[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/ zcml:condition lives again,
albeit in a less powerful form.
Marius Gedminas
marius at pov.lt
Sun Feb 20 12:00:37 EST 2005
Log message for revision 29227:
zcml:condition lives again, albeit in a less powerful form.
U Zope3/trunk/doc/CHANGES.txt
U Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/config.py
U Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/interfaces.py
A Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/conditions.zcml
A Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/test_conditions.py
U Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/xmlconfig.py
Modified: Zope3/trunk/doc/CHANGES.txt
--- Zope3/trunk/doc/CHANGES.txt 2005-02-20 15:36:05 UTC (rev 29226)
+++ Zope3/trunk/doc/CHANGES.txt 2005-02-20 17:00:37 UTC (rev 29227)
@@ -10,6 +10,19 @@
New features
+ - You can declare "features" provided by your package with the new
+ <meta:provides feature="name" /> ZCML directive. The presence of these
+ features can be tested with the new zcml:condition attribute.
+ - ZCML supports conditional directives using the zcml:condition
+ attribute. The value of the attribute is an expression of the
+ form "verb arguments". Currently the only recognized verb is "have",
+ and it takes a single name of a feature as an argument.
+ If the expression is true, the element the attribute is attached to
+ will be used, otherwise the element and its descendents will be
+ ignored.
- API doctool has received some upgrades:
* A new `bookmodule` compiles all our README.txt and other text
Modified: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/config.py
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/config.py 2005-02-20 15:36:05 UTC (rev 29226)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/config.py 2005-02-20 17:00:37 UTC (rev 29227)
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
def __init__(self):
super(ConfigurationContext, self).__init__()
self._seen_files = sets.Set()
+ self._features = sets.Set()
def resolve(self, dottedname):
"""Resolve a dotted name to an object
@@ -328,8 +329,6 @@
return True
def action(self, discriminator, callable=None, args=(), kw={}, order=0):
"""Add an action with the given discriminator, callable and arguments
@@ -388,6 +387,35 @@
+ def hasFeature(self, feature):
+ """Check whether a named feature has been provided.
+ Initially no features are provided
+ >>> c = ConfigurationContext()
+ >>> c.hasFeature('onlinehelp')
+ False
+ You can declare that a feature is provided
+ >>> c.provideFeature('onlinehelp')
+ and it becomes available
+ >>> c.hasFeature('onlinehelp')
+ True
+ """
+ return feature in self._features
+ def provideFeature(self, feature):
+ """Declare thata named feature has been provided.
+ See `hasFeature` for examples.
+ """
+ self._features.add(feature)
class ConfigurationAdapterRegistry(object):
"""Simple adapter registry that manages directives as adapters
@@ -1195,7 +1223,45 @@
context.info, context.context)
context.context[name] = schema, context.info
+# Features
+class IProvidesDirectiveInfo(Interface):
+ """Information for a <meta:provides> directive"""
+ feature = zope.schema.TextLine(
+ title = u"Feature name",
+ description = u"""The name of the feature being provided
+ You can test available features with zcml:condition="have featurename".
+ """,
+ )
+def provides(context, feature):
+ """Declare that a feature is provided in context.
+ >>> c = ConfigurationContext()
+ >>> provides(c, 'apidoc')
+ >>> c.hasFeature('apidoc')
+ True
+ Spaces are not allowed in feature names (this is reserved for providing
+ many features with a single directive in the futute).
+ >>> provides(c, 'apidoc onlinehelp')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: Only one feature name allowed
+ >>> c.hasFeature('apidoc onlinehelp')
+ False
+ """
+ if len(feature.split()) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("Only one feature name allowed")
+ context.provideFeature(feature)
# Argument conversion
@@ -1566,3 +1632,13 @@
+ # meta:provides
+ context((metans, 'directive'),
+ info,
+ name='provides',
+ namespace=metans,
+ handler="zope.configuration.config.provides",
+ schema="zope.configuration.config.IProvidesDirectiveInfo"
+ )
Modified: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/interfaces.py
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/interfaces.py 2005-02-20 15:36:05 UTC (rev 29226)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/interfaces.py 2005-02-20 17:00:37 UTC (rev 29227)
@@ -86,6 +86,13 @@
other actions.
+ def provideFeature(name):
+ """Record that a named feature is available in this context."""
+ def hasFeature(name):
+ """Check whether a named feature is available in this context."""
class IGroupingContext(Interface):
def before():
Copied: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/conditions.zcml (from rev 28766, Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/conditions.zcml)
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/conditions.zcml 2005-01-07 16:43:09 UTC (rev 28766)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/conditions.zcml 2005-02-20 17:00:37 UTC (rev 29227)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+ xmlns:meta="http://namespaces.zope.org/meta"
+ xmlns:test="http://sample.namespaces.zope.org/test"
+ xmlns:zcml="http://namespaces.zope.org/zcml"
+ >
+ <meta:directive
+ name="register"
+ namespace="http://sample.namespaces.zope.org/test"
+ schema=".test_conditions.IRegister"
+ handler=".test_conditions.register"
+ >
+ This registers a directive which creates registrations we can test.
+ </meta:directive>
+ <test:register id="unqualified.registration" />
+ <meta:provides feature="testfeature" />
+ <meta:provides feature="anothertestfeature" />
+ <configure zcml:condition="have testfeature">
+ ZCML directives inside here should be included.
+ <configure>
+ <test:register id="nested.true.condition" />
+ </configure>
+ <!-- These registrations stand on the basis of their own
+ conditions: -->
+ <test:register
+ zcml:condition="have anothertestfeature"
+ id="true.condition.nested.in.true"
+ />
+ <test:register
+ zcml:condition="have undefinedfeature"
+ id="false.condition.nested.in.true"
+ />
+ </configure>
+ <test:register
+ zcml:condition="have testfeature"
+ id="direct.true.condition"
+ >
+ This registration should be included.
+ </test:register>
+ <configure zcml:condition="have undefinedfeature">
+ ZCML directives inside here should be ignored.
+ <configure>
+ <test:register id="nested.false.condition" />
+ </configure>
+ <!-- These registrations are ignored, since the container is
+ ignored: -->
+ <test:register
+ zcml:condition="have testfeature"
+ id="true.condition.nested.in.false"
+ />
+ <test:register
+ zcml:condition="have undefinedfeature"
+ id="false.condition.nested.in.false"
+ />
+ </configure>
+ <test:register
+ zcml:condition="have undefinedfeature"
+ id="direct.false.condition"
+ >
+ This registration should be ignored.
+ </test:register>
Property changes on: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/conditions.zcml
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/xml
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Copied: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/test_conditions.py (from rev 28766, Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/test_conditions.py)
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/test_conditions.py 2005-01-07 16:43:09 UTC (rev 28766)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/test_conditions.py 2005-02-20 17:00:37 UTC (rev 29227)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+r'''How to conditionalize specific directives
+There is a "condition" attribute in the
+"http://namespaces.zope.org/zcml" namespace which is honored on all
+elements in ZCML. The value of the attribute is an expression
+which is used to determine if that element and its descendents are
+used. If the condition is true, processing continues normally,
+otherwise that element and its descendents are ignored.
+Currently the expression is always of the form "have featurename", and it
+checks for the presence of a <meta:provides feature="featurename" />.
+Our demonstration uses a trivial registry; each registration consists
+of a simple id inserted in the global `registry` in this module. We
+can checked that a registration was made by checking whether the id is
+present in `registry`.
+We start by loading the example ZCML file, *conditions.zcml*::
+ >>> import zope.configuration.tests
+ >>> import zope.configuration.xmlconfig
+ >>> context = zope.configuration.xmlconfig.file("conditions.zcml",
+ ... zope.configuration.tests)
+To show that our sample directive works, we see that the unqualified
+registration was successful::
+ >>> "unqualified.registration" in registry
+ True
+When the expression specified with ``zcml:condition`` evaluates to
+true, the element it is attached to and all contained elements (not
+otherwise conditioned) should be processed normally::
+ >>> "direct.true.condition" in registry
+ True
+ >>> "nested.true.condition" in registry
+ True
+However, when the expression evaluates to false, the conditioned
+element and all contained elements should be ignored::
+ >>> "direct.false.condition" in registry
+ False
+ >>> "nested.false.condition" in registry
+ False
+Conditions on container elements affect the conditions in nested
+elements in a reasonable way. If an "outer" condition is true, nested
+conditions are processed normally::
+ >>> "true.condition.nested.in.true" in registry
+ True
+ >>> "false.condition.nested.in.true" in registry
+ False
+If the outer condition is false, inner conditions are not even
+evaluated, and the nested elements are ignored::
+ >>> "true.condition.nested.in.false" in registry
+ False
+ >>> "false.condition.nested.in.false" in registry
+ False
+Now we need to clean up after ourselves::
+ >>> del registry[:]
+__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"
+import zope.interface
+import zope.schema
+import zope.testing.doctest
+class IRegister(zope.interface.Interface):
+ """Trivial sample registry."""
+ id = zope.schema.Id(
+ title=u"Identifier",
+ description=u"Some identifier that can be checked.",
+ required=True,
+ )
+registry = []
+def register(context, id):
+ context.action(discriminator=('Register', id),
+ callable=registry.append,
+ args=(id,)
+ )
+def test_suite():
+ return zope.testing.doctest.DocTestSuite()
Property changes on: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/test_conditions.py
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/x-python
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Modified: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/xmlconfig.py
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/xmlconfig.py 2005-02-20 15:36:05 UTC (rev 29226)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/xmlconfig.py 2005-02-20 17:00:37 UTC (rev 29227)
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@
logger = logging.getLogger("config")
+ZCML_NAMESPACE = "http://namespaces.zope.org/zcml"
class ZopeXMLConfigurationError(ConfigurationError):
"""Zope XML Configuration error
@@ -181,6 +185,7 @@
def __init__(self, context, testing=0):
self.context = context
self.testing = testing
+ self.ignore_depth = 0
def setDocumentLocator(self, locator):
self.locator = locator
@@ -189,12 +194,22 @@
def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs):
+ if self.ignore_depth:
+ self.ignore_depth += 1
+ return
data = {}
for (ns, aname), value in attrs.items():
if ns is None:
aname = str(aname)
data[aname] = value
+ if (ns, aname) == ZCML_CONDITION:
+ # need to process the expression to determine if we
+ # use this element and it's descendents
+ use = self.evaluateCondition(value)
+ if not use:
+ self.ignore_depth = 1
+ return
info = ParserInfo(
@@ -213,8 +228,58 @@
+ def evaluateCondition(self, expression):
+ """Evaluate a ZCML condition.
+ `expression` is a string of the form "verb arguments".
+ Currently the only supported verb is 'have'. It takes one argument:
+ the name of a feature.
+ >>> from zope.configuration.config import ConfigurationContext
+ >>> context = ConfigurationContext()
+ >>> context.provideFeature('apidoc')
+ >>> c = ConfigurationHandler(context, testing=True)
+ >>> c.evaluateCondition("have apidoc")
+ True
+ >>> c.evaluateCondition("have onlinehelp")
+ False
+ Ill-formed expressions raise an error
+ >>> c.evaluateCondition("want apidoc")
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: Invalid ZCML condition: 'want apidoc'
+ >>> c.evaluateCondition("have x y")
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: Only one feature allowed: 'have x y'
+ >>> c.evaluateCondition("have")
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: Feature name missing: 'have'
+ """
+ arguments = expression.split(None)
+ verb = arguments.pop(0)
+ if verb == 'have':
+ if not arguments:
+ raise ValueError("Feature name missing: %r" % expression)
+ if len(arguments) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("Only one feature allowed: %r" % expression)
+ return self.context.hasFeature(arguments[0])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid ZCML condition: %r" % expression)
def endElementNS(self, name, qname):
+ # If ignore_depth is set, this element will be ignored, even
+ # if this this decrements ignore_depth to 0.
+ if self.ignore_depth:
+ self.ignore_depth -= 1
+ return
info = self.context.getInfo()
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