[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex -
more security requirements rationale
Christian Theune
ct at gocept.com
Tue Apr 19 08:50:04 EDT 2005
Log message for revision 30039:
- more security requirements rationale
- tex cleanup
U Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex
Modified: Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex
--- Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex 2005-04-19 12:39:20 UTC (rev 30038)
+++ Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex 2005-04-19 12:50:04 UTC (rev 30039)
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% begin: floats for footnotes tweaking.
@@ -56,23 +40,17 @@
-\textbf{Version}: &
- 30023 (Draft) \\
-\textbf{Date}: &
- 2005-04-18 15:47:51 +0200 (Mon, 18 Apr 2005) \\
-\textbf{Author}: &
- Christian Theune {\textless}ct at gocept.com{\textgreater} \\
-\textbf{Author}: &
- Steve Alexander {\textless}steve at catbox.net{\textgreater} \\
-\textbf{Author}: &
- Jim Fulton {\textless}jim at zope.com{\textgreater} \\
-\textbf{DocumentID}: &
- SecurityTarget.txt 30023 2005-04-18 13:47:51Z zagy \\
+ \item[Version:] $Version$ (Draft)
+ \item[Date:] $Date$
+ \item[Author:] Christian Theune, ct at gocept.com
+ \item[Author:] Steve Alexander, steve at catbox.net
+ \item[Author:] Jim Fulton, jim at zope.com
+ \item[DocumentID:] $Id$
@@ -166,7 +144,7 @@
The TOE consists of the following component:
@@ -448,7 +426,7 @@
The following primary assets have been identified:
Asset Name
@@ -474,7 +452,7 @@
The following secondary assets have been identified:
Asset Name
@@ -581,7 +559,7 @@
The following assumptions need to be made about the TOE environment:
Assumption Name
@@ -664,7 +642,7 @@
The following threats against the assets have been identified:
@@ -829,7 +807,7 @@
The following security objectives have been defined for the TOE:
Objective Name
@@ -924,17 +902,11 @@
\section{Security objectives for the environment}
The following security objectives have been defined for the TOE environment:
-Assumption Name
-} & \textbf{
-} \\
+Assumption Name & Description \\
@@ -962,25 +934,21 @@
Administrators of the TOE must ensure that audit
facilities are used and managed effectively. In
-\item {}
Appropriate action must be taken to ensure continued
audit logging, e.g. by regular archiving of logs
before audit trail exhaustion to ensure sufficient
free space.
-\item {}
Audit logs should be inspected on a regular basis,
and appropriate action should be taken on the
detection of breaches of security, or events that
are likely to lead to a breach in the future.
@@ -1007,8 +975,7 @@
@@ -1997,7 +1964,7 @@
The following TOE assurance requirements drawn from CC Part 3 are valid:
@@ -2333,7 +2300,7 @@
\section{Table: Functions to Security Functional Requirements Mapping}
@@ -2417,7 +2384,7 @@
\section{Table: Security Functional Requirements to Functions Mapping}
@@ -2729,9 +2696,105 @@
\pdfbookmark[1]{Security requirements rationale}{security-requirements-rationale}
\section{Security requirements rationale}
+- Table showing that all objectives are covered and no SFR doesn't belong to an objective
+% XXX do table \dots
+\minisec{O.IA --- Identification and Authentication}
+ A central part of the security machinery within the TOE is the correct
+ identification and authentification of users.
+ This is covered by the activities:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[Asking for and validating a user's credentials]
+ The TOE holds information to uniquely identify a principal and its
+ required credentials. (FIA\_ATD.1)
+ The TOE presents the user with a prompt to supply his credentials
+ if an operation requires an authenticated principal (FIA\_UAU.1)
+ Depending on the communication channel, the system selects a
+ suitable authentication mechanism to ask a user for his
+ credentials. (FIA\_UAU.5)
+ If an authenticated user does not have enough permission grants to
+ perform an operation, he will get the chance to authenticate with
+ other credentials. (FIA\_UAU.6)
+ If the credentials stored at the user agent expire (e.g. cookies in
+ a web browser), the user will be asked to represent his credentials
+ before performing any further operation. (FIA\_UAU.6)
+ \item[Binding users to the correct principals]
+ The TOE allows users to interact with the system without presenting
+ credentials by binding unauthenticated users to the ``Anonymous''
+ principal. This allows parts of applications to be accessible without
+ presenting any credentials. (FIA\_UAU.1)
+ Once a user has been identified and authenticated, the subject of
+ the operation is bound to the user by selecting the correct
+ principal. (FIA\_USB.1)
+ \item[Managing required security attributes]
+ The TOE manages the required security attributes (permission grants
+ and denials, credentials, \dots). Special permissions are required
+ to read or write certain security attributes. (FMT\_MSA.1)
+ \item[Associating principals with the correct security attributes]
+ This is covered by FIA\_ATD.1 and FIA\_USB.1
+ \end{description}
+\minisec{O.Delegation -- Securely delegate control}
+ - delegating a permission requires a grant for the meta permission
+ - having a meta permission allows to spell grants and denials for the meta permission and the permission
+ FDP\_ITC.2
+ FDP\_ATD.1
+ FMT\_MSA.1
+\minisec{O.Protect -- Protect the TOE from tampering}
+ The TOE provides some effort to not allow an insecure situation that
+ resulted from tampering with the system. Most situations have to be avoided
+ due to correct appliance of the environmental requirements though.
+ As the TOE is normally run with access through open communication channels
+ like the internet, credentials very likely might be compromised by brute
+ force attacks. This is avoided by applying FIA\_AFL\_z.1.
+ Changing the behaviour of security functions is a critical operation.
+ Therefore a set of well known permissions and roles are established to
+ easily identify people that are able to change any security relevant
+ behaviour. (FMT\_MOF.1)
+ In the case of data loss, failure of subsystems or unexpected situations,
+ the usage of FMT\_MSA.3 allows the system to stay in the most secure state
+ possible. Asserting restrictive default values for security attributes
+ avoids permission elevation and results in a better protected TOE.
+ FPT\_AMT.1
+ FPT\_FLS.1
+ FPT\_SEP.1
+ FPT\_STM.1
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