[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/static.py
Added command line option support.
Stephan Richter
srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Mon Oct 31 10:05:21 EST 2005
Log message for revision 39770:
Added command line option support.
Statistics: The static apidoc can now be generated in 2200 secs, looks at
~8500 links and the final version is about 126 MB big. There are still
about 30 errors related to retrieval and HTML parsing, but those are
mostly due to problems in modules I cannot easily control. Another option
would be tweek the assumptions some more to make it work error free.
U Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/static.py
Modified: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/static.py
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/static.py 2005-10-31 14:58:01 UTC (rev 39769)
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/static.py 2005-10-31 15:05:21 UTC (rev 39770)
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
import os
import sys
import time
+import optparse
import urllib2
import warnings
import HTMLParser
@@ -32,24 +33,8 @@
from zope.app.apidoc import classregistry
-# Setup the user feedback detail level.
-URL = 'http://localhost:8080/'
-START_PAGE = '++apidoc++/static.html'
-BASE_DIR = 'apidoc'
-USERNAME = 'mgr'
-PASSWORD = 'mgrpw'
-DEBUG = False
# A mapping of HTML elements that can contain links to the attribute that
# actually contains the link
urltags = {
@@ -62,17 +47,6 @@
"script": "src",
-# Additional URLs that are not referenced in the HTML, but are still used, via
-# Javascript, for example.
-additionalURLs = [
- '@@/varrow.png',
- '@@/harrow.png',
- '@@/tree_images/minus.png',
- '@@/tree_images/plus.png',
- '@@/tree_images/minus_vline.png',
- '@@/tree_images/plus_vline.png',
def getMaxWidth():
import curses
@@ -111,7 +85,8 @@
class Link(object):
"""A link in the page."""
- def __init__(self, mechLink, referenceURL='None'):
+ def __init__(self, mechLink, rootURL, referenceURL='None'):
+ self.rootURL = rootURL
self.referenceURL = referenceURL
self.originalURL = mechLink.url
self.callableURL = mechLink.absolute_url
@@ -127,15 +102,16 @@
if self.url.startswith('mailto:'):
return False
# External Link
- if self.url.startswith('http://') and not self.url.startswith(URL):
+ if self.url.startswith('http://') and \
+ not self.url.startswith(self.rootURL):
return False
return True
def isApidocLink(self):
# Make sure that only apidoc links are loaded
- if self.absoluteURL.startswith(URL+'++apidoc++/'):
+ if self.absoluteURL.startswith(self.rootURL+'++apidoc++/'):
return True
- if self.absoluteURL.startswith(URL+'@@/'):
+ if self.absoluteURL.startswith(self.rootURL+'@@/'):
return True
return False
@@ -186,12 +162,15 @@
class StaticAPIDocGenerator(object):
"""Static API doc Maker"""
- def __init__(self):
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ self.options = options
self.linkQueue = []
- for url in additionalURLs + [START_PAGE]:
- link = Link(mechanize.Link(URL, url, '', '', ()))
+ for url in self.options.additional_urls + [self.options.startpage]:
+ link = Link(mechanize.Link(self.options.url, url, '', '', ()),
+ self.options.url)
- self.rootDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), BASE_DIR)
+ self.rootDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ self.options.target_dir)
self.maxWidth = getMaxWidth()-13
self.needNewLine = False
@@ -210,19 +189,20 @@
if not os.path.exists(self.rootDir):
+ if self.options.use_publisher:
self.browser = PublisherBrowser()
- else:
+ if self.options.use_webserver:
self.browser = OnlineBrowser()
- self.browser.setUserAndPassword(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
+ self.browser.setUserAndPassword(self.options.username,
+ self.options.password)
self.browser.urltags = urltags
- if DEBUG:
+ if self.options.debug:
self.browser.addheaders.append(('X-zope-handle-errors', False))
- classregistry.IGNORE_MODULES = ['twisted',
- 'zope.app.twisted.ftp.test']
+ classregistry.IGNORE_MODULES = self.options.ignore_modules
# Work through all links until there are no more to work on.
self.sendMessage('Starting retrieval.')
@@ -232,7 +212,7 @@
# if the same link appears twice in a page. In those cases, we can
# check at this point whether the URL has been already handled.
if link.absoluteURL not in self.visited:
- self.showStatistics(link)
+ self.showProgress(link)
t1 = time.time()
@@ -242,9 +222,9 @@
self.sendMessage("Link Retrieval Errors: %i" %self.linkErrors)
self.sendMessage("HTML ParsingErrors: %i" %self.htmlErrors)
- def showStatistics(self, link):
+ def showProgress(self, link):
self.counter += 1
- if VERBOSITY >= 5:
+ if self.options.progress:
url = link.absoluteURL[-(self.maxWidth):]
sys.stdout.write('\r' + ' '*(self.maxWidth+13))
sys.stdout.write('\rLink %5d: %s' % (self.counter, url))
@@ -252,7 +232,7 @@
self.needNewLine = True
def sendMessage(self, msg, verbosity=4):
- if VERBOSITY >= verbosity:
+ if self.options.verbosity >= verbosity:
if self.needNewLine:
sys.stdout.write(VERBOSITY_MAP.get(verbosity, 'INFO')+': ')
@@ -289,7 +269,7 @@
except Exception, error:
# This should never happen outside the debug mode. We really want
# to catch all exceptions, so that we can investigate them.
- if DEBUG:
+ if self.options.debug:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
@@ -297,7 +277,7 @@
contents = self.browser.contents
# Make sure the directory exists and get a file path.
- relativeURL = url.replace(URL, '')
+ relativeURL = url.replace(self.options.url, '')
dir = self.rootDir
segments = relativeURL.split('/')
filename = segments.pop()
@@ -321,7 +301,8 @@
error.msg, error.lineno, error.offset), 1)
links = []
- links = [Link(mech_link, url) for mech_link in links]
+ links = [Link(mech_link, self.options.url, url)
+ for mech_link in links]
for link in links:
# Make sure we do not handle unwanted links.
@@ -334,7 +315,7 @@
# Rewrite URLs
parts = ['..']*len(segments)
- parts.append(link.absoluteURL.replace(URL, ''))
+ parts.append(link.absoluteURL.replace(self.options.url, ''))
contents = contents.replace(link.originalURL, '/'.join(parts))
# Write the data into the file
@@ -352,9 +333,163 @@
# files.
+# Command-line UI
+parser = optparse.OptionParser("Usage: %prog [options] TARGET_DIR")
+# Retrieval
+retrieval = optparse.OptionGroup(
+ parser, "Retrieval", "Options that deal with setting up the generator")
+ '--publisher', '-p', action="store_true", dest='use_publisher',
+ help="""\
+Use the publisher directly to retrieve the data. The program will bring up
+Zope 3 for you.
+ '--webserver', '-w', action="store_true", dest='use_webserver',
+ help="""\
+Use and external Web server that is connected to Zope 3.
+ '--url', '-u', action="store", dest='url',
+ help="""\
+The URL that will be used to retrieve the HTML pages. This option is
+meaningless, if you are using the publisher as backend. Also, the value of
+this option should *not* include the `++apidoc++` namespace.
+ '--startpage', '-s', action="store", dest='startpage',
+ help="""\
+The startpage specifies the path (after the URL) that is used as the starting
+point to retrieve the contents. The default is `++apidoc++/static.html`. This
+option can be very useful for debugging, since it allows you to select
+specific pages.
+ '--username', '--user', action="store", dest='username',
+ help="""\
+Username to access the Web site.
+ '--password', '--pwd', action="store", dest='password',
+ help="""\
+Password to access the Web site.
+ '--add', '-a', action="append", dest='additional_urls',
+ help="""\
+Add an additional URL to the list of URLs to retrieve. Specifying those is
+sometimes necessary, if the links are hidden in cryptic JAvascript code.
+ '--ignore', '-i', action="append", dest='ignore_modules',
+ help="""\
+Add modules that should be ignored during retrieval. That allows you to limit
+the scope of the generated API documentation.
+# Reporting
+reporting = optparse.OptionGroup(
+ parser, "Reporting", "Options that configure the user output information.")
+ '--verbosity', '-v', type="int", dest='verbosity',
+ help="""\
+Specifies the reporting detail level.
+ '--progress', '-b', action="store_true", dest='progress',
+ help="""\
+Output progress status
+ '--debug', '-d', action="store_true", dest='debug',
+ help="""\
+Run in debug mode. This will allow you to use the debugger, if the publisher
+experienced an error.
+# Command-line processing
+# Default setup
+default_setup_args = [
+ '--verbosity', 5,
+ '--publisher',
+ '--url', 'http://localhost:8080/',
+ '--startpage', '++apidoc++/static.html',
+ '--username', 'mgr',
+ '--password', 'mgrpw',
+ '--progress',
+ '--add', '@@/varrow.png',
+ '--add', '@@/harrow.png',
+ '--add', '@@/tree_images/minus.png',
+ '--add', '@@/tree_images/plus.png',
+ '--add', '@@/tree_images/minus_vline.png',
+ '--add', '@@/tree_images/plus_vline.png',
+ '--ignore', 'twisted',
+ '--ignore', 'zope.app.twisted.ftp.test',
+ ]
+def merge_options(options, defaults):
+ odict = options.__dict__
+ for name, value in defaults.__dict__.items():
+ if (value is not None) and (odict[name] is None):
+ odict[name] = value
+def get_options(args=None, defaults=None):
+ default_setup, _ = parser.parse_args(default_setup_args)
+ assert not _
+ if defaults:
+ defaults, _ = parser.parse_args(defaults)
+ assert not _
+ merge_options(defaults, default_setup)
+ else:
+ defaults = default_setup
+ if args is None:
+ args = sys.argv
+ original_testrunner_args = args
+ args = args[1:]
+ options, positional = parser.parse_args(args)
+ merge_options(options, defaults)
+ options.original_testrunner_args = original_testrunner_args
+ options.target_dir = positional.pop()
+ return options
+# Command-line UI
def main():
- global BASE_DIR
- BASE_DIR = sys.argv[1]
- maker = StaticAPIDocGenerator()
+ options = get_options()
+ maker = StaticAPIDocGenerator(options)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
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