[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/registration - registration.py:1.6

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Thu Apr 8 17:02:43 EDT 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/registration
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv12497/src/zope/app/registration

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Changed registration stacks to use direct references to registration

Fixed a bug in the unregistration logic.  If we have something active,
then make something else active and then unregister the something
else, the original thing that was active should be active again.

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/registration/registration.py 1.5 => 1.6 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/registration/registration.py:1.5	Tue Mar 23 10:15:05 2004
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/registration/registration.py	Thu Apr  8 17:02:42 2004
@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@
 from persistent import Persistent
+from zope.app.annotation.interfaces import IAttributeAnnotatable
 from zope.app.container.contained import Contained
 from zope.app.container.contained import setitem, contained, uncontained
-from zope.app import zapi
-from zope.app.annotation.interfaces import IAttributeAnnotatable
 from zope.app.dependable.interfaces import IDependable, DependencyError
+from zope.app.event.interfaces import ISubscriber
+from zope.app import zapi
 from zope.app.module.interfaces import IModuleManager
 from zope.exceptions import DuplicationError
 from zope.fssync.server.entryadapter import ObjectEntryAdapter
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
 from zope.security.proxy import Proxy, trustedRemoveSecurityProxy
 from zope.xmlpickle import dumps, loads
 import interfaces
-from zope.app.event.interfaces import ISubscriber
+import zope.cachedescriptors.property
 class RegistrationStatusProperty(object):
@@ -106,106 +107,75 @@
-    _data = ()  # tuple of strings (ivar)
     def __init__(self, container):
         self.__parent__ = container
-    def _id(self, ob):
-        """Turn ob into a path relative to the site management folder."""
-        # Get and check relative path
-        path = zapi.getPath(ob)
-        prefix = "/++etc++site/"
-        lpackages = path.rfind(prefix)
-        if lpackages < 0:
-            # XXX Backward compatability
-            prefix = "/++etc++Services/"
-            lpackages = path.rfind(prefix)
-        if lpackages < 0:
-            raise ValueError("Registration object is in an invalid location",
-                             path)
-        rpath = path[lpackages+len(prefix):]
-        if not rpath or (".." in rpath.split("/")):
-            raise ValueError("Registration object is in an invalid location",
-                             path)
-        return rpath
+        self.data = ()
     def register(self, registration):
-        cid = self._id(registration)
-        if self._data:
-            if cid in self._data:
+        data = self.data
+        if data:
+            if registration in data:
                 return # already registered
             # Nothing registered. Need to stick None in front so that nothing
             # is active.
-            self._data = (None, )
-        self._data += (cid, )
+            data = (None, )
+        self.data = data + (registration, )
     def unregister(self, registration):
-        cid = self._id(registration)
-        data = self._data
+        data = self.data
         if data:
-            if data[0] == cid:
+            if data[0] == registration:
+                # It is active!
                 data = data[1:]
-                self._data = data
+                self.data = data
                 # Tell it that it is no longer active
                 if data and data[0] is not None:
                     # Activate the newly active component
-                    sm = zapi.getServiceManager(self)
-                    new = zapi.traverse(sm, data[0])
-                    new.activated()
+                    data[0].activated()
                 # Remove it from our data
-                data = tuple([item for item in data if item != cid])
+                data = tuple([item for item in data if item != registration])
                 # Check for trailing None
                 if data and data[-1] is None:
                     data = data[:-1]
-                self._data = data
+                self.data = data
     def registered(self, registration):
-        cid = self._id(registration)
-        return cid in self._data
+        return registration in self.data
     def activate(self, registration):
-        if registration is None:
-            cid = None
-        else:
-            cid = self._id(registration)
-        data = self._data
+        data = self.data
-        if cid is None and not data:
+        if registration is None and not data:
             return # already in the state we want
-        if cid is None or cid in data:
+        if registration is None or registration in data:
             old = data[0]
-            if old == cid:
+            if old == registration:
                 return # already active
             # Insert it in front, removing it from back
-            data = (cid, ) + tuple([item for item in data if item != cid])
+            data = ((registration, ) +
+                    tuple([item for item in data if item != registration])
+                    )
             # Check for trailing None
             if data[-1] == None:
                 data = data[:-1]
             # Write data back
-            self._data = data
+            self.data = data
             if old is not None:
                 # Deactivated the currently active component
-                sm = zapi.getServiceManager(self)
-                old = zapi.traverse(sm, old)
             if registration is not None:
@@ -218,15 +188,14 @@
     def deactivate(self, registration):
-        cid = self._id(registration)
-        data = self._data
+        data = self.data
-        if cid not in data:
+        if registration not in data:
             raise ValueError(
                 "Registration to be deactivated is not registered",
-        if data[0] != cid:
+        if data[0] != registration:
             return # already inactive
         if None not in data:
@@ -237,52 +206,63 @@
         data = data[1:] + data[:1]
         # Write data back
-        self._data = data
+        self.data = data
         # Tell it that it is no longer active
         if data[0] is not None:
             # Activate the newly active component
-            sm = zapi.getServiceManager(self)
-            new = zapi.traverse(sm, data[0])
-            new.activated()
+            data[0].activated()
     def active(self):
-        if self._data:
-            path = self._data[0]
-            if path is not None:
-                # Make sure we can zapi.traverse to it.
-                sm = zapi.getServiceManager(self)
-                registration = zapi.traverse(sm, path)
-                return registration
+        data = self.data
+        if data:
+            return data[0]
         return None
     def __nonzero__(self):
-        return bool(self._data)
+        return bool(self.data)
-    def info(self, keep_dummy=False):
-        sm = zapi.getServiceManager(self)
+    def info(self):
-        data = self._data
-        if None not in data:
-            data += (None,)
+        data = self.data
-        result = [{'id': path or "",
-                   'active': False,
-                   'registration': (path and zapi.traverse(sm, path))
+        result = [{'active': False,
+                   'registration': registration,
-                  for path in data
+                  for registration in data
         result[0]['active'] = True
-        if not keep_dummy:
-            # Throw away dummy:
-            result = [x for x in result if x['id']]
+        return [r for r in result if r['registration'] is not None]
+    #########################################################################
+    # Backward compat
+    #
+    def data(self):
+        # Need to convert old path-based data to object-based data
+        # It won't affect new objects that get instance-based data attrs
+        # on construction.
+        data = []
+        sm = zapi.getServiceManager(self)
+        for path in self._data:
+            if isinstance(path, basestring):
+                try:
+                    data.append(zapi.traverse(sm, path))
+                except KeyError:
+                    # ignore objects we can'r get to
+                    raise # for testing
+            else:
+                data.append(path)
+        return tuple(data)
-        return result
+    data = zope.cachedescriptors.property.CachedProperty(data)
+    #
+    #########################################################################
 class NotifyingRegistrationStack(RegistrationStack):

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