[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/ftests/doctest.txt fix minor nits, including a typo

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at gmail.com
Wed Aug 25 13:23:44 EDT 2004

Log message for revision 27264:
  fix minor nits, including a typo
  (merged from ZopeX3-3.0 branch revision 27263)

  U   Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/ftests/doctest.txt

Modified: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/ftests/doctest.txt
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/ftests/doctest.txt	2004-08-25 17:16:58 UTC (rev 27263)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/ftests/doctest.txt	2004-08-25 17:23:38 UTC (rev 27264)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 You can create Functional tests as doctests.  Typically, this is done
-by using a script such as zope.app.tests.dochttp.py to convert
+by using a script such as src/zope/app/tests/dochttp.py to convert
 tcpwatch recorded output to a doctest, which is then edited to provide
 explanation and to remove uninyeresting details.  That is how this
 file was created.
@@ -110,16 +110,16 @@
 Access to the object system
-You can use the getRootFolder function:
+You can use the `getRootFolder()` function:
   >>> root = getRootFolder()
   >>> root
   <zope.app.folder.folder.Folder object at ...>
-You can intermic http requests with regular Python calls.  Note,
-however, that making an http call implied a transaction commit.
+You can intermix HTTP requests with regular Python calls.  Note,
+however, that making an `http()` call implied a transaction commit.
 If you want to throw away changes made in Python code, abort the
-transaction before the http request.
+transaction before the HTTP request.
   >>> print http(r"""
   ... POST /@@contents.html HTTP/1.1

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