer relevant" % local
+        if letter:
+            print letter, local
     def ignore(self, path):
         return path.endswith("~")
@@ -404,25 +345,6 @@
         if self.rooturl:
             self.writefile(self.rooturl + "\n",
                            join(self.topdir, "@@Zope", "Root"))
-    def loadentries(self, dir):
-        file = join(dir, "@@Zope", "Entries.xml")
-        try:
-            return self.loadfile(file)
-        except IOError:
-            return {}
-    def dumpentries(self, entries, dir):
-        file = join(dir, "@@Zope", "Entries.xml")
-        self.dumpfile(entries, file)
-    def loadfile(self, file):
-        data = self.readfile(file)
-        return loads(data)
-    def dumpfile(self, obj, file):
-        data = dumps(obj)
-        self.writefile(data, file)
     def readfile(self, file, mode="r"):
         f = open(file, mode)