[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/3.2/doc/CHANGES.txt *** empty log message ***

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Fri Dec 16 16:05:42 EST 2005

Log message for revision 40831:
  *** empty log message ***

  U   Zope3/branches/3.2/doc/CHANGES.txt

Modified: Zope3/branches/3.2/doc/CHANGES.txt
--- Zope3/branches/3.2/doc/CHANGES.txt	2005-12-16 20:56:02 UTC (rev 40830)
+++ Zope3/branches/3.2/doc/CHANGES.txt	2005-12-16 21:05:41 UTC (rev 40831)
@@ -6,10 +6,21 @@
   For information on future releases, see ROADMAP.txt.
-  After Zope 3.2.0b1
+  Zope 3.2.0b2
+    New features
+      - Added an option to mkzopeinstance to create instances that use
+        ZServer, rather than Twisted.  The Twisted integration needs
+        some more work and testing before it's ready for production
+        use.
     Bug Fixes
+      - Uodated to a new version of twisted that fixes a bug in
+        calling request bidy stream read methods without passing
+        arguments. http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope3-dev/521.
       - In zopeskel/etc/zope.conf.in, use the same default port number
         as the one in ZEO/mkzeoinst.py.

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