[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree - CHANGES.txt:1.3 configure.zcml:1.2 interfaces.py:1.2 node.py:1.2

Stephan Richter srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Sun Feb 15 14:00:26 EST 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv15926/src/zope/products/statictree

Modified Files:
	CHANGES.txt configure.zcml interfaces.py node.py 
Log Message:
Upgraded static tree to display lines, so it is visually easier to keep
track of the levels.

Just check it out!

PS: Fixes to apidoc follow soon.

=== Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree/CHANGES.txt 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree/CHANGES.txt:1.2	Fri Jan 16 09:17:01 2004
+++ Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree/CHANGES.txt	Sun Feb 15 13:59:55 2004
@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
+v1.1.0 (not yet done)
+  - Added support for displaying lines in a tree. 
+    + I had to do some changes in Node.getFlatDict() to provide more data. 
+      Removed 'depth' from node info, but added 'row-state' and
+      'last-level-node'.
+      Changed interface and test accordingly.
+    + Updated templates for StaticTree skin and example.
 v1.0.1 (2004-01-16) -- 'Nibbler'
   - Added last remaining pieces for unit tests

=== Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree/configure.zcml 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree/configure.zcml:1.1	Fri Jan 16 07:39:00 2004
+++ Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree/configure.zcml	Sun Feb 15 13:59:55 2004
@@ -1,75 +1,81 @@
-  xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
-  xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser"
-  i18n_domain="statictree"
-  >
+    xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+    xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser"
+    i18n_domain="statictree"
+    >
   <class class=".node.Node">
     <allow interface=".interfaces.INode" />
-    provides=".interfaces.ITreeStateEncoder"
-    factory=".utils.TreeStateEncoder"
-    />
+      provides=".interfaces.ITreeStateEncoder"
+      factory=".utils.TreeStateEncoder"
+      />
   <!-- stub adapters -->
-    provides=".interfaces.IUniqueId"
-    for="*"
-    factory=".adapters.StubUniqueId"
-    />
+      provides=".interfaces.IUniqueId"
+      for="*"
+      factory=".adapters.StubUniqueId"
+      />
-    provides=".interfaces.IChildObjects"
-    for="*"
-    factory=".adapters.StubChildObjects"
-    />
+      provides=".interfaces.IChildObjects"
+      for="*"
+      factory=".adapters.StubChildObjects"
+      />
   <!-- adapters for zope.app.container machinery -->
-    provides=".interfaces.IUniqueId"
-    for="zope.app.interfaces.location.ILocation"
-    factory=".adapters.LocationUniqueId"
-    />
+      provides=".interfaces.IUniqueId"
+      for="zope.app.interfaces.location.ILocation"
+      factory=".adapters.LocationUniqueId"
+      />
-    provides=".interfaces.IChildObjects"
-    for="zope.app.interfaces.container.IReadContainer"
-    factory=".adapters.ContainerChildObjects"
-    />
+      provides=".interfaces.IChildObjects"
+      for="zope.app.interfaces.container.IReadContainer"
+      factory=".adapters.ContainerChildObjects"
+      />
-    provides=".interfaces.IChildObjects"
-    for="zope.app.interfaces.services.service.ISite"
-    factory=".adapters.ContainerSiteChildObjects"
-    />
+      provides=".interfaces.IChildObjects"
+      for="zope.app.interfaces.services.service.ISite"
+      factory=".adapters.ContainerSiteChildObjects"
+      />
+<!-- Register icons -->
+  <browser:resourceDirectory
+      name="tree_images"
+      directory="tree_images" />
 <!-- browser stuff -->
-    for="*"
-    class=".browser.StaticTreeView"
-    permission="zope.View"
-    >
+      for="*"
+      class=".browser.StaticTreeView"
+      permission="zope.View"
+      >
-      name="static_cookie_tree"
-      attribute="cookieTree"
-      />
+        name="static_cookie_tree"
+        attribute="cookieTree"
+        />
-      name="folder_cookie_tree"
-      attribute="folderCookieTree"
-      />
+        name="folder_cookie_tree"
+        attribute="folderCookieTree"
+        />
-      name="site_cookie_tree"
-      attribute="siteCookieTree"
-      />
+        name="site_cookie_tree"
+        attribute="siteCookieTree"
+        />
-      name="root_cookie_tree"
-      attribute="rootCookieTree"
-      />
+        name="root_cookie_tree"
+        attribute="rootCookieTree"
+        />
   <include package=".skins" />

=== Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree/interfaces.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree/interfaces.py:1.1	Fri Jan 16 07:39:00 2004
+++ Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree/interfaces.py	Sun Feb 15 13:59:55 2004
@@ -84,17 +84,35 @@
     def getFlatDicts():
-        """Return a tuple:
+        """Return information of all nodes in a flat tuple and the maximum
+        depth.
-          1st element: flat list of dictinaries containing nodes in
-          the tree and extra information (depth, toggled tree
-          state). Children of expanded nodes are shown.
+        The tuple consists of node information dictionaries. Each directionary
+        has the following keys:
-          2nd element: maximum depth
+          - 'node': This is the node itself.
+          - 'tree-state': A hash value that uniquely identifies the expansion
+            state of the node.
+          - 'row-state': When representing the node in a GUI it is necessary
+            to know whether the levels higher up are opened or not. We use
+            this information to decide whether we should or should not draw a
+            vertical line in the tree.
+            The 'row-state' value is simply a list of 'True' and
+            'False'. 'True' signifies that a level is open and more elements
+            of this level are expected further down.
+          - 'last-level-node': A boolean that signifies whether a node is the
+            last node of its level.
+        This method is intended for output formats that cannot handle nested
+        values easily. An example here are Page Templates. 
 class ITreeStateEncoder(Interface):
-    """This utility can encode and decode the ids of expended nodes
+    """This utility can encode and decode the ids of expanded nodes
     def encodeTreeState(expanded_nodes):

=== Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree/node.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree/node.py:1.1	Fri Jan 16 07:39:00 2004
+++ Zope3/src/zope/products/statictree/node.py	Sun Feb 15 13:59:55 2004
@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@
     def _create_child_nodes(self):
         """Create child nodes and save the result so we don't have
-        to create that sequence every time
-        """
+        to create that sequence every time"""
         nodes = []
         for obj in self.getChildObjects():
             node = Node(obj, self._expanded_nodes, self.filter)
@@ -62,41 +61,35 @@
         self._child_nodes = nodes
     def _get_child_objects_adapter(self):
-        """Lazily create the child objects adapter
-        """
+        """Lazily create the child objects adapter"""
         if not hasattr(self, '_child_objects_adapter'):
             self._child_objects_adapter = zapi.getAdapter(
                 self.context, IChildObjects)
         return self._child_objects_adapter
     def expand(self, recursive=False):
-        """See the zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode interface
-        """
+        """See zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode"""
         self.expanded = True
         if recursive:
             for node in self.getChildNodes():
     def collapse(self):
-        """See the zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode interface
-        """
+        """See zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode"""
         self.expanded = False
     def getId(self):
-        """See the zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode interface
-        """
+        """See zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode"""
         return self._id
     def hasChildren(self):
-        """See the zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode interface
-        """
+        """See the zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode"""
         # we could actually test for the length of the result of
         # getChildObjects(), but we need to watch performance
         return self._get_child_objects_adapter().hasChildren()
     def getChildObjects(self):
-        """See the zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode interface
-        """
+        """See the zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode"""
         filter = self.filter
         children = self._get_child_objects_adapter().getChildObjects()
         if filter:
@@ -104,8 +97,7 @@
         return children
     def getChildNodes(self):
-        """See the zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode interface
-        """
+        """See zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode"""
         if not self.expanded:
             return []
         if not hasattr(self, '_child_nodes'):
@@ -115,39 +107,47 @@
         return self._child_nodes[:]
     def getFlatNodes(self):
-        """See the zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode interface
-        """
+        """See zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode"""
         nodes = []
         for node in self.getChildNodes():
             nodes += node.getFlatNodes()
         return nodes
-    def getFlatDicts(self, depth=0, maxdepth=0):
-        """See the zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode interface
-        """
+    def getFlatDicts(self, maxdepth=0, row_state=None):
+        """See zope.products.statictree.interfaces.INode"""
         nodes = []
+        if row_state == None:
+            row_state = []
         encoder = zapi.getUtility(self.context, ITreeStateEncoder)
-        if self.hasChildren() and depth > maxdepth:
-            maxdepth = depth
+        if self.hasChildren() and len(row_state) > maxdepth:
+            maxdepth = len(row_state)
-        for node in self.getChildNodes():
+        childNodes = self.getChildNodes()
+        for node in childNodes:
             id = node.getId()
             expanded_nodes = self._expanded_nodes[:]
             if id in self._expanded_nodes:
                 # if the node is already expanded, the toggle would
                 # collapse it
+                if not node is childNodes[-1]:
+                    row_state.append(True)
+                else:
+                    row_state.append(False)
                 # if it isn't expanded, the toggle would expand it
                 expanded_nodes += [id]
+                row_state.append(False)
             flatdict = {
-                'depth': depth,
                 'node': node,
                 'tree-state': encoder.encodeTreeState(expanded_nodes),
+                'row-state': row_state[:-1],
+                'last-level-node': node is childNodes[-1],
-            child_nodes, maxdepth = node.getFlatDicts(depth+1, maxdepth)
+            child_nodes, maxdepth = node.getFlatDicts(maxdepth, row_state)
             nodes += child_nodes
+            row_state.pop()
         return nodes, maxdepth

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