[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/doc/security - SecurityTarget.txt:1.12
Christian Theune
ct at gocept.com
Thu May 6 13:09:57 EDT 2004
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/doc/security
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv25724
Modified Files:
Log Message:
- small typo
- put "nice to have" sections at the end of the file
- completed list of authors
- explained auditing subsystem for TOE summary
- removed old/wrong TOE summary statements
- minor annotations
=== Zope3/doc/security/SecurityTarget.txt 1.11 => 1.12 ===
--- Zope3/doc/security/SecurityTarget.txt:1.11 Thu May 6 11:06:16 2004
+++ Zope3/doc/security/SecurityTarget.txt Thu May 6 13:09:56 2004
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
:Version: $Revision$ (Draft)
:Date: $Date$
-:Authors: Christian Theune <ct at gocept.com>, Steve Alexander <steve at catbox.net>
+:Authors: Christian Theune <ct at gocept.com>, Steve Alexander <steve at catbox.net>, Jim Fulton <jim at zope.com>
:DocumentID: $Id$
.. contents::
@@ -337,7 +337,6 @@
* Users without correct authentication credentials for a certain
principal trying to authenticate as this.
The following threats against the assets have been identified:
@@ -832,13 +831,10 @@
Class FMT: Security management
FMT_MOF.1 Management of security functions
The TSF shall restrict the ability to *[selection: determine the
behaviour of, disable, enable, modify the behaviour of]* the
functions *[assignment: authentication]* to *[assignment:
@@ -872,14 +868,11 @@
*[password]* to *[authorized administrators, users authorized to
modify their own authentication data]*.
In later versions of the TOE we will need to specify semantics
of self registration (and authenticated users who are strangers,
and thus "untrusted")
FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialisation
@@ -901,6 +894,9 @@
What objective goes with this?
+ A hint that we don't need this actually is the fact that we won't have
+ any data to send for auditing ...
FMT_SMR.1 Security roles
@@ -937,14 +933,6 @@
assumptions provided by the abstract machine that underlies the
-FPT_RVM.1 Non-bypassability of the TSP
- The TSF shall ensure that TSP enforcement functions are invoked
- and succeed before each function within the TSC is allowed to
- proceed.
FPT_FLS.1 Failure with preservation of secure state
@@ -954,6 +942,14 @@
failures occur: [assignment: process termination, resource
exhaustion, host restart].
+FPT_RVM.1 Non-bypassability of the TSP
+ The TSF shall ensure that TSP enforcement functions are invoked
+ and succeed before each function within the TSC is allowed to
+ proceed.
FPT_SEP.1 TSF domain separation
@@ -969,35 +965,6 @@
The TSF shall be able to provide reliable time stamps for its own use.
- FPT_TST is mostly handled by unit tests. What we don't handle is
- data integrity. This might be something to consider for future
- evaluations.
-Class FTA: TOE access
- Nice to have: FTA_TAH.1 TOE access history
-XXX Nice to have:
- This is currently not sure if it is going to be implemented. Ask
- someone who knows.
- Specification of "identification" functions.
TOE security assurance requirements
@@ -1097,42 +1064,80 @@
+The auditing subsystem
+Zope provides an auditing system that listens for events within Zope according
+to the SFRs described above. It is implemented using the internal "event
+service" of Zope 3 to subscribe to the audit relevant events and log them
+XXX talk about the format here
+The events are defined outside the TSC within ZCML configuration statements
+within the other Zope packages that are relevant for the events defined by the
+Events supported by Zope
+Following events are supported by Zope:
+ - IAuditStartup, IAuditShutdown for startup and shutdown of the audit
+ function (FAU_GEN.1)
+ - IOperationAllowed, IOperationDenied for a successfull/unsuccessfull
+ request to perform an operation on an object covered by the SFP
+ (FAU_ACF.1)
-Protection subsystem
+ - IExportSuccess, IExportFailure for a successfull/unsuccessfull attempt to
+ export user data. (FDP_ETC.2)
+ - IImportSuccess, IImportFailure which detail imported security attributes
+ for a successfull/unsuccessfull attempt to import user data (FDP_ITC.1,
+ FDP_ITC.2)
+ - ITransactionAbortSuccess, ITransactionAbortFailure for a
+ successfull/unsuccessfull attempt to abort a transaction.
+ - IUndoSuccess, IUndoFailure for a successfull/unsuccessfull attempt to
+ undo former transactions within Zope. (FDP_ROL.1_UNDO)
+ - IFailedAuthenticationThresholdfor surpassing the threshold of
+ authentication failures and IAuthenticationFailureReset for re-enabling
+ a disabled login name after the configured period of time. (FIA_AFL_z.1)
+ - IAuthenticationFailure for unsuccessfull use of the authentication mechanism. (FIA_UAU.1)
+ - IAuthenticationDecision for a final authentication decision (FIA_UAU.5)
+ - IReauthenticationFailure for unsuccessfull re-authentication attempts (FIA_UAU.6)
+ XXX Could that be covered by IAuthenticationFailure? Or is this maybe a derived interface?
+ - IUSBFailure for unsuccessfull binding of user security attributes to an interaction (FIA_USB.1)
+ XXX urks ... i wonder about an actual example for that ...
+ - IAuthenticationManagement for changes to the authentication functions
+ (like adding/removing principals, exchanging authentication modules
+ ...) (FMT_MOF.1) XXX not required by minimal auditing
+ - ISecurityAttributeModification for modifications to security attributes (grants, denies, login names, passwords)
+ (FMT_MSA.1, FMT_SMR.1) XXX FMT_MSA.1 is not required by minimal auditing
+Exceptions from the functional requirements for auditing
+As Zope relies on Python and the host environment to provide reliable time
+stamps, we regard auditing adjustments to the time beeing out of scope.
+Therefore external log mechanisms (Syslog on Unix hosts or the Event log on
+Windows hosts) should be consulted to detect those changes. (FPT_STM.1)
+Protection subsystem
@@ -1140,83 +1145,36 @@
-The following security functions have been determined:
- ================ ================================
- TSF Description
- ================ ================================
- TSF_AUD Audit
- TSF_DATA Data im-/export
- TSF_RIP Residual information protection
- TSF_IA Identification and authentication
- TSF_ACC Access control
- TSF_ROLL Rollback
- ================ ================================
-The TOE provides a component "security audit logger" which listens for security
-relevant events and logs them to a plain text file (CSV?) on the file system.
-The logged information includes Date/Time, type of event, the principals unique
-id, the result of the event as well as additional information generated by the
-event in human readable form.
-Components relevant to security are have to send the required information
-through an event channel, the audit logger needs to subscribe.
-Following events will be logged:
- - Startup and shutdown of the Zope Server
- - Startup / Shutdown of the security audit logger
- - Unauthorized operations
- - Rollback to historic version of an object
- - Allocation of residual information
- - Transactions that are rolled back
- - Successful requests to perform an ooperation on an object covered by the SFP (FDP_ACF.1)
- - Successful export of information (FDP_ETC.2)
- - Successful import of user data, including any security attributes (FDP_ITC.1)
- - All successful rollback operations (FDP_ROL.2)
- - Unsuccessful use of the authentication mechanism (FIA_UAU.1)
- - The final decision on authentication (FIA_UAU.5)
- - Failure of reauthentication (FIA_UAU.6)
- - Unsuccessful use of the user identification mechanism, including the user
- identity provided. (FIA_UID.1)
- - Unsuccessful binding of user seucirty attributes to a subject (FIA_USB.1)
- - Changes to the time (FIA_STM.1)
- - Successful use of TSF data consistency mechanisms (FPT_TDC.1)
- - Modifications to the group of users that are part of a role (FMT_SMR.1)
- - Failure of the trusted channel functions (FTP_TRP.1)
- - Identification of the initiator and target of failed trusted
- channel functions (FTP_TRP.1)
-The TSF does not allow any kind of transactions until the principal has
-presented his username and password. The length of the password is at
-least 6 characters.
Assurance measures
@@ -1365,6 +1323,17 @@
* Rationale
+Nice to have / Future
+ * FPT_TST is mostly handled by unit tests. What we don't handle is
+ data integrity. This might be something to consider for future
+ evaluations.
+ * FTA_TAH.1 TOE access history
+ * FIA_SOS.1 Specification of "identification" functions.
@@ -1389,6 +1358,9 @@
to to do what it wants. Ideally, these events should not be defined
by the auditing system, so as not to create dependencies of other
systems on the logging system.
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