[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/ The
presentation service is gone.
Stephan Richter
srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Fri Sep 17 12:24:14 EDT 2004
Log message for revision 27607:
The presentation service is gone.
D Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/presentation.py
U Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/tests/placelesssetup.py
D Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/tests/test_presentation.py
Deleted: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/presentation.py
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/presentation.py 2004-09-17 16:16:56 UTC (rev 27606)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/presentation.py 2004-09-17 16:24:14 UTC (rev 27607)
@@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Global Presentation Service
-This module contains an adapter-registry-based global presentation
-service. Additionally it contains all registration classes that can occur:
- - SkinRegistration
- - LayerRegistration
- - DefaultSkinRegistration
- - PresentationRegistration
-from types import ClassType
-from zope.component.interfaces import IPresentationService, IRegistry
-from zope.component.service import GlobalService
-from zope.component.servicenames import Presentation
-from zope.interface import providedBy
-from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface
-import zope.interface
-import zope.interface.adapter
-class IGlobalPresentationService(zope.interface.Interface):
- """Provide ability to update the global presentation service
- """
- def defineSkin(name, layers):
- """Define a skin
- A skin is defined for a request type. It consists of a
- sequence of layer names. Layers must be defined before they
- are used in a skin definition.
- Note that there is one predefined layer, "default".
- """
- def setDefaultSkin(name):
- """Set the default skin for a request type
- If not set, it defaults to the "default" skin.
- """
- def defineLayer(name):
- """Define a layer
- """
- def provideAdapter(request_type, factory, name='', contexts=(),
- providing=zope.interface.Interface, layer='default'):
- """Provide a presentation adapter
- """
-class IDefaultViewName(zope.interface.Interface):
- """A string that contains the default view name
- A default view name is used to select a view when a user hasn't
- specified one.
- """
-class GlobalPresentationService(GlobalService):
- r"""Global presentation service
- The global presentation service provides management of views, and
- resources arranged in skins, where skins are ordered collections
- of layers.
- Views are modeled as adapters of objects and requests.
- Resources are just request adapters.
- The adapters are arranged in layers.
- Let's look at some examples. First, we'll create a service:
- >>> s = GlobalPresentationService()
- And define a custom layer and skin:
- >>> s.defineLayer('custom')
- >>> s.defineSkin('custom', ['custom', 'default'])
- We'll define a request type and a fake request:
- >>> class IRequest(zope.interface.Interface):
- ... "Demonstration request type"
- >>> class Request(object):
- ... zope.interface.implements(IRequest)
- ... def getPresentationSkin(self):
- ... return getattr(self, 'skin', None)
- >>> request = Request()
- With this in place, we can start registering resources. A resource
- is just a request adapter.
- >>> class MyResource(object):
- ... def __init__(self, request):
- ... self.request = request
- To register a resource, we register it as an adapter. Most
- resources are going to interface with a user, and, so, don't
- really provide a programatic interface. For this reason, we
- register them to provide the empty interface, Interface, which is
- the default provided interface:
- >>> s.provideAdapter(IRequest, MyResource, name='foo', layer='custom')
- Now we can try to look this up:
- >>> s.queryResource('foo', request)
- But we won't get anything, because our request doesn't specify a
- skin and, the default skin gets used. Our resource was registered
- in the custom layer, which isn't used by the default skin. If we
- set out request skin to 'custom':
- >>> request.skin = 'custom'
- Then the lookup will suceed:
- >>> r = s.queryResource('foo', request)
- >>> r.__class__.__name__
- 'MyResource'
- >>> r.request is request
- True
- Views are registered as "multi" adapters. Multi-adapters adapt
- multiple objects simultaneously.
- >>> class IContact(zope.interface.Interface):
- ... "Demonstration content type"
- >>> class MyView(object):
- ... def __init__(self, context, request):
- ... self.context, self.request = context, request
- >>> s.provideAdapter(IRequest, MyView, contexts=[IContact],
- ... name='foo', layer='custom')
- When defining views, we provide one or more (typically 1) context
- interfaces, corresponding to the contexts of the view.
- >>> class Contact(object):
- ... zope.interface.implements(IContact)
- >>> c = Contact()
- We look up views with queryView:
- >>> v = s.queryView(c, 'foo', request)
- >>> v.__class__.__name__
- 'MyView'
- >>> v.request is request
- True
- >>> v.context is c
- True
- Most views and resources are unnamed and provide no interface. We
- can also have views that provide interfaces. For example, we
- might need a view to help out with finding objects:
- >>> class ITraverse(zope.interface.Interface):
- ... "Sample traversal interface (imagine interesting methods :)"
- >>> class Traverser(object):
- ... zope.interface.implements(ITraverse)
- ... def __init__(self, context, request):
- ... self.context, self.request = context, request
- which we register using the provided interface, rather than a name.
- >>> s.provideAdapter(IRequest, Traverser, contexts=[IContact],
- ... providing=ITraverse, layer='custom')
- (We could use a name too, if we wanted to.)
- Then we look up the view using the interface:
- >>> v = s.queryView(c, '', request, providing=ITraverse)
- >>> v.__class__.__name__
- 'Traverser'
- >>> v.request is request
- True
- >>> v.context is c
- True
- """
- zope.interface.implements(IPresentationService,
- IGlobalPresentationService,
- IRegistry,
- )
- def __init__(self):
- self._layers = {'default': GlobalLayer(self, 'default')}
- self._skins = {'default': [self._layers['default']]}
- self.skins = {'default': ('default', )}
- self.defaultSkin = 'default'
- self._registrations = {}
- def registrations(self):
- return self._registrations.itervalues()
- def defineSkin(self, name, layers, info=''):
- """Define a skin
- A skin is defined for a request type. It consists of a
- sequence of layer names. Layers must be defined before they
- are used in a skin definition.
- Note that there is one predefined layer, "default".
- >>> s = GlobalPresentationService()
- >>> s.defineSkin('default', ['default'])
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: ("Can\'t redefine skin", 'default')
- The layers used in a skin definition must be defined before
- they are used:
- >>> s.defineSkin('custom', ['custom', 'default'])
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: ('Undefined layers', ['custom'])
- >>> s.defineLayer('custom')
- >>> s.defineSkin('custom', ['custom', 'default'], 'custom doc')
- >>> skins = s.skins.items()
- >>> skins.sort()
- >>> skins
- [('custom', ('custom', 'default')), ('default', ('default',))]
- A skin registration is also recorded for each registered skin.
- >>> registrations = map(str, s.registrations())
- >>> registrations.sort()
- >>> for r in registrations:
- ... print r
- zope.component.presentation.LayerRegistration('custom', '')
- zope.component.presentation.SkinRegistration('custom', """ \
- """['custom', 'default'], 'custom doc')
- """
- if name in self._skins:
- raise ValueError("Can't redefine skin", name)
- bad = [layer for layer in layers if layer not in self._layers]
- if bad:
- raise ValueError, ("Undefined layers", bad)
- self._skins[name] = [self._layers[layer] for layer in layers]
- self.skins[name] = tuple(layers)
- self._registrations[('skin', name)
- ] = SkinRegistration(name, layers, info)
- def querySkin(self, name):
- return self.skins.get(name)
- def queryLayer(self, name):
- return self._layers.get(name)
- def setDefaultSkin(self, name, info=''):
- """Set the default skin for a request type
- If not set, it defaults to the "default" skin.
- >>> s = GlobalPresentationService()
- >>> s.defaultSkin
- 'default'
- >>> s.setDefaultSkin('custom')
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: ('Undefined skin', 'custom')
- >>> s.defineLayer('custom')
- >>> s.defineSkin('custom', ['custom', 'default'])
- >>> s.setDefaultSkin('custom', 'yawn')
- >>> s.defaultSkin
- 'custom'
- A default skin registration is also recorded for each
- registered default skin.
- >>> registrations = map(str, s.registrations())
- >>> registrations.sort()
- >>> for r in registrations:
- ... print r
- zope.component.presentation.DefaultSkinRegistration('custom', 'yawn')
- zope.component.presentation.LayerRegistration('custom', '')
- zope.component.presentation.SkinRegistration('custom', """ \
- """['custom', 'default'], '')
- """
- # Make sure we are refering to a defined skin
- if name not in self._skins:
- raise ValueError, ("Undefined skin", name)
- self.defaultSkin = name
- self._registrations['defaultSkin'
- ] = DefaultSkinRegistration(name, info)
- def defineLayer(self, name, info=''):
- """Define a layer
- >>> s = GlobalPresentationService()
- >>> s.defineLayer('custom', 'blah')
- You can't define a layer that's already defined:
- >>> s.defineLayer('custom')
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: ("Can\'t redefine layer", 'custom')
- A layer registration is also recorded for each registered layer.
- >>> list(s.registrations())
- [zope.component.presentation.LayerRegistration('custom', 'blah')]
- """
- if name in self._layers:
- raise ValueError("Can\'t redefine layer", name)
- self._layers[name] = GlobalLayer(self, name)
- self._registrations[('layer', name)] = LayerRegistration(name, info)
- def provideAdapter(self, request_type, factory, name=u'', contexts=(),
- providing=zope.interface.Interface, layer='default',
- info=''):
- """Provide a presentation adapter
- This is a fairly low-level interface that supports both
- resources and views.
- """
- ifaces = []
- for context in contexts:
- if not IInterface.providedBy(context) and context is not None:
- if not isinstance(context, (type, ClassType)):
- raise TypeError(context, IInterface)
- context = zope.interface.implementedBy(context)
- ifaces.append(context)
- ifaces.append(request_type)
- ifaces = tuple(ifaces)
- reg = self._layers[layer]
- reg.register(ifaces, providing, name, factory)
- self._registrations[
- (layer, ifaces, providing, name)
- ] = PresentationRegistration(layer, ifaces, providing, name,
- factory, info)
- def queryResource(self, name, request, default=None,
- providing=zope.interface.Interface):
- """Look up a named resource for a given request
- The request must implement IPresentationRequest.
- The default will be returned if the component can't be found.
- """
- skin = request.getPresentationSkin() or self.defaultSkin
- for layer in self._skins[skin]:
- r = layer.queryAdapter(request, providing, name)
- if r is not None:
- return r
- return default
- def queryView(self, object, name, request,
- providing=zope.interface.Interface, default=None):
- """Look for a named view for a given object and request
- The request must implement IPresentationRequest.
- The default will be returned if the component can't be found.
- """
- skin = request.getPresentationSkin() or self.defaultSkin
- objects = object, request
- for layer in self._skins.get(skin, ()):
- r = layer.queryMultiAdapter(objects, providing, name)
- if r is not None:
- return r
- return default
- def queryMultiView(self, objects, request,
- providing=zope.interface.Interface, name='',
- default=None):
- """Adapt the given objects and request
- The first argument is a sequence of objects to be adapted with the
- request.
- """
- skin = request.getPresentationSkin() or self.defaultSkin
- objects = objects + (request, )
- for layer in self._skins[skin]:
- r = layer.queryMultiAdapter(objects, providing, name)
- if r is not None:
- return r
- return default
- ############################################################
- #
- # The following methods are provided for convenience and for
- # backward compatability with old code:
- def provideView(self, for_, name, type, maker, layer='default',
- providing=zope.interface.Interface):
- # Helper function for simple view defs
- return self.provideAdapter(type, maker, name,
- contexts=[for_], layer=layer,
- providing=providing)
- def setDefaultViewName(self, for_, request_type, name, layer="default"):
- """Default view names
- A default view name is a name that an application should use
- if a user hasn't selected one. This should not be confused
- with unnamed views.
- The presentation service can store this by storing the name as
- an "adapter".
- """
- return self.provideAdapter(request_type, name,
- providing=IDefaultViewName,
- contexts=[for_], layer=layer)
- def queryDefaultViewName(self, object, request, default=None):
- skin = request.getPresentationSkin() or 'default'
- objects = object, request
- for layer in self._skins[skin]:
- r = layer.lookup(map(providedBy, objects), IDefaultViewName)
- if r is not None:
- return r
- return default
- def provideResource(self, name, request_type, factory, layer='default',
- providing=zope.interface.Interface):
- # Helper function for simple view defs
- return self.provideAdapter(request_type, factory, name, layer=layer,
- providing=providing)
-def GL(presentation_service, layer_name):
- return presentation_service.queryLayer(layer_name)
-class GlobalLayer(zope.interface.adapter.AdapterRegistry):
- def __init__(self, parent, name):
- super(GlobalLayer, self).__init__()
- self.__parent__ = parent
- self.__name__ = name
- def __reduce__(self):
- return GL, (self.__parent__, self.__name__)
-class SkinRegistration(object):
- """Registration for a global skin."""
- def __init__(self, skin, layers, info):
- self.skin, self.layers, self.doc = skin, layers, info
- def __repr__(self):
- """Representation of the object in a doctest-friendly format."""
- return '%s.%s(%r, %r, %r)' % (
- self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,
- self.skin, self.layers, self.doc)
-class LayerRegistration(object):
- """Registration for a global layer."""
- def __init__(self, layer, info):
- self.layer, self.doc = layer, info
- def __repr__(self):
- """Representation of the object in a doctest-friendly format."""
- return '%s.%s(%r, %r)' % (
- self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,
- self.layer, self.doc)
-class DefaultSkinRegistration(object):
- """Registration for the global default skin."""
- def __init__(self, skin, info):
- self.skin, self.doc = skin, info
- def __repr__(self):
- """Representation of the object in a doctest-friendly format."""
- return '%s.%s(%r, %r)' % (
- self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,
- self.skin, self.doc)
-class PresentationRegistration(object):
- """Registration for a single presentation component."""
- def __init__(self, layer, required, provided, name, factory, info):
- (self.layer, self.required, self.provided, self.name,
- self.factory, self.doc
- ) = layer, required, provided, name, factory, info
- def __repr__(self):
- """Representation of the object in a doctest-friendly format."""
- return '%s.%s(%s, %r, %r, %r, %r, %r)' % (
- self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,
- self.layer,
- tuple([getattr(s, '__name__', None) for s in self.required]),
- self.provided.__name__,
- self.name, getattr(self.factory, '__name__', self.factory),
- self.doc)
Modified: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/tests/placelesssetup.py
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/tests/placelesssetup.py 2004-09-17 16:16:56 UTC (rev 27606)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/tests/placelesssetup.py 2004-09-17 16:24:14 UTC (rev 27607)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
from zope.testing.cleanup import CleanUp
from zope.component import getGlobalServices
-from zope.component.servicenames import Adapters, Utilities, Presentation
+from zope.component.servicenames import Adapters, Utilities
# A mix-in class inheriting from CleanUp that also connects the CA services
class PlacelessSetup(CleanUp):
@@ -40,11 +40,5 @@
from zope.component.adapter import GlobalAdapterService
provideService(Adapters, GlobalAdapterService())
- # presentation service
- from zope.component.interfaces import IPresentationService
- defineService(Presentation, IPresentationService)
- from zope.component.presentation import GlobalPresentationService
- provideService(Presentation, GlobalPresentationService())
def tearDown(self):
Deleted: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/tests/test_presentation.py
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/tests/test_presentation.py 2004-09-17 16:16:56 UTC (rev 27606)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/tests/test_presentation.py 2004-09-17 16:24:14 UTC (rev 27607)
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Presentation Serivce tests
-import unittest
-from doctest import DocTestSuite
-from zope.component.presentation import GlobalPresentationService
-import zope.interface
-class IRequest(zope.interface.Interface):
- "Demonstration request type"
-class Request(object):
- zope.interface.implements(IRequest)
- def getPresentationSkin(self):
- return getattr(self, 'skin', None)
-class IContact(zope.interface.Interface):
- "Demonstration content type"
-class Contact(object):
- zope.interface.implements(IContact)
-class MyView(object):
- def __init__(self, context, request):
- self.context, self.request = context, request
-def test_view_lookup_fails_w_wrong_skin():
- """
- >>> s = GlobalPresentationService()
- >>> s.defineLayer('custom')
- >>> s.defineSkin('custom', ['custom', 'default'])
- >>> request = Request()
- >>> s.provideAdapter(IRequest, MyView, contexts=[IContact], name='foo',
- ... layer='custom')
- >>> c = Contact()
- >>> s.queryView(c, 'foo', request)
- We don't get anothing because we registered in the custom layer,
- but looked up in the default skin which has only the default layer.
- """
-class ICompany(zope.interface.Interface):
- "Demonstration content type"
-class Company(object):
- zope.interface.implements(ICompany)
-class ContactInCompanyView:
- def __init__(self, contact, company, request):
- self.contact, self.company, self.request = contact, company, request
-class IFamily(zope.interface.Interface):
- "Demonstration content type"
-class Family(object):
- zope.interface.implements(IFamily)
-class ContactInFamilyView(object):
- def __init__(self, contact, family, request):
- self.contact, self.family, self.request = contact, family, request
-def test_multi_views():
- """A multi-view is a view on multiple objects
- >>> s = GlobalPresentationService()
- >>> request = Request()
- >>> s.provideAdapter(IRequest, ContactInCompanyView,
- ... contexts=[IContact, ICompany], name='foo',
- ... info='test 1')
- >>> bob = Contact()
- >>> acme = Company()
- >>> v = s.queryMultiView((bob, acme), request, name='foo')
- >>> v.__class__.__name__
- 'ContactInCompanyView'
- >>> v.contact is bob
- True
- >>> v.company is acme
- True
- >>> v.request is request
- True
- >>> s.provideAdapter(IRequest, ContactInFamilyView,
- ... contexts=[IContact, IFamily], name='foo',
- ... info='test 2')
- >>> smith = Family()
- >>> v = s.queryMultiView((bob, smith), request, name='foo')
- >>> v.__class__.__name__
- 'ContactInFamilyView'
- >>> v.contact is bob
- True
- >>> v.family is smith
- True
- >>> v.request is request
- True
- Provided adapters (views and resources) are recorded as registrations:
- >>> registrations = map(str, s.registrations())
- >>> registrations.sort()
- >>> for r in registrations:
- ... print r
- zope.component.presentation.PresentationRegistration(""" \
- """default, ('IContact', 'ICompany', 'IRequest'), """ \
- """'Interface', 'foo', 'ContactInCompanyView', 'test 1')
- zope.component.presentation.PresentationRegistration(""" \
- """default, ('IContact', 'IFamily', 'IRequest'), """ \
- """'Interface', 'foo', 'ContactInFamilyView', 'test 2')
- """
-def test_provideView():
- """
- The provideView is a simpler and backward-compatible interface to
- provideAdapter.
- >>> s = GlobalPresentationService()
- >>> request = Request()
- >>> s.provideView(IContact, 'foo', IRequest, MyView)
- >>> c = Contact()
- >>> v = s.queryView(c, 'foo', request)
- >>> v.__class__.__name__
- 'MyView'
- >>> v.request is request
- True
- >>> v.context is c
- True
- We can specify a layer and we can provide a view factory directly:
- >>> s.defineLayer('custom')
- >>> s.defineSkin('custom', ['custom', 'default'])
- >>> s.provideView(IContact, 'index.html', IRequest, MyView, layer='custom')
- >>> c = Contact()
- >>> request.skin = 'custom'
- >>> v = s.queryView(c, 'foo', request)
- >>> v.__class__.__name__
- 'MyView'
- >>> v.request is request
- True
- >>> v.context is c
- True
- """
-def test_default_view_names():
- """
- >>> s = GlobalPresentationService()
- >>> request = Request()
- >>> c = Contact()
- We haven't set a default view name:
- >>> s.queryDefaultViewName(c, request)
- Let's set a "default default":
- >>> s.setDefaultViewName(None, IRequest, 'index.html')
- And then we'll get it is we look something up:
- >>> s.queryDefaultViewName(c, request)
- 'index.html'
- Now we'll set a name for a specific interface. We'll also specify
- a specifioc layer:
- >>> s.defineLayer('custom')
- >>> s.defineSkin('custom', ['custom', 'default'])
- >>> s.setDefaultViewName(IContact, IRequest, 'hello.html', layer='custom')
- If we don't specify the custum skin, we'll still get the default:
- >>> s.queryDefaultViewName(c, request)
- 'index.html'
- But if we specify a custom skin, we'll get the custom value for a contact:
- >>> request.skin = 'custom'
- >>> s.queryDefaultViewName(c, request)
- 'hello.html'
- But not for something else:
- >>> s.queryDefaultViewName(42, request)
- 'index.html'
- """
-def test_default_skin_affects_lookup():
- """
- >>> s = GlobalPresentationService()
- >>> s.defineLayer('custom')
- >>> s.defineSkin('custom', ['custom', 'default'])
- >>> request = Request()
- >>> class MyResource(object):
- ... def __init__(self, request):
- ... self.request = request
- >>> s.provideAdapter(IRequest, MyResource, name='foo', layer='custom')
- >>> s.queryResource('foo', request)
- >>> s.provideAdapter(IRequest, MyView, contexts=[IContact], name='foo',
- ... layer='custom')
- >>> c = Contact()
- >>> v = s.queryView(c, 'foo', request)
- >>> s.setDefaultSkin('custom')
- >>> r = s.queryResource('foo', request)
- >>> r.__class__.__name__
- 'MyResource'
- >>> r.request is request
- True
- >>> v = s.queryView(c, 'foo', request)
- >>> v.__class__.__name__
- 'MyView'
- >>> v.request is request
- True
- >>> v.context is c
- True
- """
-def test_pickling():
- """
- >>> from zope.component.tests.test_service import testServiceManager
- >>> from zope.component.interfaces import IPresentationService
- >>> testServiceManager.defineService('Presentation', IPresentationService)
- >>> presentation = GlobalPresentationService()
- >>> testServiceManager.provideService('Presentation', presentation)
- >>> import pickle
- >>> s = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(presentation))
- >>> s is presentation
- True
- >>> layer = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(presentation.queryLayer('default')))
- >>> (layer is presentation.queryLayer('default')) and (layer is not None)
- True
- >>> testServiceManager._clear()
- """
-def test_suite():
- return unittest.TestSuite((
- DocTestSuite('zope.component.presentation'),
- DocTestSuite(),
- ))
-if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
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