[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/z3.py Make sure that the current dir is not in the path.

Stephan Richter srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Fri Nov 18 16:30:32 EST 2005

Log message for revision 40235:
  Make sure that the current dir is not in the path.

  U   Zope3/trunk/z3.py

Modified: Zope3/trunk/z3.py
--- Zope3/trunk/z3.py	2005-11-18 21:22:13 UTC (rev 40234)
+++ Zope3/trunk/z3.py	2005-11-18 21:30:31 UTC (rev 40235)
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@
     here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(program))
     srcdir = os.path.abspath(src)
-    sys.path = [srcdir, here] + basepath
+    sys.path = [srcdir] + basepath
+    sys.path[:] = [p for p in sys.path if os.path.abspath(p) != here]
     from zope.app.twisted.main import main

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