[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/undo/tests/test_zodbundomanager.py Added test for my recent changes

Dmitry Vasiliev dima at hlabs.spb.ru
Sun Jul 31 05:14:50 EDT 2005

Log message for revision 37608:
  Added test for my recent changes

  U   Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/undo/tests/test_zodbundomanager.py

Modified: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/undo/tests/test_zodbundomanager.py
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/undo/tests/test_zodbundomanager.py	2005-07-31 03:50:53 UTC (rev 37607)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/undo/tests/test_zodbundomanager.py	2005-07-31 09:14:49 UTC (rev 37608)
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@
 testdata = [
     dict(id='1', user_name='/ jim', time=time(), description='des 1',
-         location='/spam/1'),
+         location=u'/spam\N{CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A}/1'),
     dict(id='2', user_name='/ jim', time=time(), description='des 2',
-         location='/parrot/2'),
+         location=u'/parrot/2'),
     dict(id='3', user_name='/ anthony', time=time(), description='des 3',
-         location='/spam/spam/3'),
+         location=u'/spam\N{CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A}/spam/3'),
     dict(id='4', user_name='/ jim', time=time(), description='des 4',
-         location='/spam/parrot/4'),
+         location=u'/spam\N{CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A}/parrot/4'),
     dict(id='5', user_name='/ anthony', time=time(), description='des 5'),
     dict(id='6', user_name='/ anthony', time=time(), description='des 6'),
     dict(id='7', user_name='/ jim', time=time(), description='des 7',
-         location='/spam/7'),
+         location=u'/spam\N{CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A}/7'),
     dict(id='8', user_name='/ anthony', time=time(), description='des 8'),
     dict(id='9', user_name='/ jim', time=time(), description='des 9'),
     dict(id='10', user_name='/ jim', time=time(), description='des 10'),
@@ -116,12 +116,13 @@
         root = Location()
         spam = Location()
-        spam.__name__ = 'spam'
+        spam.__name__ = u'spam\N{CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A}'
         spam.__parent__ = root
         directlyProvides(root, IContainmentRoot)
         expected = [dict for dict in self.data if 'location' in dict
-                    and dict['location'].startswith('/spam')]
+                    and dict['location'].startswith(
+                        u'/spam\N{CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A}')]
         self.assertEqual(list(self.undo.getTransactions(spam)), expected)
         # now test this with getPrincipalTransactions()

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