[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/ZopeX3-3.0/src/zope/testing/doctestunit.py Merged r26686 from trunk.

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fred at zope.com
Fri Jul 23 13:42:06 EDT 2004

Log message for revision 26712:
  Merged r26686 from trunk.
  - fix typo in warning message
  - make DocFileSuite guess the package properly

  U   Zope3/branches/ZopeX3-3.0/src/zope/testing/doctestunit.py

Modified: Zope3/branches/ZopeX3-3.0/src/zope/testing/doctestunit.py
--- Zope3/branches/ZopeX3-3.0/src/zope/testing/doctestunit.py	2004-07-23 17:39:35 UTC (rev 26711)
+++ Zope3/branches/ZopeX3-3.0/src/zope/testing/doctestunit.py	2004-07-23 17:42:06 UTC (rev 26712)
@@ -125,12 +125,14 @@
     # BBB temporarily support passing package as first argument
     if not isinstance(paths[0], basestring):
         import warnings
-        warnings.warn("DocFileSuite package arguemnt must be provided as a "
+        warnings.warn("DocFileSuite package argument must be provided as a "
                       "keyword argument",
                       DeprecationWarning, 2)
         kw = kw.copy()
         kw['package'] = paths[0]
         paths = paths[1:]
+    else:
+        kw['package'] = _normalizeModule(kw.get('package'))
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
     for path in paths:

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