[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser - addMenuItem.stx:1.1 addwizard.stx:1.1 containerViews.stx:1.1 editwizard.stx:1.1 layer.stx:1.1 resourceDirectory.stx:1.1 schemadisplay.stx:1.1 usage.stx:1.1 addform.stx:1.3 addview.stx:1.3 defaultView.stx:1.4 editform.stx:1.3 i18n-resource.stx:1.2 icon.stx:1.2 menu.stx:1.2 menuItem.stx:1.2 menuItems.stx:1.3 page.stx:1.4 pages.stx:1.2 resource.stx:1.4 skin.stx:1.4 subeditform.stx:1.2 view.stx:1.8

Stephan Richter srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Thu Jan 22 18:57:39 EST 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv7874/browser

Modified Files:
	addform.stx addview.stx defaultView.stx editform.stx 
	i18n-resource.stx icon.stx menu.stx menuItem.stx menuItems.stx 
	page.stx pages.stx resource.stx skin.stx subeditform.stx 
Added Files:
	addMenuItem.stx addwizard.stx containerViews.stx 
	editwizard.stx layer.stx resourceDirectory.stx 
	schemadisplay.stx usage.stx 
Log Message:
Update ZCML directives documentation.

=== Added File Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/addMenuItem.stx ===

  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 149 - 153.

  Define an add-menu item


    class -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)


      A class to be used as a factory for creating new objects

    factory -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)


      A factory for creating new objects

    title -- TextLine (required)


      A one-line description of the objects to be added

    description -- Text (optional, default=None)


      A multi-line description of the objects to be added

    permission -- Id (optional, default=None)

      The permission needed to add an object.


    filter -- TextLine (optional, default=None)

      A condition for displaying the menu item

      The condition is given as a TALES expression. The expression has access
      the variables:

      context -- The object the menu is being displayed for

      request -- The browser request

      nothing -- None

      The menu item will not be displayed if there is a filter and the filter
      to a false value.

    view -- TextLine (optional, default=None)

      Custom view name

      The name of a custom add view

=== Added File Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/addwizard.stx ===

  File zope/app/browser/form/meta.zcml, lines 8 - 19.

  Define an automatically generated add wizard (multi-page form)

  The addwizard directive creates and registers a view for adding an object
  on a schema.

  Adding an object is a bit trickier than editing an object, because the
  the schema applies to isn't available when forms are being rendered. The
  directive provides an customization interface to overcome this difficulty.

  See zope.app.interfaces.browser.form.IAddFormCustomization.


    usage -- TextLine (optional, default=u'')

      The template usage top-level variable

      See the usage documentation in the README.txt in the
      directory. If this view is associated with a menu item, this attribute
      not be supplied as the view will get its usage from the menu the menu
      is registered to. This attribute is available for views not associated
      a menu item.

    name -- TextLine (required)


      The name of the generated view.

    schema -- GlobalObject (required)


      The schema from which the form is generated.

    for -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)


      The interface this page (view) applies to.

      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface. The
      is used if the for attribute is not specified.

      If the for attribute is specified, then the objects views must
      or be adaptable to the schema.

    permission -- Id (required)


      The permission needed to use the view.

    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)


      The later the view is in. Default: 'default'

    template -- Path (optional, default=None)


      An alternate template to use for the form.

    class -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)


      A class to provide custom widget definitions or methods to be used by a

      This class is used as a mix-in class. As a result, it needn't subclass
      special classes, such as BrowserView.

    menu -- TextLine (optional, default=None)

      The browser menu to include the form in.

      Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name the menu in
      page directive, rather than having to give a separate menuItem

    title -- MessageID (optional, default=None)

      Menu title

      The browser menu label for the form.

    description -- MessageID (optional, default=None)

      A longer description of the add form.

      A UI may display this with the item or display it when the user
      more assistance.

    use_session -- Bool (optional, default=None)

      Use session

      If 'no', hidden input controls are used to maintain state between panes
      the wizard. Only simple data types can be propagated with this method.

      Defaults to 'yes'.

    content_factory -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)

      Content factory

      An object to call to create new content objects.

      This attribute isn't used if a class is specified that implements

    arguments -- Tokens (optional, default=None)


      A list of field names to supply as positional arguments to the factory.

    keyword_arguments -- Tokens (optional, default=None)

      Keyword arguments

      A list of field names to supply as keyword arguments to the factory.

    set_before_add -- Tokens (optional, default=None)

      Set before add

      A list of fields to be assigned to the newly created object before it

    set_after_add -- Tokens (optional, default=None)

      Set after add

      A list of fields to be assigned to the newly created object after it is



      File zope/app/browser/form/meta.zcml, lines 14 - 17.

      Define a Pane (page) of the wizard


        label -- MessageID (optional, default=None)


          The label used as the heading on this pane

        fields -- Tokens (required)


          The fields to display on this pane of the wizard

=== Added File Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/containerViews.stx ===

  File zope/app/browser/container/meta.zcml, lines 8 - 12.

  Define a container views


    for -- GlobalObject (required)

      The interface this containerViews are for.

      The containerViews will be for all objects that implement this

    contents -- Id (optional, default=None)

      The permission needed for content page.


    index -- Id (optional, default=None)

      The permission needed for index page.


    add -- Id (optional, default=None)

      The permission needed for add page.


=== Added File Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/editwizard.stx ===

  File zope/app/browser/form/meta.zcml, lines 21 - 32.

  Define an automatically generated edit wizard (multi-page form).

  The editwizard directive creates and register's a view for editing an
  based on a schema.


    usage -- TextLine (optional, default=u'')

      The template usage top-level variable

      See the usage documentation in the README.txt in the
      directory. If this view is associated with a menu item, this attribute
      not be supplied as the view will get its usage from the menu the menu
      is registered to. This attribute is available for views not associated
      a menu item.

    name -- TextLine (required)


      The name of the generated view.

    schema -- GlobalObject (required)


      The schema from which the form is generated.

    for -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)


      The interface this page (view) applies to.

      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface. The
      is used if the for attribute is not specified.

      If the for attribute is specified, then the objects views must
      or be adaptable to the schema.

    permission -- Id (required)


      The permission needed to use the view.

    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)


      The later the view is in. Default: 'default'

    template -- Path (optional, default=None)


      An alternate template to use for the form.

    class -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)


      A class to provide custom widget definitions or methods to be used by a

      This class is used as a mix-in class. As a result, it needn't subclass
      special classes, such as BrowserView.

    menu -- TextLine (optional, default=None)

      The browser menu to include the form in.

      Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name the menu in
      page directive, rather than having to give a separate menuItem

    description -- MessageID (optional, default=None)

      A longer description of the add form.

      A UI may display this with the item or display it when the user
      more assistance.

    use_session -- Bool (optional, default=None)

      Use session

      If 'no', hidden input controls are used to maintain state between panes
      the wizard. Only simple data types can be propagated with this method.

      Defaults to 'yes'.

    title -- MessageID (optional, default=None)

      The browser menu label for the edit form

      This attribute defaults to 'Edit'.



      File zope/app/browser/form/meta.zcml, lines 27 - 30.

      Define a Pane (page) of the wizard


        label -- MessageID (optional, default=None)


          The label used as the heading on this pane

        fields -- Tokens (required)


          The fields to display on this pane of the wizard

=== Added File Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/layer.stx ===

  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 131 - 135.

  Defines a browser layer


    name -- TextLine (required)


      The name of the skin.

=== Added File Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/resourceDirectory.stx ===

  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 82 - 86.

  Defines a directory containing browser resource


    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)

      The layer the resource should be found in

      For information on layers, see the documentation for the skin
      Defaults to "default".

    permission -- Id (optional, default=None)

      The permission needed to access the resource.

      If a permission isn't specified, the resource will always be

    name -- TextLine (required)

      The name of the resource

      This is the name used in resource urls. Resource urls are of the form
      where site is the url of "site", a folder with a service manager.

      We make resource urls site-relative (as opposed to content-relative) so
      not to defeat caches.

    directory -- Path (required)


      The directory containing the resource data.

=== Added File Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/schemadisplay.stx ===

  File zope/app/browser/form/meta.zcml, lines 52 - 56.

  Define an automatically generated display form.

  The schemadisplay directive creates and register's a view for displaying an
  based on a schema.


    usage -- TextLine (optional, default=u'')

      The template usage top-level variable

      See the usage documentation in the README.txt in the
      directory. If this view is associated with a menu item, this attribute
      not be supplied as the view will get its usage from the menu the menu
      is registered to. This attribute is available for views not associated
      a menu item.

    name -- TextLine (required)


      The name of the generated view.

    schema -- GlobalObject (required)


      The schema from which the form is generated.

    for -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)


      The interface this page (view) applies to.

      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface. The
      is used if the for attribute is not specified.

      If the for attribute is specified, then the objects views must
      or be adaptable to the schema.

    permission -- Id (required)


      The permission needed to use the view.

    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)


      The later the view is in. Default: 'default'

    template -- Path (optional, default=None)


      An alternate template to use for the form.

    class -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)


      A class to provide custom widget definitions or methods to be used by a

      This class is used as a mix-in class. As a result, it needn't subclass
      special classes, such as BrowserView.

    label -- MessageID (optional, default=None)


      A label to be used as the heading for the form.

    menu -- TextLine (optional, default=None)

      The browser menu to include the form in.

      Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name the menu in
      page directive, rather than having to give a separate menuItem

    fields -- Tokens (optional, default=None)


      The fields and the order in which to display them. If this is not
      all schema fields will be displayed in the order specified in the

    title -- MessageID (optional, default=None)

      The browser menu label for the edit form

      This attribute defaults to 'Edit'.

=== Added File Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/usage.stx ===

  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 155 - 159.

  Defines a view usage


    name -- TextLine (required)


      The name of the usage.

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/addform.stx 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/addform.stx:1.2	Fri Mar 21 15:55:39 2003
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/addform.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,117 +1,149 @@
-ZCML addform directive
+  File zope/app/browser/form/meta.zcml, lines 46 - 50.
   Define an automatically generated add form
-  The addForm directive creates and register's a view for
-  adding an object based on a schema.
-  Adding an object is a bit trickier than editing an object,
-  because the object the schema applies to isn't available when
-  forms are being rendered.  The addForm directive provides an
-  customization interface to overcome this difficulty.
+  The addform directive creates and registers a view for adding an object
+  on a schema.
+  Adding an object is a bit trickier than editing an object, because the
+  the schema applies to isn't available when forms are being rendered. The
+  directive provides an customization interface to overcome this difficulty.
   See zope.app.interfaces.browser.form.IAddFormCustomization.
-    layer -- (optional) 
+    usage -- TextLine (optional, default=u'')
-      The layer the view is in.
-      A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific
-      views in a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute
-      is not supplied, it defaults to 'default'.
+      The template usage top-level variable
+      See the usage documentation in the README.txt in the
+      directory. If this view is associated with a menu item, this attribute
+      not be supplied as the view will get its usage from the menu the menu
+      is registered to. This attribute is available for views not associated
+      a menu item.
+    name -- TextLine (required)
+      Name
+      The name of the generated view.
+    schema -- GlobalObject (required)
+      Schema
-    name -- (required) 
+      The schema from which the form is generated.
-      The name of the generated add view.
+    for -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
-    for -- (optional) 
+      Interface
       The interface this page (view) applies to.
-      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface.
-      zope.app.interfaces.container.IAdding is used if this
-      attribute isn't specified.  If this attribute is specified,
-      then either the named interface must extend IAdding or a class
-      attribute must be used to supply a class implements certain
-      methods described in
-      zope.app.interfaces.browser.form.IAddFormCustomization.
-      The schema is used if the for attribute is not specified.
+      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface. The
+      is used if the for attribute is not specified.
       If the for attribute is specified, then the objects views must
-      implement or be adaptable to the schema.
+      or be adaptable to the schema.
-    permission -- (required) 
+    permission -- Id (required)
+      Permission
       The permission needed to use the view.
-    menu -- (optional) 
+    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
-      The browser menu to include the edit form in.
-      Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name
-      the menu in the page directive, rather than having to give a
-      separate menuItem directive.
+      Layer
-    title -- (optional) 
+      The later the view is in. Default: 'default'
-      The browser menu label for the edit form
-      This attribute defaults to "Edit".
+    template -- Path (optional, default=None)
-    content_factory -- (optional) 
+      Template
-      The dotted name of an object to call to create new content objects.
-      This attribute isn't used if a class is specified that
-      implements createAndAdd.
+      An alternate template to use for the form.
-    keyword_arguments -- (optional) 
+    class -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
-      A list of field names to supply as keyword arguments to
-      the factory.
+      Class
-    set_after_add -- (optional) 
+      A class to provide custom widget definitions or methods to be used by a
+      template.
-      A list of fields to be assigned to the newly created object
-      after it is added.
+      This class is used as a mix-in class. As a result, it needn't subclass
+      special classes, such as BrowserView.
-    set_before_add -- (optional) 
+    label -- MessageID (optional, default=None)
-      A list of fields to be assigned to the newly created object
-      before it is added.
+      Label
-    arguments -- (optional) 
+      A label to be used as the heading for the form.
-      A list of field names to supply as positional arguments to
-      the factory.
+    menu -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
-    template -- (optional) 
+      The browser menu to include the form in.
-      An alternate template to use for the edit form.
+      Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name the menu in
+      page directive, rather than having to give a separate menuItem
-      XXX Need to document how to extend the default.
-    label -- (optional) 
+    title -- MessageID (optional, default=None)
-      A label to be used as the heading for the form.
+      Menu title
-    class -- (optional) 
+      The browser menu label for the form.
-      A class to provide custom widget definitions or methods to be
-      used by a custom template.
-      This class can override methods defined in IAddFormCustomization.
+    fields -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
+      Fields
+      The fields and the order in which to display them. If this is not
+      all schema fields will be displayed in the order specified in the
+      itself.
+    content_factory -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
+      Content factory
+      An object to call to create new content objects.
+      This attribute isn't used if a class is specified that implements
-      This class is used as a mix-in class. As a result, it needn't
-      subclass any special classes, such as BrowserView.
-    schema -- (required) 
+    arguments -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
+      Arguments
+      A list of field names to supply as positional arguments to the factory.
+    keyword_arguments -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
-      The schema from which the add form is generated.
+      Keyword arguments
+      A list of field names to supply as keyword arguments to the factory.
+    set_before_add -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
+      Set before add
+      A list of fields to be assigned to the newly created object before it
+      added.
+    set_after_add -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
+      Set after add
+      A list of fields to be assigned to the newly created object after it is
-      A schema is an interface that includes fields.
+    description -- Text (optional, default=None)
+      A longer description of the add form.
+      A UI may display this with the item or display it when the user
+      more assistance.

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/addview.stx 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/addview.stx:1.2	Mon Jul 14 09:31:32 2003
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/addview.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,118 +1,144 @@
-addview (function addview)
-  The addview directive defines an add view that has subpages.
-  An add view is a view for a specific adding interface,
-  IAdding. This directive is a convenience directive that allows
-  the for interface to be omitted, since it is implied.
-  The pages provided by the defined view are accessed by first
-  traversing to the view name and then traversing to the page
-  name.
+  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 27 - 43.
+  The view directive defines a view that has subpages.
+  The pages provided by the defined view are accessed by first traversing to
+  view name and then traversing to the page name.
-    layer -- (optional) 
+    for -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
-      The layer the view is in.
+      The interface this view applies to.
+      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface. If this
+      not supplied, the view applies to all objects (XXX this ought to
-      A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific
-      views in a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute
-      is not supplied, it defaults to
-      'default'.
-    title -- (optional) 
+    permission -- Id (optional, default=None)
-      The browser menu label for the page (view)
-      This attribute must be supplied if a menu attribute is
-      supplied.
+      Permission
-    name -- (required) 
+      The permission needed to use the view.
-      The name of the view.
-      The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo'.
+    class -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
-    for -- (required) 
+      Class
-      The interface this view applies to.
-      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface.
-      If 'for' is not supplied, the view applies to all objects
-      (XXX this ought to change).
+      A class that provides attributes used by the view.
-    permission -- (required) 
+    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
-      The permission needed to use the view.
+      The layer the view is in.
+      A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific views
+      a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute is not supplied,
+      defaults to 'default'.
-    allowed_attributes -- (optional) 
+    allowed_interface -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
+      Interface that is also allowed if user has permission.
+      By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and any
+      sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can make the permission
+      apply to everything described in the supplied interface.
+      Multiple interfaces can be provided, separated by whitespace.
+    allowed_attributes -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
       View attributes that are also allowed if user has permission.
       By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and any
-      possible sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes', you can
-      make the permission also apply to the extra attributes on the
-      view object.
+      sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes', you can make the
+      also apply to the extra attributes on the view object.
-    allowed_interface -- (optional) 
+    usage -- TextLine (optional, default=u'')
-      Interface that is also allowed if user has permission.
-      By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and
-      any possible sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can
-      make the permission also apply to everything described in the
-      supplied interface.
-      Multiple interfaces can be provided, separated by whitespace.
+      The template usage top-level variable
-    menu -- (optional) 
+      See the usage documentation in the README.txt in the
+      directory. If this view is associated with a menu item, this attribute
+      not be supplied as the view will get its usage from the menu the menu
+      is registered to. This attribute is available for views not associated
+      a menu item.
+    name -- TextLine (optional, default=u'')
+      The name of the view.
+      The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo'.
+    menu -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
       The browser menu to include the page (view) in.
-      Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name
-      the menu in the page directive, rather than having to give a
-      separate menuItem directive.
-    class -- (optional) 
+      Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name the menu in
+      page directive, rather than having to give a separate menuItem
+      </description>
-      A class that provides attributes used by the view.
+    title -- MessageID (optional, default=None)
-  Subdirectives
+      The browser menu label for the page (view)
-    defaultPage (method defaultPage)
+      This attribute must be supplied if a menu attribute is supplied.
-      Attributes
+    provides -- GlobalObject (optional, default=<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 4031b1ec>)
-        name -- (required) 
+      The interface this view provides.
-          The name of the page that is the default.
-          The named page will be used as the default if no name is
-          specified explicitly in the path. If no defaultPage
-          directive is supplied, the default page will be the
-          first page listed.
+      A view can provide an interface. This would be used for views that
+      other views.
-    page (method page)
+  Subdirectives
+    page
+      File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 33 - 36.
+      Subdirective to IViewDirective.
-        attribute -- 
+        name -- TextLine (required)
+          The name of a sub page of a view.
+          The name attribute is always required for the 'page' directive. It
+          common to use an extension for the name, such as '.html'.
+        attribute -- PythonIdentifier (optional, default=None)
           The name of the view attribute implementing the page.
           This refers to the attribute (method) on the view that is
-          implementing a specific sub page.
+          a specific sub page.
-        name -- (required) 
+        template -- Path (optional, default=None)
-          The name of a sub page of a view.
+          The name of a template that implements the page.
+          Refers to a file containing a page template (must end in extension
-          The name attribute is always required for the 'page'
-          directive. It is common to use an extension for the name,
-          such as '.html'.
-        template -- 
-          The name of a template that implements the page.
+    defaultPage
+      File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 38 - 41.
+      Subdirective to IViewDirective.
+      Attributes
+        name -- TextLine (required)
+          The name of the page that is the default.
+          The named page will be used as the default if no name is specified
+          in the path. If no defaultPage directive is supplied, the default
+          will be the first page listed.

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/defaultView.stx 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/defaultView.stx:1.3	Tue Dec 31 13:26:48 2002
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/defaultView.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
-defaultView (function zope.app.publisher.browser.defaultView)
+  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 45 - 49.
+  The name of the view that should be the default.
+  This name refers to view that should be the view used by default (if no
+  name is supplied explicitly).
-    name -- 
+    name -- TextLine (required)
       The name of the view that should be the default.
-      This name refers to view that should be the
-      view used by default (if no view name is supplied
-      explicitly).
-    for -- 
+      This name refers to view that should be the view used by default (if no
+      name is supplied explicitly).
+    for -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
       The interface this view is the default for.
-      The view is the default view for the supplied
-      interface.
+      The view is the default view for the supplied interface. If this is not
+      the view applies to all objects (XXX this ought to change).

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/editform.stx 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/editform.stx:1.2	Fri Mar 21 15:55:39 2003
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/editform.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,74 +1,101 @@
-ZCML editform directive
+  File zope/app/browser/form/meta.zcml, lines 34 - 38.
   Define an automatically generated edit form
-  The editForm directive creates and register's a view for
-  editing an object based on a schema.
+  The editform directive creates and register's a view for editing an object
+  on a schema.
-    layer -- (optional) 
+    usage -- TextLine (optional, default=u'')
-      The layer the view is in.
-      A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific
-      views in a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute
-      is not supplied, it defaults to 'default'.
+      The template usage top-level variable
-    title -- (optional) 
+      See the usage documentation in the README.txt in the
+      directory. If this view is associated with a menu item, this attribute
+      not be supplied as the view will get its usage from the menu the menu
+      is registered to. This attribute is available for views not associated
+      a menu item.
-      The browser menu label for the edit form
-      This attribute defaults to "Edit".
+    name -- TextLine (required)
+      Name
+      The name of the generated view.
+    schema -- GlobalObject (required)
+      Schema
-    name -- (required) 
+      The schema from which the form is generated.
-      The name of the generated edit view.
+    for -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
-    for -- (optional) 
+      Interface
       The interface this page (view) applies to.
-      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface.
-      The schema is used if the for attribute is not specified.
+      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface. The
+      is used if the for attribute is not specified.
       If the for attribute is specified, then the objects views must
-      implement or be adaptable to the schema.
+      or be adaptable to the schema.
+    permission -- Id (required)
-    permission -- (required) 
+      Permission
       The permission needed to use the view.
-    menu -- (optional) 
+    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
-      The browser menu to include the edit form in.
-      Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name
-      the menu in the page directive, rather than having to give a
-      separate menuItem directive.
+      Layer
-    schema -- (required) 
+      The later the view is in. Default: 'default'
-      The schema from which the edit form is generated.
-      A schema is an interface that includes fields.
+    template -- Path (optional, default=None)
-    class -- (optional) 
+      Template
-      A class to provide custom widget definitions or methods to be
-      used by a custom template.
-      This class is used as a mix-in class. As a result, it needn't
-      subclass any special classes, such as BrowserView.
+      An alternate template to use for the form.
-    template -- (optional) 
+    class -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
-      An alternate template to use for the edit form.
-      XXX Need to document how to extend the default.
+      Class
+      A class to provide custom widget definitions or methods to be used by a
+      template.
+      This class is used as a mix-in class. As a result, it needn't subclass
+      special classes, such as BrowserView.
-    label -- (optional) 
+    label -- MessageID (optional, default=None)
+      Label
       A label to be used as the heading for the form.
+    menu -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
+      The browser menu to include the form in.
+      Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name the menu in
+      page directive, rather than having to give a separate menuItem
+    title -- MessageID (optional, default=None)
+      Menu title
+      The browser menu label for the form.
+    fields -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
+      Fields
+      The fields and the order in which to display them. If this is not
+      all schema fields will be displayed in the order specified in the
+      itself.

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/i18n-resource.stx 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/i18n-resource.stx:1.1	Tue Dec 31 13:26:48 2002
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/i18n-resource.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,30 +1,82 @@
-i18n-resource (type zope.app.publisher.browser.I18nResource)
+  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 88 - 99.
+  Defines an i18n'd resource.
-    default_language -- 
+    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
+      The layer the resource should be found in
+      For information on layers, see the documentation for the skin
+      Defaults to "default".
+    permission -- Id (optional, default=None)
+      The permission needed to access the resource.
+      If a permission isn't specified, the resource will always be
+    name -- TextLine (required)
+      The name of the resource
+      This is the name used in resource urls. Resource urls are of the form
+      where site is the url of "site", a folder with a service manager.
+      We make resource urls site-relative (as opposed to content-relative) so
+      not to defeat caches.
-    name -- 
+    defaultLanguage -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
+      Default language
+      Defines the default language
-    translation (method translation)
+    translation
+      File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 94 - 97.
+      Subdirective to II18nResourceDirective.
-        image -- 
+        layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
+          The layer the resource should be found in
+          For information on layers, see the documentation for the skin
+          Defaults to "default".
+        permission -- Id (optional, default=None)
+          The permission needed to access the resource.
+          If a permission isn't specified, the resource will always be
+        language -- TextLine (required)
+          Language
+          Language of this translation of the resource
-        file -- 
+        file -- Path (optional, default=None)
+          File
+          The file containing the resource data.
-        language -- 
+        image -- Path (optional, default=None)
+          Image
+          If the image attribute is used, then an image resource, rather than
+          file resource will be created.

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/icon.stx 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/icon.stx:1.1	Tue Dec 31 13:26:48 2002
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/icon.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,28 +1,45 @@
-icon (function IconDirective)
+  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 143 - 147.
+  Define an icon for an interface
-    layer -- 
+    name -- TextLine (required)
+      The name of the icon.
+      The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo'.
-    resource -- 
+    for -- GlobalObject (required)
+      The interface this icon is for.
+      The icon will be for all objects that implement this interface.
-    name -- 
+    file -- Path (optional, default=None)
+      File
+      The file containing the icon.
-    file -- 
+    resource -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
+      Resource
+      A resource containing the icon.
-    alt -- 
+    alt -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
+      Title
+      Descriptive title
-    for -- 
+    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
+      The layer the icon should be found in
+      For information on layers, see the documentation for the skin
+      Defaults to "default".

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/menu.stx 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/menu.stx:1.1	Tue Dec 31 13:26:48 2002
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/menu.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,16 +1,30 @@
-menu (function              zope.app.publisher.browser.menuDirective)
-  Define a new browser menu
+  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 104 - 108.
+  Define a browser menu
-    name -- 
+    usage -- TextLine (optional, default=u'')
+      The template usage top-level variable
+      See the usage documentation in the README.txt in the
+      directory. If this view is associated with a menu item, this attribute
+      not be supplied as the view will get its usage from the menu the menu
+      is registered to. This attribute is available for views not associated
+      a menu item.
+    id -- TextLine (required)
       The name of the menu.
       This is, effectively, an id.
-    title -- 
+    title -- MessageID (required)
+      Title
       A descriptive title for documentation purposes

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/menuItem.stx 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/menuItem.stx:1.1	Tue Dec 31 13:26:48 2002
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/menuItem.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,28 +1,64 @@
-menuItem (function          zope.app.publisher.browser.menuItemDirective)
+  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 123 - 127.
+  Define one menu item
-    filter -- 
+    menu -- TextLine (required)
+      Menu name
+      The (name of the) menu the items are defined for
+    for -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
+      Interface
+      The interface the menu items are defined for
+    action -- TextLine (required)
+      The relative url to use if the item is selected
+      The url is relative to the object the menu is being displayed for.
+    title -- MessageID (required)
-    description -- 
+      Title
+      The text to be displayed for the menu item
+    description -- MessageID (optional, default=None)
-    for -- 
+      A longer explanation of the menu item
+      A UI may display this with the item or display it when the user
+      more assistance.
+    permission -- Id (optional, default=None)
-    title -- 
+      The permission needed access the item
+      This can usually be inferred by the system, however, doing so may be
+      When displaying a menu, the system tries to traverse to the URLs given
+      each action to determine whether the url is accessible to the current
+      This can be avoided if the permission is given explicitly.
+    filter -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
-    action -- 
+      A condition for displaying the menu item
+      The condition is given as a TALES expression. The expression has access
+      the variables:
+      context -- The object the menu is being displayed for
-    menu -- 
+      request -- The browser request
+      nothing -- None
+      The menu item will not be displayed if there is a filter and the filter
+      to a false value.

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/menuItems.stx 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/menuItems.stx:1.2	Mon Jul 14 09:31:32 2003
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/menuItems.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,69 +1,79 @@
-menuItems (class zope.app.publisher.browser.menuItemsDirective)
+  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 110 - 121.
   Define a group of browser menu items
-  This directive is useful when many menu items are defined for
-  the same interface and menu.
+  This directive is useful when many menu items are defined for the same
+  and menu.
-    menu -- (required) 
+    menu -- TextLine (required)
+      Menu name
       The (name of the) menu the items are defined for
-    for -- (optional) 
+    for -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
+      Interface
       The interface the menu items are defined for
-    menuItem (method menuItem)
+    menuItem
+      File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 116 - 119.
       Define a menu item within a group of menu items
-        action -- (required) 
+        action -- TextLine (required)
           The relative url to use if the item is selected
-          The url is relative to the object the menu is being
-          displayed for.
-        filter -- (optional) 
+          The url is relative to the object the menu is being displayed for.
-          A condition for displaying the menu item
-          The condition is given as a TALES expression. The
-          expression has access to the variables:
-          context -- The object the menu is being displayed for
-          request -- The browser request
-          nothing -- None
-          The menu item will not be displayed if there is a filter
-          and the filter evaluates to a false value.
+        title -- MessageID (required)
-        permission -- (optional) 
+          Title
-          The id of the permission needed access the item
-          This can usually be inferred by the system, however, doing
-          so may be expensive. When displaying a menu, the system
-          tries to traverse to the URLs given in each action to
-          determine whether the url is accessible to the current
-          user.  This can be avoided if the permission is given explicitly.
+          The text to be displayed for the menu item
-        description -- 
+        description -- MessageID (optional, default=None)
           A longer explanation of the menu item
+          A UI may display this with the item or display it when the user
+          more assistance.
+        permission -- Id (optional, default=None)
+          The permission needed access the item
+          This can usually be inferred by the system, however, doing so may
+          expensive. When displaying a menu, the system tries to traverse to
+          URLs given in each action to determine whether the url is
+          to the current user. This can be avoided if the permission is given
-          A UI may display this with the item or display it when the
-          user requests more assistance.
-        title -- (required) 
+        filter -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
-          The text to be displayed for the menu item
+          A condition for displaying the menu item
+          The condition is given as a TALES expression. The expression has
+          to the variables:
+          context -- The object the menu is being displayed for
+          request -- The browser request
+          nothing -- None
+          The menu item will not be displayed if there is a filter and the
+          evaluates to a false value.

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/page.stx 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/page.stx:1.3	Tue Dec 31 13:26:48 2002
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/page.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,105 +1,109 @@
-page (function page)
-  The page directive is used to create views that provide a
-  single url or page.
+  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 54 - 58.
+  The page directive is used to create views that provide a single url or
-  The page directive creates a new view class from a given
-  template and/or class and registers it.
+  The page directive creates a new view class from a given template and/or
+  and registers it.
-    layer -- (optional) 
+    for -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
-      The layer the view is in.
+      The interface this view applies to.
+      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface. If this
+      not supplied, the view applies to all objects (XXX this ought to
-      A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific
-      views in a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute
-      is not supplied, it defaults to
-      'default'.
-    name -- (required) 
+    permission -- Id (optional, default=None)
-      The name of the page (view).
-      The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo' or
-      'foo.html'. This attribute is required unless you use the
-      subdirective 'page' to create sub views. If you do not have
-      sub pages, it is common to use an extension for the view name
-      such as '.html'. If you do have sub pages and you want to
-      provide a view name, you shouldn't use
-      extensions.
+      Permission
-    allowed_attributes -- (optional) 
+      The permission needed to use the view.
+    class -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
+      Class
+      A class that provides attributes used by the view.
+    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
+      The layer the view is in.
+      A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific views
+      a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute is not supplied,
+      defaults to 'default'.
+    allowed_interface -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
+      Interface that is also allowed if user has permission.
-      View attributes that are also allowed if user has permission.
       By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and any
-      possible sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes', you can
-      make the permission also apply to the extra attributes on the
-      view object.
+      sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can make the permission
+      apply to everything described in the supplied interface.
-    title -- (optional) 
+      Multiple interfaces can be provided, separated by whitespace.
-      The browser menu label for the page (view)
-      This attribute must be supplied if a menu attribute is
-      supplied.
+    allowed_attributes -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
+      View attributes that are also allowed if user has permission.
-    attribute -- (optional) 
+      By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and any
+      sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes', you can make the
+      also apply to the extra attributes on the view object.
-      The name of an attribute to publish.
-      This is used to publish an attribute provided by a class,
-      instead of a template.
-      This is the attribute, usually a method, to be published as
-      the page (view).  The default is "__call__".
+    usage -- TextLine (optional, default=u'')
-    permission -- (required) 
+      The template usage top-level variable
-      The permission needed to use the view.
+      See the usage documentation in the README.txt in the
+      directory. If this view is associated with a menu item, this attribute
+      not be supplied as the view will get its usage from the menu the menu
+      is registered to. This attribute is available for views not associated
+      a menu item.
-    for -- (required) 
+    name -- TextLine (required)
-      The interface this page (view) applies to.
-      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface.
-      To provide a page for all components, use
-      "zope.interface.Interface".  To provide a page for all
-      objects, use "*".
+      The name of the page (view)
+      The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo' or 'foo.html'. This
+      is required unless you use the subdirective 'page' to create sub views.
+      you do not have sub pages, it is common to use an extension for the
+      name such as '.html'. If you do have sub pages and you want to provide
+      view name, you shouldn't use extensions.
-    template -- 
+    template -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
       The name of a page template.
+      Refers to a file containing a page template (must end in extension
-      Refers to a file containing a page template (must end in
-      extension '.pt').
-    menu -- (optional) 
+    attribute -- PythonIdentifier (optional, default=None)
-      The browser menu to include the page (view) in.
+      The name of an attribute to publish.
+      This is used to publish an attribute provided by a class, instead of a
-      Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name
-      the menu in the page directive, rather than having to give a
-      separate menuItem directive.
-    allowed_interface -- (optional) 
+      This is the attribute, usually a method, to be published as the page
+      The default is "__call__".
-      Interface that is also allowed if user has permission.
-      By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and
-      any possible sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can
-      make the permission also apply to everything described in the
-      supplied interface.
-      Multiple interfaces, separated by whitespace, can be provided.
+    menu -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
-    class -- 
+      The browser menu to include the page (view) in.
-      A class to use with a template, or to provide an attribute
-      to publish.
+      Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name the menu in
+      page directive, rather than having to give a separate menuItem
-      It's common to provide a class with methods to be used by
-      the template to prevent including Python code in the template.
+    title -- MessageID (optional, default=None)
+      The browser menu label for the page (view)
+      This attribute must be supplied if a menu attribute is supplied.

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/pages.stx 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/pages.stx:1.1	Tue Dec 31 13:26:48 2002
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/pages.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,106 +1,120 @@
-pages (class zope.app.publisher.browser.pages)
+  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 60 - 71.
   Define multiple pages without repeating all of the parameters.
-  The pages directive allows multiple page views to be defined
-  without repeating the 'for', 'permission', 'class', 'layer',
-  'allowed_attributes', and 'allowed_interface' attributes.
+  The pages directive allows multiple page views to be defined without
+  the 'for', 'permission', 'class', 'layer', 'allowed_attributes', and
+  attributes.
-    layer -- (optional) 
+    for -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
-      The layer the view is in.
+      The interface this view applies to.
+      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface. If this
+      not supplied, the view applies to all objects (XXX this ought to
-      A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific
-      views in a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute
-      is not supplied, it defaults to
-      'default'.
-    for -- (required) 
+    permission -- Id (optional, default=None)
-      The interface this page (view) applies to.
-      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface.
-      To provide a page for all components, use
-      "zope.interface.Interface".  To provide a page for all
-      objects, use "*".
+      Permission
-    allowed_attributes -- (optional) 
+      The permission needed to use the view.
-      View attributes that are also allowed if user has permission.
-      By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and any
-      possible sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes', you can
-      make the permission also apply to the extra attributes on the
-      view object.
+    class -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
-    permission -- (required) 
+      Class
-      The permission needed to use the view.
+      A class that provides attributes used by the view.
-    allowed_interface -- (optional) 
+    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
+      The layer the view is in.
+      A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific views
+      a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute is not supplied,
+      defaults to 'default'.
+    allowed_interface -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
       Interface that is also allowed if user has permission.
-      By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and
-      any possible sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can
-      make the permission also apply to everything described in the
-      supplied interface.
-    class -- 
+      By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and any
+      sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can make the permission
+      apply to everything described in the supplied interface.
+      Multiple interfaces can be provided, separated by whitespace.
+    allowed_attributes -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
+      View attributes that are also allowed if user has permission.
+      By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and any
+      sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes', you can make the
+      also apply to the extra attributes on the view object.
+    usage -- TextLine (optional, default=u'')
+      The template usage top-level variable
+      See the usage documentation in the README.txt in the
+      directory. If this view is associated with a menu item, this attribute
+      not be supplied as the view will get its usage from the menu the menu
+      is registered to. This attribute is available for views not associated
+      a menu item.
-      A class to use with a template, or to provide an attribute
-      to publish.
-      It's common to provide a class with methods to be used by
-      the template to prevent including Python code in the template.
-    page (method page)
+    page
+      File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 66 - 69.
+      Subdirective to IPagesDirective
-        attribute -- (optional) 
+        name -- TextLine (required)
-          If a class is used, this is the name of the attribute to be used
-          This is the attribute, usually a method, to be published as
-          the page (view).  The fault is "__call__".
+          The name of the page (view)
-        title -- (optional) 
+          The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo' or 'foo.html'.
+          attribute is required unless you use the subdirective 'page' to
+          sub views. If you do not have sub pages, it is common to use an
+          for the view name such as '.html'. If you do have sub pages and you
+          to provide a view name, you shouldn't use extensions.
-          The browser menu label for the page (view)
-          This attribute must be supplied if a menu attribute is
-          supplied.
+        template -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
-        name -- (required) 
+          The name of a page template.
-          The name of the view defined by the page.
+          Refers to a file containing a page template (must end in extension
-          The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo' or
-          'foo.html'. This attribute is required unless you use the
-          subdirective 'page' to create sub views. If you do not have
-          sub pages, it is common to use an extension for the view name
-          such as '.html'. If you do have sub pages and you want to
-          provide a view name, you shouldn't use
-          extensions.
-        template -- 
+        attribute -- PythonIdentifier (optional, default=None)
-          The name of a page template.
-          Refers to a file containing a page template (must end in
-          extension '.pt').
+          The name of an attribute to publish.
+          This is used to publish an attribute provided by a class, instead
+          a template.
+          This is the attribute, usually a method, to be published as the
+          (view). The default is "__call__".
-        menu -- (optional) 
+        menu -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
           The browser menu to include the page (view) in.
+          Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name the menu
+          the page directive, rather than having to give a separate menuItem
-          Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name
-          the menu in the page directive, rather than having to give a
-          separate menuItem directive.
+        title -- MessageID (optional, default=None)
+          The browser menu label for the page (view)
+          This attribute must be supplied if a menu attribute is supplied.

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/resource.stx 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/resource.stx:1.3	Tue Dec 31 13:26:48 2002
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/resource.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,42 +1,52 @@
-resource (function zope.app.publisher.browser.resource)
+  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 76 - 80.
+  Defines a browser resource
-    layer -- (optional) 
+    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
       The layer the resource should be found in
-      For information on layers, see the documentation for the
-      skin directive.
+      For information on layers, see the documentation for the skin
       Defaults to "default".
-    image -- 
+    permission -- Id (optional, default=None)
-      The file containing the resource data.
+      The permission needed to access the resource.
+      If a permission isn't specified, the resource will always be
-      If the image attribute is used, then an image resource,
-      rather than a file resource will be created.
-    name -- (required) 
+    name -- TextLine (required)
       The name of the resource
-      This is the name used in resource urls.  Resource urls are
-      of the form site/@@/resourcename, where site is the url of
-      "site", a folder with a service manager.
-      We make resource urls site-relative (as opposed to
-      content-relative) so as not to defeat caches.
-    file -- 
+      This is the name used in resource urls. Resource urls are of the form
+      where site is the url of "site", a folder with a service manager.
+      We make resource urls site-relative (as opposed to content-relative) so
+      not to defeat caches.
+    file -- Path (optional, default=None)
+      File
       The file containing the resource data.
-    permission -- (optional) 
+    image -- Path (optional, default=None)
-      The id of the permission needed to access the resource.
-      If a permission isn't specified, the resource will always
-      be accessible.
+      Image
+      If the image attribute is used, then an image resource, rather than a
+      resource will be created.
+    template -- Path (optional, default=None)
+      Template
+      If the image attribute is used, then a page template resource, rather
+      a file resource will be created.

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/skin.stx 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/skin.stx:1.3	Tue Dec 31 13:26:48 2002
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/skin.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
-skin (function zope.app.publisher.browser.skin)
-  Attributes
+  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 137 - 141.
-    layers -- 
+  Defines a browser skin
-      A list of names of layers.
-      This should be in order of lookup. Usually one of the layers
-      has the same name as the skin, and the last skin should be
-      'default', unless you want to completely override all
-      views.
+  Attributes
+    name -- TextLine (required)
-    name -- 
+      Name
       The name of the skin.
+    layers -- Tokens (required)
+      A list of names of layers.
+      This should be in order of lookup. Usually one of the layers has the
+      name as the skin, and the last skin should be 'default', unless you
+      to completely override all views.

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/subeditform.stx 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/subeditform.stx:1.1	Tue Dec 31 13:26:48 2002
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/subeditform.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,4 +1,88 @@
-subeditform (function zope.app.browser.form.subedit)
+  File zope/app/browser/form/meta.zcml, lines 40 - 44.
+  Define a subedit form
+    usage -- TextLine (optional, default=u'')
+      The template usage top-level variable
+      See the usage documentation in the README.txt in the
+      directory. If this view is associated with a menu item, this attribute
+      not be supplied as the view will get its usage from the menu the menu
+      is registered to. This attribute is available for views not associated
+      a menu item.
+    name -- TextLine (required)
+      Name
+      The name of the generated view.
+    schema -- GlobalObject (required)
+      Schema
+      The schema from which the form is generated.
+    for -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
+      Interface
+      The interface this page (view) applies to.
+      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface. The
+      is used if the for attribute is not specified.
+      If the for attribute is specified, then the objects views must
+      or be adaptable to the schema.
+    permission -- Id (required)
+      Permission
+      The permission needed to use the view.
+    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
+      Layer
+      The later the view is in. Default: 'default'
+    template -- Path (optional, default=None)
+      Template
+      An alternate template to use for the form.
+    class -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
+      Class
+      A class to provide custom widget definitions or methods to be used by a
+      template.
+      This class is used as a mix-in class. As a result, it needn't subclass
+      special classes, such as BrowserView.
+    label -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
+      Label
+      A label to be used as the heading for the form.
+    fulledit_path -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
+      Path (relative URL) to the full edit form
+    fulledit_label -- MessageID (optional, default=None)
+      Label of the full edit form

=== Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/view.stx 1.7 => 1.8 ===
--- Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/view.stx:1.7	Mon Jul 14 09:31:32 2003
+++ Zope3/doc/zcml/namespaces.zope.org/browser/view.stx	Thu Jan 22 18:57:06 2004
@@ -1,114 +1,144 @@
-view (class zope.app.publisher.browser.view)
+  File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 9 - 25.
   The view directive defines a view that has subpages.
-  The pages provided by the defined view are accessed by first
-  traversing to the view name and then traversing to the page
-  name.
+  The pages provided by the defined view are accessed by first traversing to
+  view name and then traversing to the page name.
-    layer -- (optional) 
+    for -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
-      The layer the view is in.
+      The interface this view applies to.
+      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface. If this
+      not supplied, the view applies to all objects (XXX this ought to
-      A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific
-      views in a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute
-      is not supplied, it defaults to
-      'default'.
-    title -- (optional) 
+    permission -- Id (optional, default=None)
-      The browser menu label for the page (view)
-      This attribute must be supplied if a menu attribute is
-      supplied.
+      Permission
-    name -- (required) 
+      The permission needed to use the view.
-      The name of the view.
-      The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo'.
+    class -- GlobalObject (optional, default=None)
-    for -- (required) 
+      Class
-      The interface this view applies to.
-      The view will be for all objects that implement this interface.
-      If 'for' is not supplied, the view applies to all objects
-      (XXX this ought to change).
+      A class that provides attributes used by the view.
-    permission -- (required) 
+    layer -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
-      The permission needed to use the view.
+      The layer the view is in.
+      A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin specific views
+      a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer' attribute is not supplied,
+      defaults to 'default'.
-    allowed_attributes -- (optional) 
+    allowed_interface -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
+      Interface that is also allowed if user has permission.
+      By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and any
+      sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can make the permission
+      apply to everything described in the supplied interface.
+      Multiple interfaces can be provided, separated by whitespace.
+    allowed_attributes -- Tokens (optional, default=None)
       View attributes that are also allowed if user has permission.
       By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and any
-      possible sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes', you can
-      make the permission also apply to the extra attributes on the
-      view object.
+      sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes', you can make the
+      also apply to the extra attributes on the view object.
-    allowed_interface -- (optional) 
+    usage -- TextLine (optional, default=u'')
-      Interface that is also allowed if user has permission.
-      By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and
-      any possible sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can
-      make the permission also apply to everything described in the
-      supplied interface.
-      Multiple interfaces can be provided, separated by whitespace.
+      The template usage top-level variable
-    menu -- (optional) 
+      See the usage documentation in the README.txt in the
+      directory. If this view is associated with a menu item, this attribute
+      not be supplied as the view will get its usage from the menu the menu
+      is registered to. This attribute is available for views not associated
+      a menu item.
+    name -- TextLine (optional, default=u'')
+      The name of the view.
+      The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo'.
+    menu -- TextLine (optional, default=None)
       The browser menu to include the page (view) in.
-      Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name
-      the menu in the page directive, rather than having to give a
-      separate menuItem directive.
-    class -- (optional) 
+      Many views are included in menus. It's convenient to name the menu in
+      page directive, rather than having to give a separate menuItem
+      </description>
-      A class that provides attributes used by the view.
+    title -- MessageID (optional, default=None)
-  Subdirectives
+      The browser menu label for the page (view)
-    defaultPage (method defaultPage)
+      This attribute must be supplied if a menu attribute is supplied.
-      Attributes
+    provides -- GlobalObject (optional, default=<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 4031b1ec>)
-        name -- (required) 
+      The interface this view provides.
-          The name of the page that is the default.
-          The named page will be used as the default if no name is
-          specified explicitly in the path. If no defaultPage
-          directive is supplied, the default page will be the
-          first page listed.
+      A view can provide an interface. This would be used for views that
+      other views.
-    page (method page)
+  Subdirectives
+    page
+      File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 15 - 18.
+      Subdirective to IViewDirective.
-        attribute -- 
+        name -- TextLine (required)
+          The name of a sub page of a view.
+          The name attribute is always required for the 'page' directive. It
+          common to use an extension for the name, such as '.html'.
+        attribute -- PythonIdentifier (optional, default=None)
           The name of the view attribute implementing the page.
           This refers to the attribute (method) on the view that is
-          implementing a specific sub page.
+          a specific sub page.
-        name -- (required) 
+        template -- Path (optional, default=None)
-          The name of a sub page of a view.
+          The name of a template that implements the page.
+          Refers to a file containing a page template (must end in extension
-          The name attribute is always required for the 'page'
-          directive. It is common to use an extension for the name,
-          such as '.html'.
-        template -- 
-          The name of a template that implements the page.
+    defaultPage
+      File zope/app/publisher/browser/meta.zcml, lines 20 - 23.
+      Subdirective to IViewDirective.
+      Attributes
+        name -- TextLine (required)
+          The name of the page that is the default.
+          The named page will be used as the default if no name is specified
+          in the path. If no defaultPage directive is supplied, the default
+          will be the first page listed.

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