[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/authentication/principalfolder.py Fixed another bug in handling pluggable-authentication prefixes.

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Tue Jun 14 15:49:09 EDT 2005

Log message for revision 30797:
  Fixed another bug in handling pluggable-authentication prefixes.

  U   Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/authentication/principalfolder.py

Modified: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/authentication/principalfolder.py
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/authentication/principalfolder.py	2005-06-14 17:46:08 UTC (rev 30796)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/authentication/principalfolder.py	2005-06-14 19:49:09 UTC (rev 30797)
@@ -291,13 +291,20 @@
       >>> from zope.publisher.base import TestRequest
       >>> request = TestRequest('/')
       >>> factory = AuthenticatedPrincipalFactory(info, request)
-      >>> principal = factory(42)
-    The factory uses the info to create a principal with the same ID, title,
-    and description:
+    The factory must be called with a pluggable-authentication object:
+      >>> class Auth:
+      ...     prefix = 'auth.'
+      >>> auth = Auth()
+      >>> principal = factory(auth)
+    The factory uses the pluggable authentication and the info to
+    create a principal with the same ID, title, and description:
       >>> principal.id
-      'users.mary'
+      'auth.users.mary'
       >>> principal.title
       >>> principal.description
@@ -307,7 +314,7 @@
       >>> from zope.app.event.tests.placelesssetup import getEvents
       >>> [event] = getEvents(interfaces.IAuthenticatedPrincipalCreated)
-      >>> event.principal is principal, event.authentication == 42
+      >>> event.principal is principal, event.authentication is auth
       (True, True)
       >>> event.info
@@ -329,7 +336,8 @@
         self.request = request
     def __call__(self, authentication):
-        principal = Principal(self.info.id, self.info.title,
+        principal = Principal(authentication.prefix + self.info.id,
+                              self.info.title,
             authentication, principal, self.info, self.request))
@@ -346,13 +354,20 @@
       >>> info = PrincipalInfo('users.sam', 'sam', 'Sam', 'A site user.')
       >>> factory = FoundPrincipalFactory(info)
-      >>> principal = factory(42)
-    The factory uses the info to create a principal with the same ID, title,
-    and description:
+    The factory must be called with a pluggable-authentication object:
+      >>> class Auth:
+      ...     prefix = 'auth.'
+      >>> auth = Auth()
+      >>> principal = factory(auth)
+    The factory uses the pluggable-authentication object and the info
+    to create a principal with the same ID, title, and description:
       >>> principal.id
-      'users.sam'
+      'auth.users.sam'
       >>> principal.title
       >>> principal.description
@@ -362,7 +377,7 @@
       >>> from zope.app.event.tests.placelesssetup import getEvents
       >>> [event] = getEvents(interfaces.IFoundPrincipalCreated)
-      >>> event.principal is principal, event.authentication == 42
+      >>> event.principal is principal, event.authentication is auth
       (True, True)
       >>> event.info
@@ -381,7 +396,8 @@
         self.info = info
     def __call__(self, authentication):
-        principal = Principal(self.info.id, self.info.title,
+        principal = Principal(authentication.prefix + self.info.id,
+                              self.info.title,
                                                 principal, self.info))

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