[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/service - __init__.py:1.14

Anthony Baxter anthony at interlink.com.au
Sun Feb 8 20:25:30 EST 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/service
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv8400

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Utility Adding and Service Adding now use the new-style menu items
and filter out non-(service|utility) entries. Code should be useful
for other people who want to do the same sort of thing.

ServiceAdding and UtilityAdding have a more accurate title

UtilityAdding takes the user to the registration page after adding.

Don't use the generated (crap) factory names as a base for the 
name of the utility object added.

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/service/__init__.py 1.13 => 1.14 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/service/__init__.py:1.13	Sat Feb  7 02:21:25 2004
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/browser/services/service/__init__.py	Sun Feb  8 20:25:29 2004
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
     def action(self, type_name, id):
         # For special case of that we want to redirect to another adding view
         # (usually another menu such as AddService)
+        import re
         if type_name.startswith("../"):
             # Special case
             url = type_name
@@ -69,6 +70,14 @@
             l = id.rfind('.')
             if l >= 0:
                 id = id[l+1:]
+                # Add menus generate meaningless factory names.
+                # Skip them.
+                if re.match('^f[0-9]*$', id):
+                    id = type_name[:l]
+                    l = id.rfind('.')
+                    if l >= 0:
+                        id = id[l+1:]
         chooser = zapi.getAdapter(self.context, INameChooser)
         id = chooser.chooseName(id, None)
@@ -77,10 +86,38 @@
         # As a side effect, self.added_object is set by add() above.
         super(ComponentAdding, self).action(type_name, id)
+    _addFilterInterface = None
+    def addingInfo(self):
+        # A site management folder can have many things. We only want 
+        # things that implement a particular interface
+        info = super(ComponentAdding, self).addingInfo()
+        if self._addFilterInterface is None:
+            return info
+        out = []
+        for item in info:
+            extra = item.get('extra')
+            if extra:
+                factoryname = extra.get('factory')
+                if factoryname:
+                    factory = zapi.getFactory(self.context, factoryname)
+                    intf = factory.getInterfaces()
+                    if not intf.extends(self._addFilterInterface):
+                        # We only skip new addMenuItem style objects
+                        # that don't implement our wanted interface.
+                        continue
+            out.append(item)
+        return out
 class ServiceAdding(ComponentAdding):
     """Adding subclass used for adding services."""
     menu_id = "add_service"
+    title = _("Add Service")
+    _addFilterInterface = ILocalService
     def add(self, content):
         # Override so as to check the type of the new object.
@@ -110,10 +147,14 @@
         return content
 class UtilityAdding(ComponentAdding):
     """Adding subclass used for adding utilities."""
     menu_id = "add_utility"
+    title = _("Add Utility")
+    _addFilterInterface = ILocalUtility
     def add(self, content):
         # Override so as to check the type of the new object.
@@ -121,6 +162,16 @@
         if not ILocalUtility.isImplementedBy(content):
             raise TypeError("%s is not a local utility" % content)
         return super(UtilityAdding, self).add(content)
+    def nextURL(self):
+        v = zapi.queryView(
+            self.added_object, "addRegistration.html", self.request)
+        if v is not None:
+            url = str(
+                zapi.getView(self.added_object, 'absolute_url', self.request))
+            return url + "/addRegistration.html"
+        return super(UtilityAdding, self).nextURL()
 class AddServiceRegistration(BrowserView):

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