[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/fssync - fssync.py:1.7

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Tue, 13 May 2003 13:16:56 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/fssync
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv13651

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Unittests for the Network class.

=== Zope3/src/zope/fssync/fssync.py 1.6 => 1.7 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/fssync/fssync.py:1.6	Tue May 13 11:28:03 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/fssync/fssync.py	Tue May 13 13:16:25 2003
@@ -81,18 +81,58 @@
 class Network(object):
+    """Handle network communication.
+    This class has various methods for managing the root url (which is
+    stored in a file @@Zope/Root) and has a method to send an HTTP(S)
+    request to the root URL, expecting a zip file back (that's all the
+    application needs).
+    Public instance variables:
+    rooturl     -- full root url, e.g. 'http://user:passwd@host:port/path'
+    roottype    -- 'http' or 'https'
+    user_passwd -- 'user:passwd'
+    host_port   -- 'host:port'
+    rootpath    -- '/path'
+    """
+    def __init__(self, rooturl=None):
+        """Constructor.  Optionally pass the root url."""
+        self.setrooturl(rooturl)
     def loadrooturl(self, target):
+        """Load the root url for the given target.
+        This calls findrooturl() to find the root url for the target,
+        and then calls setrooturl() to set it.  If self.findrooturl()
+        can't find a root url, Error() is raised.
+        """
         rooturl = self.findrooturl(target)
         if not rooturl:
             raise Error("can't find root url for target", target)
     def saverooturl(self, target):
+        """Save the root url in the target's @@Zope directory.
+        This writes the file <target>/@@Zope/Root; the directory
+        <target>/@@Zope must already exist.
+        """
         if self.rooturl:
             self.writefile(self.rooturl + "\n",
                            join(target, "@@Zope", "Root"))
     def findrooturl(self, target):
+        """Find the root url for the given target.
+        This looks in <target>/@@Zope/Root, and then in the
+        corresponding place for target's parent, and then further
+        ancestors, until the filesystem root is reached.
+        If no root url is found, return None.
+        """
+        unwanted = ("", os.curdir, os.pardir)
         dir = realpath(target)
         while dir:
             zopedir = join(dir, "@@Zope")
@@ -105,24 +145,39 @@
                 data = data.strip()
                 if data:
                     return data
-            dir = dirname(dir)
+            head, tail = split(dir)
+            if tail in unwanted:
+                break
+            dir = head
         return None
     def setrooturl(self, rooturl):
+        """Set the root url.
+        If the argument is None or empty, self.rooturl and all derived
+        instance variables are set to None.  Otherwise, self.rooturl
+        is set to the argument the broken-down root url is stored in
+        the other instance variables.
+        """
+        if not rooturl:
+            rooturl = roottype = rootpath = user_passwd = host_port = None
+        else:
+            roottype, rest = urllib.splittype(rooturl)
+            if roottype not in ("http", "https"):
+                raise Error("root url must be 'http' or 'https'", rooturl)
+            if roottype == "https" and not hasattr(httplib, "HTTPS"):
+                raise Error("https not supported by this Python build")
+            netloc, rootpath = urllib.splithost(rest)
+            user_passwd, host_port = urllib.splituser(netloc)
         self.rooturl = rooturl
-        if not self.rooturl:
-            self.roottype = self.rootpath = None
-            self.user_passwd = self.host_port = None
-            return
-        self.roottype, rest = urllib.splittype(self.rooturl)
-        if self.roottype not in ("http", "https"):
-            raise Error("root url must be 'http' or 'https'", self.rooturl)
-        if self.roottype == "https" and not hasattr(httplib, "HTTPS"):
-            raise Error("https not supported by this Python build")
-        netloc, self.rootpath = urllib.splithost(rest)
-        self.user_passwd, self.host_port = urllib.splituser(netloc)
+        self.roottype = roottype
+        self.rootpath = rootpath
+        self.user_passwd = user_passwd
+        self.host_port = host_port
     def readfile(self, file, mode="r"):
+        # Internal helper to read a file
         f = open(file, mode)
             return f.read()
@@ -130,6 +185,7 @@
     def writefile(self, data, file, mode="w"):
+        # Internal helper to write a file
         f = open(file, mode)
@@ -137,6 +193,38 @@
     def httpreq(self, path, view, datafp=None, content_type="application/zip"):
+        """Issue an HTTP or HTTPS request.
+        The request parameters are taken from the root url, except
+        that the requested path is constructed by concatenating the
+        path and view arguments.
+        If the optional 'datafp' argument is not None, it should be a
+        seekable stream from which the input document for the request
+        is taken.  In this case, a POST request is issued, and the
+        content-type header is set to the 'content_type' argument,
+        defaulting to 'application/zip'.  Otherwise (if datafp is
+        None), a GET request is issued and no input document is sent.
+        If the request succeeds and returns a document whose
+        content-type is 'application/zip', the return value is a tuple
+        (fp, headers) where fp is a non-seekable stream from which the
+        return document can be read, and headers is a case-insensitive
+        mapping giving the response headers.
+        If the request returns an HTTP error, the Error exception is
+        raised.  If it returns success (error code 200) but the
+        content-type of the result is not 'application/zip', the Error
+        exception is also raised.  In these error cases, if the result
+        document's content-type is a text type (anything starting with
+        'text/'), the text of the result document is included in the
+        Error exception object; in the specific case that the type is
+        text/html, HTML formatting is removed using a primitive
+        formatter.
+        XXX This doesn't support proxies or redirect responses.
+        """
+        assert self.rooturl
         if not path.endswith("/"):
             path += "/"
         path += view
@@ -175,10 +263,16 @@
                         errcode, errmsg,
                         self.slurptext(fp, headers))
         if headers["Content-type"] != "application/zip":
-            raise Error(self.slurptext(fp, headers).strip())
+            raise Error(self.slurptext(fp, headers))
         return fp, headers
     def slurptext(self, fp, headers):
+        """Helper to read the result document.
+        This removes the formatting from a text/html document; returns
+        other text documents as-is; and for non-text documents,
+        returns just a string giving the content-type.
+        """
         data = fp.read()
         ctype = headers["Content-type"]
         if ctype == "text/html":
@@ -187,10 +281,10 @@
             p = htmllib.HTMLParser(f)
-            return s.getvalue()
+            return s.getvalue().strip()
         if ctype.startswith("text/"):
-            return data
-        return "Content-Type %r" % ctype
+            return data.strip()
+        return "Content-type: %s" % ctype
 class FSSync(object):