[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/ convert importorder.py to a tool in a package so there is a good place to

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 18:09:11 EDT 2004

Log message for revision 26930:
  convert importorder.py to a tool in a package so there is a good place to
  hang tests
  (merged from ZopeX3-3.0 branch revision 26929)

  A   Zope3/trunk/src/zope/importtool/order.py
  A   Zope3/trunk/utilities/importorder
  D   Zope3/trunk/utilities/importorder.py

Copied: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/importtool/order.py (from rev 26929, Zope3/branches/ZopeX3-3.0/src/zope/importtool/order.py)

Property changes on: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/importtool/order.py
Name: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
   + 1.1
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Copied: Zope3/trunk/utilities/importorder (from rev 26929, Zope3/branches/ZopeX3-3.0/utilities/importorder)

Property changes on: Zope3/trunk/utilities/importorder
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Deleted: Zope3/trunk/utilities/importorder.py
--- Zope3/trunk/utilities/importorder.py	2004-08-05 22:04:16 UTC (rev 26929)
+++ Zope3/trunk/utilities/importorder.py	2004-08-05 22:09:09 UTC (rev 26930)
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python2.3
-# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-This tool basically can be used to rearrange and order imported
-python packages in a particular format for .py files.
-Import Order:-
-   1. import modules from standard python library/global packages
-   2. import modules from the zope package
-   3. import modules from the zope.app package
-.py [-dfhst] [file/directory]
--d / --dir
-    It will sort all the .py files imported python packages in the
-    entire directory .
--D / --display
-   Displays Import oder for all .py files in the specified path. 
--f / --file
-   It will order all imported python packages in a file.
--s / --split
-   It splits up multiple import modules in a single import statement
-   into multiple import statements.
--t / --test
-   It Displays Import order for all py files in the specified path and
-   doesn't write importorder into .py file. 
-import getopt
-import glob
-import os
-import string
-import sys
-import tokenize
-FROMIMPORT = 'from '
-IMPORT = 'import '
-FROMIMPORT_ZOPE = 'from zope'
-IMPORT_ZOPE = 'import zope'
-FROMIMPORT_ZOPE_APP = 'from zope.app'
-IMPORT_ZOPE_APP = 'import zope.app'
-def getPythonFiles(path):
-    """returns list of .py files in the specified path"""
-    pyfiles = []
-    if not os.path.exists(path):
-        print >> sys.stderr, '** Error: '+ path +' not a valid path **'
-        sys.exit(0)
-    #checking path is file
-    if os.path.isfile(path):
-        pyfiles.append(path)
-    #checking path is a directory
-    elif os.path.isdir(path):
-        path = os.path.join(path, PYTHONFILE_FILTER)
-        path, filter = os.path.split(path)
-        pyfiles.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, filter)))
-        #checking in sub directories
-        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
-            for dir in dirs:
-                pyfiles.extend(glob.glob(\
-                    os.path.join(root, dir, filter)))
-    return pyfiles
-def importOrderProcessing(path, display=None, write=None, split=None):
-    """process import order for all .py files in the specified path."""
-    pyfiles = getPythonFiles(path)
-    print '*****************************************************************'
-    for file in pyfiles:
-        print '** File : %s   **\n' % (file)
-        import_block = getFileImportOrder(file, split)
-        import_order = import_block['import_order']
-        non_import_order = import_block['non_import_order']
-        if display:
-            print non_import_order
-            print '**.......................................................**'
-            print import_order
-        if write:
-            writeFormatedContent(file, import_order, non_import_order)
-    print '*****************************************************************'
-def getFileImportOrder(file, split=None):
-    """returns formatted imported packages content"""
-    import_content = getFileImportContent(file)
-    import_list = appendImportsToList(import_content)
-    #separating from and import statements
-    imp_list = filterList(import_list, 'import ')
-    from_list = filterList(import_list, 'from ')
-    #extracting non import content
-    non_import_block = removeList(import_list, imp_list)
-    non_import_block = removeList(non_import_block, from_list)
-    non_import_block_fmt = formateBlock(non_import_block)
-    #comma separated imports into individual import statements
-    if split:
-        imp_list = individualImportLines(imp_list)
-        from_list = individualImportLines(from_list)
-    #extracting zope.app package imports
-    zope_app_imp_list = filterList(imp_list, IMPORT_ZOPE_APP)
-    zope_app_from_list = filterList(from_list, FROMIMPORT_ZOPE_APP)
-    rem_imp_list1 = removeList(imp_list, zope_app_imp_list)
-    rem_from_list1 = removeList(from_list, zope_app_from_list)
-    #extracting zope package imports
-    zope_imp_list = filterList(rem_imp_list1, IMPORT_ZOPE)
-    zope_from_list = filterList(rem_from_list1, FROMIMPORT_ZOPE)
-    #extracting global package imports
-    global_imp_list = removeList(rem_imp_list1, zope_imp_list)
-    global_from_list = removeList(rem_from_list1, zope_from_list)
-    #formating the global, zope and zope.app package imports
-    format_import_content = mergeAllBlocks(global_imp_list,
-                                           zope_imp_list,
-                                           zope_app_imp_list,
-                                           global_from_list,
-                                           zope_from_list,
-                                           zope_app_from_list)
-    #merging import block and non import block
-    non_import_block_fmt = string.strip(non_import_block_fmt)
-    if len(non_import_block_fmt) > 0:
-        non_import_block_fmt += '\n\n'
-    fmt_content = format_import_content + non_import_block_fmt
-    return {'import_order':fmt_content,
-            'non_import_order':import_content}
-def getFileImportContent(file):
-    """returns the imports content available at the top in the .py file"""
-    import_list = []
-    lines = []
-    import_block_start_indx = 0
-    import_block_end_indx = 0
-    index = 0
-    for t in tokenize.generate_tokens(open(file, 'rU').readline):
-        type, string, start, end, line = t
-        line_no = start[0]
-        line_len = len(line)
-        if line_no not in lines:
-            lines.append(line_no)
-            index += line_len
-        if string in ['from','import'] and line not in import_list:
-            if len(import_list) == 0:
-                import_block_start_indx = (index - line_len)
-            import_list.append(line)
-            import_block_end_indx = index
-        elif string in ['def', 'class']:
-            break
-    fc = open(file, 'r').read()
-    return fc[import_block_start_indx-4:import_block_end_indx-4]
-def appendImportsToList(import_content):
-    """returns list of imports of the file"""
-    import_list = import_content.split('\\')
-    if len(import_list) > 1:
-        import_list = concatinateBreakImports(import_list)
-    else:
-        import_list = import_content.split('\n')
-    return import_list
-def concatinateBreakImports(import_list):
-    """concatinate imports into single item in a list"""
-    indx = 1
-    concate_list = []
-    for item in import_list:
-        if indx == 1:
-            concate_list += item.split('\n')
-        else:
-            concate_item = []
-            item = string.lstrip(item)
-            item_list = item.split('\n')
-            concate_litem = concate_list[-1:][0]
-            item_list_fitem = item_list[:1][0]
-            concate_item.append(concate_litem + item_list_fitem)
-            concate_list = concate_list[:-1] + concate_item + item_list[1:]
-        indx += 1
-    return concate_list
-def filterList(list, filter):
-    """returns filtered list"""
-    filter_list = [item for item in list
-                if item.startswith(filter)]
-    filter_list.sort()
-    return filter_list
-def individualImportLines(import_list):
-    """changes comma separated imports to individual import lines"""
-    import_str = 'import '
-    new_import_list = []
-    for item in import_list:
-        if item.find(',') > -1 and (item.startswith('from ') or
-                                    item.startswith('import ')):
-            import_item_split = item.split('import ')
-            from_import_item = import_item_split[0]
-            comma_imports = import_item_split[1].split(',')
-            new_list = []
-            for mod_item in comma_imports:
-                mod_item = string.lstrip(mod_item)
-                new_list.append(from_import_item + import_str + mod_item)
-            new_import_list += new_list
-        else:
-            new_import_list.append(item)
-    return new_import_list
-def removeList(list, rem_list):
-    return [item for item in list
-            if item not in rem_list]
-def mergeAllBlocks(global_imp_list, zope_imp_list, zope_app_imp_list,
-                   global_from_list, zope_from_list, zope_app_from_list):
-    """merges global, zope and zope.app imports """
-    import_block = ''
-    global_imp_block = formateBlock(global_imp_list)
-    global_from_block = formateBlock(global_from_list)
-    zope_imp_block = formateBlock(zope_imp_list)
-    zope_from_block = formateBlock(zope_from_list)
-    zope_app_imp_block = formateBlock(zope_app_imp_list)
-    zope_app_from_block = formateBlock(zope_app_from_list)
-    import_block += formatsFromAndImportBlock(global_imp_block,
-                                              global_from_block)
-    import_block += formatsFromAndImportBlock(zope_imp_block,
-                                              zope_from_block)
-    import_block += formatsFromAndImportBlock(zope_app_imp_block,
-                                              zope_app_from_block)
-    return import_block
-def formatsFromAndImportBlock(imp_block, from_block):
-    """formats from and import block"""
-    import_block = ''
-    if imp_block is not '' or from_block is not '':
-        import_block += imp_block
-        import_block += from_block
-        import_block += '\n'
-    return import_block
-def formateBlock(imp_list):
-    """formats import blocks"""
-    import_block = ''
-    if imp_list is not None:
-        for item in imp_list:
-            if len(item) > NO_CHARACTERS:
-                import_block += formatingLargerImports(item)
-            else:
-                import_block += str(item) + '\n'
-    return import_block
-def formatingLargerImports(import_content):
-    """formates if imports greater than 80 character"""
-    formatted_line = ''
-    import_fline = import_content[:NO_CHARACTERS]
-    dot_indx = import_fline.rfind('.')
-    blank_space_indx = import_fline.rfind(' ')
-    split_line_indx = 0
-    if dot_indx > -1:
-        split_line_indx = dot_indx
-        if blank_space_indx > -1 and blank_space_indx < dot_indx:
-            split_line_indx = blank_space_indx
-    elif blank_space_indx > -1:
-        split_line_indx = blank_space_indx
-        if dot_indx > -1 and dot_indx < blank_space_indx:
-            split_line_indx = blank_space_indx
-    split_line_indx += 1
-    formatted_line += import_content[:split_line_indx] +'\\\n'
-    if import_content.startswith(IMPORT):
-        formatted_line += ('       ' +
-                           import_content[split_line_indx:] + '\n')
-    elif import_content.startswith(FROMIMPORT):
-        formatted_line += ('     ' +
-                           import_content[split_line_indx:] + '\n')
-    return formatted_line
-def writeFormatedContent(file, fmt_content, non_fmt_content):
-    """writes formatted content into the file"""
-    fp = open(file, 'r')
-    file_content = fp.read()
-    fp.close()
-    fp = open(file, 'w')
-    rep_content = string.replace(file_content, non_fmt_content,
-                                 fmt_content)
-    fp.write(rep_content)
-    fp.close()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    try:
-        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dDfhst",
-                                   ["help", "dir", "file", "display",
-                                    "split", "test"])
-    except getopt.error, msg:
-        print msg
-        print "Try `python %s -h' for more information." % argv[0]
-        sys.exit(2)
-    path = None
-    display = None
-    write = True
-    split = None
-    opts.sort()
-    for k, v in opts:
-        if k in ("-h", "--help"):
-            print __doc__
-            sys.exit(0)
-        elif k in ("-d", "--dir"):
-            path = args[0]
-        elif k in ("-f", "--file"):
-            path = args[0]
-        elif k in ("-D", "--display"):
-            path = args[0]
-            display = True
-        elif k in ("-s", "--split"):
-            path = args[0]
-            split = True
-        elif k in ("-t", "--test"):
-            path = args[0]
-            display = True
-            write = False
-    importOrderProcessing(path, display, write, split)

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