SVN: Zope3/branches/ajung-tarek-request-publication-branch/src/zope/app/publication/interfaces.py
new marker interfaces for methods and mimetypes
Andreas Jung
andreas at andreas-jung.com
Thu Oct 6 11:13:14 EDT 2005
Log message for revision 38791:
new marker interfaces for methods and mimetypes
U Zope3/branches/ajung-tarek-request-publication-branch/src/zope/app/publication/interfaces.py
Modified: Zope3/branches/ajung-tarek-request-publication-branch/src/zope/app/publication/interfaces.py
--- Zope3/branches/ajung-tarek-request-publication-branch/src/zope/app/publication/interfaces.py 2005-10-06 15:04:08 UTC (rev 38790)
+++ Zope3/branches/ajung-tarek-request-publication-branch/src/zope/app/publication/interfaces.py 2005-10-06 15:13:14 UTC (rev 38791)
@@ -82,3 +82,38 @@
/. In particular, if the content included HTML, relative links in
the HTML are relative to the container the content is in.
+# marker interfaces for request-publication factories
+class IMethodPOST(interface.Interface):
+ """Marker interface for request-publication factories able to deal
+ with POST requests.
+ """
+class IMethodGET(interface.Interface):
+ """Marker interface for request-publication factories able to deal
+ with GET requests.
+ """
+class IMethodHEAD(interface.Interface):
+ """Marker interface for request-publication factories able to deal
+ with HEAD requests.
+ """
+class IMimetypeTextXML(interface.Interface):
+ """ request-chooser able to deal with text/html """
+class IMimetypesAll(interface.Interface):
+ """ request-chooser able to deal with any mimetypes """
+class IRequestPublicationFactory(interface.Interface):
+ """ request-publication factory """
+ def canHandle(environment):
+ """ returns True if it can handle the request,
+ otherwise False. 'environment' can be used by the factory
+ to make a decision based on the HTTP headers.
+ """
+ def getRequestPublication():
+ """ returns a tuple (request, publication) """
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