[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/ajung-target-requestpublication-next-try-branch/src/zope/app/publication/requestpublicationregistry.py minor changes

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Fri Oct 7 09:20:10 EDT 2005

Log message for revision 38881:
  minor changes

  U   Zope3/branches/ajung-target-requestpublication-next-try-branch/src/zope/app/publication/requestpublicationregistry.py

Modified: Zope3/branches/ajung-target-requestpublication-next-try-branch/src/zope/app/publication/requestpublicationregistry.py
--- Zope3/branches/ajung-target-requestpublication-next-try-branch/src/zope/app/publication/requestpublicationregistry.py	2005-10-07 13:18:36 UTC (rev 38880)
+++ Zope3/branches/ajung-target-requestpublication-next-try-branch/src/zope/app/publication/requestpublicationregistry.py	2005-10-07 13:20:09 UTC (rev 38881)
@@ -24,12 +24,14 @@
 class RequestPublicationRegistry(object):
     """ The registry implements a three stage lookup for registred factories
         to deal with request.
-        {method --> { mimetype -> [{'priority' : some_int,
+        {method > { mimetype -> [{'priority' : some_int,
                                    'factory' :  factory,
                                    'name' : some_name }, ...
+        The 'priority' is used to define a lookup-order when multiple
+        factories are registered for a given method and mime-type.
@@ -64,15 +66,18 @@
-        factories = self.getFactoriesFor(method, mimetype)
-        if not factories:
-            factories = self.getFactoriesFor(method, '*')
-            if not factories:
-                factories = self.getFactoriesFor('*', '*')
-                if not factories:
+        factory_lst = self.getFactoriesFor(method, mimetype)
+        if not factory_lst:
+            factory_lst = self.getFactoriesFor(method, '*')
+            if not factory_lst:
+                factory_lst = self.getFactoriesFor('*', '*')
+                if not factory_lst:
                     return None
-        for d in factories:
+        # now iterate over all factory candidates and let them introspect
+        # the request environment to figure out if they can handle the
+        # request
+        for d in factory_lst:
             factory = d['factory']
             if factory.canHandle(environment):
                 return factory

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