SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/form/browser/tests/test_textwidget.py
TestCase for the rendering of bytesarea field demonstrating it
works with
the default display widget. Change as well to unicode the value for
the textarea testcase to see th difference
Dmitry Vasiliev
lists at hlabs.spb.ru
Tue Jul 26 10:16:15 EDT 2005
Julien Anguenot wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dmitry Vasiliev wrote:
>>Julien Anguenot wrote:
>>>Log message for revision 37406:
>>> TestCase for the rendering of bytesarea field demonstrating it works
>>>with the default display widget. Change as well to unicode the value
>>>for the textarea testcase to see th difference
>>> U Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/form/browser/tests/test_textwidget.py
>>>Modified: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/form/browser/tests/test_textwidget.py
>>> # Rendering with the default DisplayWidget for this widget
>>> def testRender(self):
>>>+ value = u"""
>>>+ texttexttexttexttexttextexttexttexttexttextйййййййййййййййй
>>>+ texttexttexttexttextteйййййxttexttexttexttexttexttexttextte
>>>+ texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext
>>>+ """
>>You need to declare file encoding because the non-ASCII characters.
> I put it on top of the file. I didn't find any file with encoding
> declared so it might not be the right place within Zope3 source code ?
If you don't like it you can use the \uXXXX form for non-ASCII characters.
Dmitry Vasiliev (dima at hlabs.spb.ru)
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