[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/src/zope/app/twisted/README.txt fixed some tests - set the port to listen on to 0 so that users don't have

Michael Kerrin michael.kerrin at openapp.biz
Sat Oct 8 06:04:47 EDT 2005

Log message for revision 38928:
  fixed some tests - set the port to listen on to 0 so that users don't have
  to worry about conflicting ports.

  U   Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/src/zope/app/twisted/README.txt

Modified: Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/src/zope/app/twisted/README.txt
--- Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/src/zope/app/twisted/README.txt	2005-10-08 09:42:33 UTC (rev 38927)
+++ Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/src/zope/app/twisted/README.txt	2005-10-08 10:04:46 UTC (rev 38928)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
   >>> db = 'my database'
-  >>> server = st.create('Example-HTTP', db, port=8080)
+  >>> server = st.create('Example-HTTP', db, port=0)
   ZODB: my database
   >>> server #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
   <zope.app.twisted.server.ZopeTCPServer instance at ...>
@@ -73,22 +73,22 @@
   >>> print log.getvalue()
   -- Example-HTTP Server started.
      Hostname: localhost
-     Port: 8080
+     Port: 0
 You can, of course, create multiple instances of the same server type, and
 bind them to different ports.
-  >>> server2 = st.create('Example-HTTP-2', db, port=8081)
+  >>> server2 = st.create('Example-HTTP-2', db, port=0)
   ZODB: my database
   >>> server2.startService()
   >>> print log.getvalue()
   -- Example-HTTP Server started.
      Hostname: localhost
-     Port: 8080
+     Port: 0
   -- Example-HTTP-2 Server started.
      Hostname: localhost
-     Port: 8081
+     Port: 0
 A special type of server type is the SSL server type; it requires some
 additional information (private key path, certificate path, and TLS flag) to

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