[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces - dublincore.py:1.5

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Tue, 27 May 2003 08:56:58 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv7680/src/zope/app/interfaces

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Factored the IWritableGeneralDublinCore methods into a separate
subtype if IZopeDublinCore, IWriteZopeDublinCore, to facilitate
security assertions.

Moved general dublincore interfaces from the implementation directory
to the interfaces directory.

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/dublincore.py 1.4 => 1.5 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/dublincore.py:1.4	Tue Feb 25 09:13:47 2003
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/interfaces/dublincore.py	Tue May 27 08:56:57 2003
@@ -16,13 +16,202 @@
 from zope.app.interfaces.annotation import IAnnotatable
-from zope.app.dublincore.general \
-     import IGeneralDublinCore, IWritableGeneralDublinCore
 from zope.interface import Interface
 from zope.schema import Text, TextLine, Datetime, Sequence
-# XXX This will need to be filled out more.
+class IDublinCoreElementItem(Interface):
+    """A qualified sublin core element"""
+    qualification = TextLine(title = u"Qualification",
+                         description = u"The element qualification"
+                         )
+    value = Text(title = u"Value",
+                 description = u"The element value",
+                 )
+class IGeneralDublinCore(Interface):
+    """Dublin-core data access interface
+    The Dublin Core, http://dublincore.org/, is a meta data standard
+    that specifies a set of standard data elements. It provides
+    flexibility of interpretation of these elements by providing for
+    element qualifiers that specialize the meaning of specific
+    elements. For example, a date element might have a qualifier, like
+    "creation" to indicate that the date is a creation date. In
+    addition, any element may be repeated. For some elements, like
+    subject, and contributor, this is obviously necessary, but for
+    other elements, like title and description, allowing repetitions
+    is not very useful and adds complexity.
+    This interface provides methods for retrieving data in full
+    generality, to be complient with the dublin core standard.
+    Other interfaces will provide more convenient access methods
+    tailored to specific element usage patterns.
+    """
+    def getQualifiedTitles():
+        """Return a sequence of Title IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedCreators():
+        """Return a sequence of Creator IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedSubjects():
+        """Return a sequence of Subject IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedDescriptions():
+        """Return a sequence of Description IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedPublishers():
+        """Return a sequence of Publisher IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedContributors():
+        """Return a sequence of Contributor IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedDates():
+        """Return a sequence of Date IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedTypes():
+        """Return a sequence of Type IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedFormats():
+        """Return a sequence of Format IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedIdentifiers():
+        """Return a sequence of Identifier IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedSources():
+        """Return a sequence of Source IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedLanguages():
+        """Return a sequence of Language IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedRelations():
+        """Return a sequence of Relation IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedCoverages():
+        """Return a sequence of Coverage IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def getQualifiedRights():
+        """Return a sequence of Rights IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+class IWritableGeneralDublinCore(Interface):
+    """Provide write access to dublin core data
+    This interface augments IStandardDublinCore with methods for
+    writing elements.
+    """
+    def setQualifiedTitles(qualified_titles):
+        """Set the qualified Title elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedCreators(qualified_creators):
+        """Set the qualified Creator elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Creator IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedSubjects(qualified_subjects):
+        """Set the qualified Subjects elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Subject IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedDescriptions(qualified_descriptions):
+        """Set the qualified Descriptions elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Description IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedPublishers(qualified_publishers):
+        """Set the qualified Publishers elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Publisher IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedContributors(qualified_contributors):
+        """Set the qualified Contributors elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Contributor IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedDates(qualified_dates):
+        """Set the qualified Dates elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Date IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedTypes(qualified_types):
+        """Set the qualified Types elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Type IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedFormats(qualified_formats):
+        """Set the qualified Formats elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Format IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedIdentifiers(qualified_identifiers):
+        """Set the qualified Identifiers elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Identifier IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedSources(qualified_sources):
+        """Set the qualified Sources elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Source IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedLanguages(qualified_languages):
+        """Set the qualified Languages elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Language IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedRelations(qualified_relations):
+        """Set the qualified Relations elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Relation IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedCoverages(qualified_coverages):
+        """Set the qualified Coverages elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Coverage IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+    def setQualifiedRights(qualified_rights):
+        """Set the qualified Rights elements.
+        The argument must be a sequence of Rights IDublinCoreElementItem.
+        """
+# XXX This will need to be filled out more.
 class IDCDescriptiveProperties(Interface):
     """Basic descriptive meta-data properties
@@ -263,7 +452,6 @@
 class IZopeDublinCore(
-    IWritableGeneralDublinCore,
@@ -271,6 +459,13 @@
     """Zope Dublin Core properties"""
+class IWriteZopeDublinCore(
+    IZopeDublinCore,
+    IWritableGeneralDublinCore,
+    ):
+    """Zope Dublin Core properties with generate update support"""
 class IZopeDublinCoreAnnotatable(IAnnotatable):
     """Objects that can be annotated with Zope Dublin-Core meta data