[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/ Clarified the bevhavior of the FTP server methods in the interface per

Stephan Richter srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Tue Mar 8 20:58:00 EST 2005

Log message for revision 29421:
  Clarified the bevhavior of the FTP server methods in the interface per 
  Steve's request.

  U   Zope3/trunk/doc/TODO.txt
  U   Zope3/trunk/src/zope/server/ftp/server.py
  U   Zope3/trunk/src/zope/server/interfaces/ftp.py

Modified: Zope3/trunk/doc/TODO.txt
--- Zope3/trunk/doc/TODO.txt	2005-03-09 01:46:14 UTC (rev 29420)
+++ Zope3/trunk/doc/TODO.txt	2005-03-09 01:57:59 UTC (rev 29421)
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
 - Remove XXX comments (there are about 80 in zope)
-  o FTP interfaces (Stephan)
 - Ensure backward compatibility
   o Run book sources against source tree (Stephan and Phillip)

Modified: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/server/ftp/server.py
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/server/ftp/server.py	2005-03-09 01:46:14 UTC (rev 29420)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/server/ftp/server.py	2005-03-09 01:57:59 UTC (rev 29421)
@@ -278,10 +278,11 @@
         path = self._generatePath(args)
-        if not fs.type(path) == 'f':
+        if fs.type(path) != 'f':
             self.reply('ERR_IS_NOT_FILE', path)
-            mtime = self._getFileSystem().mtime(path)
+            mtime = fs.mtime(path)
             if mtime is not None:
                 mtime = (mtime.year, mtime.month, mtime.day,
                          mtime.hour, mtime. minute, mtime.second)
@@ -462,7 +463,7 @@
         'See IFTPCommandHandler'
         path = self._generatePath(args)
         fs = self._getFileSystem()
-        if not (fs.type(path) == 'f'):
+        if fs.type(path) != 'f':
             self.reply('ERR_NO_FILE', path)
             self.reply('FILE_SIZE', fs.size(path))

Modified: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/server/interfaces/ftp.py
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/server/interfaces/ftp.py	2005-03-09 01:46:14 UTC (rev 29420)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/server/interfaces/ftp.py	2005-03-09 01:57:59 UTC (rev 29421)
@@ -200,7 +200,6 @@
         call to open().  Rather, open() should do its own verification.
         Credentials are passed as (username, password) tuples.
     def open(credentials):
@@ -210,7 +209,6 @@
         can not be authenticated.
         Credentials are passed as (username, password) tuples.
@@ -224,8 +222,11 @@
        which mainly means that FS implementations always expect forward
        slashes, and filenames are case-sensitive.
-       Note that a file system should not store any state.
-       (XXX: Please explain why not.)
+       `IFileSystem`, in generel, could be created many times per
+       request. Thus it is not advisable to store state in them. However, if
+       you have a special kind of `IFileSystemAccess` object that somhow
+       manages an `IFileSystem` for each set of credentials, then it would be
+       possible to store some state on this obejct. 
     def type(path):
@@ -335,33 +336,40 @@
     def mtime(path):
         """Return the modification time for the file at `path`.
-        Return None if it is unknown.
+        This method returns the modification time. It is assumed that the path
+        exists. You can use the `type(path)` method to determine whether
+        `path` points to a valid file.
-        XXX: what about if there is no file at `path`?
+        If the modification time is unknown, then return `None`.
     def size(path):
         """Return the size of the file at path.
-        XXX: what about if there is no file at `path`?
+        This method returns the modification time. It is assumed that the path
+        exists. You can use the `type(path)` method to determine whether
+        `path` points to a valid file.
     def mkdir(path):
         """Create a directory.
-        XXX: what to do if it is not possible, or not allowed?
+        If it is not possible or allowed to create the directory, an `OSError`
+        should be raised describing the reason of failure. 
     def remove(path):
         """Remove a file.  Same as unlink.
-        XXX: What to do if removal is not possible, or not allowed?
+        If it is not possible or allowed to remove the file, an `OSError`
+        should be raised describing the reason of failure. 
     def rmdir(path):
         """Remove a directory.
-        XXX: What to do if removal is not possible, or not allowed?
+        If it is not possible or allowed to remove the directory, an `OSError`
+        should be raised describing the reason of failure. 
     def rename(old, new):
@@ -382,21 +390,20 @@
         written.  If `end` is not None, any parts of the file after
         `end` are left unchanged.
-        Note that if `end` is not None, and there is not enough data
-        in `instream` in fill the file up to `end`, then the missing
+        Note that if `end` is not `None`, and there is not enough data
+        in the `instream` it will fill the file up to `end`, then the missing
         data are undefined.
-        If both `start` is None and `end` is None, then the file contents
+        If both `start` is `None` and `end` is `None`, then the file contents
         are overwritten.
         If `start` is specified and the file doesn't exist or is shorter
         than `start`, the data in the file before `start` file will be
-        XXX: What about raising an exception if you try to write a new file
-             starting not at 0, or try to write a file starting after its
-             end point?
+        If you do not want to handle incorrect starting and ending indices,
+        you can also raise an `IOError`, which will be properly handled by the
+        server.
     def writable(path):

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