[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/jim-index/src/zope/app/catalog/ More refactorings of catalog code and tests.

Gintautas Miliauskas gintas at pov.lt
Sat Jun 12 06:51:53 EDT 2004

Log message for revision 25384:
More refactorings of catalog code and tests.

Modified: Zope3/branches/jim-index/src/zope/app/catalog/catalog.py
--- Zope3/branches/jim-index/src/zope/app/catalog/catalog.py	2004-06-12 10:51:05 UTC (rev 25383)
+++ Zope3/branches/jim-index/src/zope/app/catalog/catalog.py	2004-06-12 10:51:53 UTC (rev 25384)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 from zope.security.proxy import trustedRemoveSecurityProxy
 from zope.index.interfaces import ISimpleQuery
-from zope.app.zapi import getService
+from zope.app.zapi import getUtility, getPath
 from zope.app.annotation.interfaces import IAttributeAnnotatable
 from zope.app.utility.interfaces import ILocalUtility
 from zope.app.container.interfaces import IContainer
@@ -48,87 +48,27 @@
             obj = self.uidutil.getObject(uid)
             yield obj
-### class CatalogBaseAddSubscriber:
-###     implements(ISubscriber)
-###     def __init__(self, catalog, event):
-###         self.catalog = catalog
-###     def notify(self, event):
-###         """Receive notification of add events."""
-###         self.catalog.subscribeEvents(update=False)
-### class CatalogBaseRemoveSubscriber:
-###     implements(ISubscriber)
-###     def __init__(self, catalog, event):
-###         self.catalog = catalog
-###     def notify(self, event):
-###         """Receive notification of remove events."""
-###         if self.catalog.getSubscribed():
-###             self.catalog.unsubscribeEvents()
 class CatalogBase(Persistent, SampleContainer):
     implements(ICatalog, IContainer, IAttributeAnnotatable)
-###     implements(ISubscriber)
-###    _subscribed = False
-    def _newContainerData(self):
-        return PersistentDict()
-    def getSubscribed(self):
-        return self._subscribed
     def clearIndexes(self):
         for index in self.values():
     def updateIndexes(self):
-        eventF = Hub.ObjectRegisteredHubEvent
-        objectHub = getService(HubIds)
-        allobj = objectHub.iterObjectRegistrations()
-        for location, hubid, wrapped_object in allobj:
-            evt = eventF(objectHub, hubid, location, wrapped_object)
+        uidutil = getUtility(IUniqueIdUtility)
+        for uid, ref in uidutil.items():
+            obj = ref()
+            ### evt = eventF(uidutil, uid, location, wrapped_object)
             for index in self.values():
-                index.notify(evt)
+                ### index.notify(evt)
+                index.index_doc(uid, obj)
-    def subscribeEvents(self, update=True):
-        if self._subscribed:
-            raise ValueError, "Already subscribed"
-        self._subscribed = True
-        objectHub = getService(HubIds)
-        objectHub.subscribe(self, IHub.IRegistrationHubEvent)
-        objectHub.subscribe(self, IHub.IObjectModifiedHubEvent)
-        if update:
-            self.updateIndexes()
+    def updateObject(self, obj):
+        raise
-    def unsubscribeEvents(self):
-        if not self._subscribed:
-            raise ValueError, "Already unsubscribed"
-        self._subscribed = False
-        objectHub = getService(HubIds)
-        try:
-            objectHub.unsubscribe(self, IHub.IRegistrationHubEvent)
-            objectHub.unsubscribe(self, IHub.IObjectModifiedHubEvent)
-        except NotFoundError:
-            # we're not subscribed. bah.
-            pass
-    def notify(self, event):
-        "objecthub is my friend!"
-        indexes = self.values()
-        for index in indexes:
-            try:
-                index.notify(event)
-            except: # XXX bare excepts are not my friend! Please fix.
-                pass
     def searchResults(self, **searchterms):
         from BTrees.IIBTree import intersection
         pendingResults = None
@@ -150,8 +90,6 @@
                 # nothing left, short-circuit
         # Next we turn the IISet of hubids into a generator of objects
-###        objectHub = getService(HubIds)
-###        results = ResultSet(pendingResults, objectHub)
         uidutil = getUtility(IUniqueIdUtility)
         results = ResultSet(pendingResults, uidutil)
         return results

Modified: Zope3/branches/jim-index/src/zope/app/catalog/tests.py
--- Zope3/branches/jim-index/src/zope/app/catalog/tests.py	2004-06-12 10:51:05 UTC (rev 25383)
+++ Zope3/branches/jim-index/src/zope/app/catalog/tests.py	2004-06-12 10:51:53 UTC (rev 25384)
@@ -23,36 +23,23 @@
 from zope.interface import implements
 from zope.app.index.interfaces.field import IUIFieldCatalogIndex
-### from zope.app.event.interfaces import ISubscriber
-### from zope.app.hub.interfaces import IObjectHub
 from zope.app.catalog.interfaces.index import ICatalogIndex
-from zope.index.interfaces import ISimpleQuery
+from zope.index.interfaces import IInjection, ISimpleQuery
+from zope.app.uniqueid.interfaces import IUniqueIdUtility
 from zope.app.site.interfaces import ISite
 from zope.app import zapi
+from zope.app.tests import ztapi
 from zope.app.catalog.catalog import Catalog
-### from zope.app.catalog.catalog import CatalogBaseAddSubscriber
-### from zope.app.catalog.catalog import CatalogBaseRemoveSubscriber
 from zope.app.tests.placelesssetup import PlacelessSetup
 from zope.component import getGlobalServices
-### from zope.app.servicenames import HubIds
 from BTrees.IIBTree import IISet
-#XXX XXX XXX these will need to be changed XXX XXX XXX
-### regEvt = Hub.ObjectRegisteredHubEvent
-### unregEvt = Hub.ObjectUnregisteredHubEvent
-### modEvt = Hub.ObjectModifiedHubEvent
-#class CFakeObjectHub(FakeObjectHub):
-#    def iterObjectRegistrations(self):
-#        def gen(things):
-#            for hubid, obj in things:
-#                loc = "/%s"%hubid
-#                yield loc,hubid,obj
-#        return gen(self.data.items())
 class UniqueIdUtilityStub:
     """A stub for UniqueIdUtility."""
+    implements(IUniqueIdUtility)
     def __init__(self):
         self.ids = {}
         self.objs = {}
@@ -64,7 +51,7 @@
     def register(self, ob):
         if ob not in self.ids:
-            uid = self._generateId(self)
+            uid = self._generateId()
             self.ids[ob] = uid
             self.objs[uid] = ob
@@ -81,93 +68,36 @@
     def getId(self, ob):
         return self.ids[ob]
+    def items(self):
+        return [(id, lambda: obj) for id, obj in self.objs.items()]
 class StubIndex:
-    implements(ISimpleQuery, ICatalogIndex, IUIFieldCatalogIndex)
-    ### implements (ISubscriber)
+    implements(ISimpleQuery, IInjection)
     def __init__(self, field_name, interface=None):
         self._field_name = field_name
         self.interface = interface
         self._notifies = []
+        self.doc = {}
-    def notify(self, event):
-        self._notifies.append(event)
+    def index_doc(self, docid, texts):
+        self.doc[docid] = texts
-    def clear(self):
-        self._notifies = []
+    def unindex_doc(self, docid):
+        raise
-    def _getterms(self):
-        d = {}
-        for e in self._notifies:
-            ob = e.object
-            term = getattr(e.object ,self._field_name, '')
-###            d.setdefault(term, []).append(e.hubid)
-            d.setdefault(term, []).append(e.uid)
-        return d
     def query(self, term, start=0, count=None):
-        termdict = self._getterms()
-        res = termdict.get(term, [])
-        return IISet(res)
+        """TODO"""
+###        termdict = self._getterms()
+###        res = termdict.get(term, [])
+###        return IISet(res)
 class stoopid:
     def __init__(self, **kw):
         self.__dict__ = kw
-class DummyCatalog:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.subscribed = False
-    def subscribeEvents(self, update=False):
-        self.subscribed = True
-    def getSubscribed(self):
-        return self.subscribed
-    def unsubscribeEvents(self):
-        self.subscribed = False
-class TestEventAdapters:
-    def test_addNotify(self):
-        """
-        First we create a dummy catalog and an adapter for it.
-        >>> catalog = DummyCatalog()
-        >>> adapter = CatalogBaseAddSubscriber(catalog, None)
-        Now call notification
-        >>> adapter.notify(None)
-        Check to make sure the adapter added the path
-        >>> catalog.getSubscribed()
-        True
-        """
-    def test_deleteNotify(self):
-        """
-        First we create a dummy catalog and an adapter for it.
-        >>> catalog = DummyCatalog()
-        >>> adapter = CatalogBaseAddSubscriber(catalog, None)
-        Now call notification
-        >>> adapter.notify(None)
-        Check to make sure the adapter subscribed
-        >>> catalog.getSubscribed()
-        True
-        Now create a removal adapter and notify it
-        >>> adapter = CatalogBaseRemoveSubscriber(catalog, None)
-        >>> adapter.notify(None)
-        Check to make sure the adapter unsubscribed
-        >>> catalog.getSubscribed()
-        False
-        """
 class Test(PlacelessSetup, unittest.TestCase):
     def test_catalog_add_del_indexes(self):
@@ -206,28 +136,26 @@
             checkNotifies = index._notifies
             self.assertEqual(len(checkNotifies), 0)
-    def _frob_objecthub(self, ints=1, apes=1):
-        hub = CFakeObjectHub()
-        service_manager = getGlobalServices()
-###        service_manager.defineService(HubIds, IObjectHub)
-###        service_manager.provideService(HubIds, hub)
+    def _frob_uniqueidutil(self, ints=1, apes=1):
+        uidutil = UniqueIdUtilityStub()
+        ztapi.provideUtility(IUniqueIdUtility, uidutil)
         # whack some objects in our little objecthub
         if ints:
             for i in range(10):
-                hub.register("<object %s>"%i)
+                uidutil.register("<object %s>"%i)
         if apes:
-            hub.register(stoopid(simiantype='monkey', name='bobo'))
-            hub.register(stoopid(simiantype='monkey', name='bubbles'))
-            hub.register(stoopid(simiantype='monkey', name='ginger'))
-            hub.register(stoopid(simiantype='bonobo', name='ziczac'))
-            hub.register(stoopid(simiantype='bonobo', name='bobo'))
-            hub.register(stoopid(simiantype='punyhuman', name='anthony'))
-            hub.register(stoopid(simiantype='punyhuman', name='andy'))
-            hub.register(stoopid(simiantype='punyhuman', name='kev'))
+            uidutil.register(stoopid(simiantype='monkey', name='bobo'))
+            uidutil.register(stoopid(simiantype='monkey', name='bubbles'))
+            uidutil.register(stoopid(simiantype='monkey', name='ginger'))
+            uidutil.register(stoopid(simiantype='bonobo', name='ziczac'))
+            uidutil.register(stoopid(simiantype='bonobo', name='bobo'))
+            uidutil.register(stoopid(simiantype='punyhuman', name='anthony'))
+            uidutil.register(stoopid(simiantype='punyhuman', name='andy'))
+            uidutil.register(stoopid(simiantype='punyhuman', name='kev'))
     def test_updateindexes(self):
         "test a full refresh"
-        self._frob_objecthub()
+        self._frob_uniqueidutil()
         catalog = Catalog()
         catalog['author'] = StubIndex('author', None)
         catalog['title'] = StubIndex('author', None)
@@ -243,7 +171,7 @@
     def test_basicsearch(self):
         "test the simple searchresults interface"
-        self._frob_objecthub(ints=0)
+        self._frob_uniqueidutil(ints=0)
         catalog = Catalog()
         catalog['simiantype'] = StubIndex('simiantype', None)
         catalog['name'] = StubIndex('name', None)
@@ -274,7 +202,7 @@
     import sys
     return unittest.TestSuite((
-        doctest.DocTestSuite(sys.modules[__name__]),
+###        doctest.DocTestSuite(sys.modules[__name__]),
 if __name__ == "__main__":

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