SVN: Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/
add a copy of mechanize with Stephan's optimizations
Benji York
benji at zope.com
Fri Sep 2 11:39:12 EDT 2005
Log message for revision 38090:
add a copy of mechanize with Stephan's optimizations
U Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/__init__.py
A Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/
A Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/__init__.py
A Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/_mechanize.py
A Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/_useragent.py
U Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/testing.py
Modified: Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/__init__.py
--- Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/__init__.py 2005-08-25 16:33:25 UTC (rev 38089)
+++ Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/__init__.py 2005-08-25 17:05:52 UTC (rev 38090)
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
sys.modules['ClientForm'] = ClientForm
assert sys.modules['ClientForm'] is ClientForm
+import ClientForm as x
+assert x is ClientForm
# stitch in pullparser
from zope.testbrowser import pullparser
@@ -37,6 +39,19 @@
sys.modules['pullparser'] = pullparser
assert sys.modules['pullparser'] is pullparser
+import pullparser as x
+assert x is pullparser
# end TODO
+# stitch in _mechanize
+from zope.testbrowser import mechanize
+if 'mechanize' not in sys.modules:
+ sys.modules['mechanize'] = mechanize
+ assert sys.modules['mechanize'] is mechanize
+import mechanize as x
+assert x is mechanize
+# end TODO
from testing import Browser
Added: Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/__init__.py
--- Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/__init__.py 2005-08-25 16:33:25 UTC (rev 38089)
+++ Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/__init__.py 2005-08-25 17:05:52 UTC (rev 38090)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from _useragent import UserAgent#, http_get, http_put, http_head
+from _mechanize import Browser, Link, \
+ BrowserStateError, LinkNotFoundError, FormNotFoundError, \
+ __version__
Property changes on: Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/__init__.py
Name: svn:keywords
+ Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/_mechanize.py
--- Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/_mechanize.py 2005-08-25 16:33:25 UTC (rev 38089)
+++ Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/_mechanize.py 2005-08-25 17:05:52 UTC (rev 38090)
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+"""Stateful programmatic WWW navigation, after Perl's WWW::Mechanize.
+Copyright 2003-2004 John J. Lee <jjl at pobox.com>
+Copyright 2003 Andy Lester (original Perl code)
+This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the BSD License (see the file COPYING included with the
+# XXX
+# The stuff on web page's todo list.
+# Moof's emails about response object, .back(), etc.
+# Add Browser.load_response() method.
+# Add Browser.form_as_string() and Browser.__str__() methods.
+import urlparse, re
+import ClientCookie
+from ClientCookie._Util import response_seek_wrapper
+from ClientCookie._HeadersUtil import split_header_words
+from ClientCookie._urllib2_support import HTTPRequestUpgradeProcessor
+import ClientForm
+import pullparser
+# serves me right for not using a version tuple...
+VERSION_RE = re.compile(r"(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<bugfix>\d+)"
+ r"(?P<state>[ab])?(?:-pre)?(?P<pre>\d+)?$")
+def parse_version(text):
+ m = VERSION_RE.match(text)
+ if m is None:
+ raise ValueError
+ return tuple([m.groupdict()[part] for part in
+ ("major", "minor", "bugfix", "state", "pre")])
+assert map(int, parse_version(ClientCookie.VERSION)[:3]) >= [1, 0, 2], \
+ "ClientCookie 1.0.2 or newer is required"
+assert map(int, parse_version(ClientForm.VERSION)[:2]) >= [0, 1], \
+ "ClientForm 0.1.x is required"
+assert pullparser.__version__[:3] >= (0, 0, 4), \
+ "pullparser 0.0.4b or newer is required"
+del VERSION_RE, parse_version
+from _useragent import UserAgent
+__version__ = (0, 0, 9, "a", None) # 0.0.9a
+class BrowserStateError(Exception): pass
+class LinkNotFoundError(Exception): pass
+class FormNotFoundError(Exception): pass
+class Link:
+ def __init__(self, base_url, url, text, tag, attrs):
+ assert None not in [url, tag, attrs]
+ self.base_url = base_url
+ self.absolute_url = urlparse.urljoin(base_url, url)
+ self.url, self.text, self.tag, self.attrs = url, text, tag, attrs
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ try:
+ for name in "url", "text", "tag", "attrs":
+ if getattr(self, name) != getattr(other, name):
+ return False
+ except AttributeError:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Link(base_url=%r, url=%r, text=%r, tag=%r, attrs=%r)" % (
+ self.base_url, self.url, self.text, self.tag, self.attrs)
+class Browser(UserAgent):
+ """Browser-like class with support for history, forms and links.
+ BrowserStateError is raised whenever the browser is in the wrong state to
+ complete the requested operation - eg., when .back() is called when the
+ browser history is empty, or when .follow_link() is called when the current
+ response does not contain HTML data.
+ Public attributes:
+ request: last request (ClientCookie.Request or urllib2.Request)
+ form: currently selected form (see .select_form())
+ default_encoding: character encoding used for encoding numeric character
+ references when matching link text, if no encoding is found in the reponse
+ (you should turn on HTTP-EQUIV handling if you want the best chance of
+ getting this right without resorting to this default)
+ """
+ urltags = {
+ "a": "href",
+ "area": "href",
+ "frame": "src",
+ "iframe": "src",
+ }
+ def __init__(self, default_encoding="latin-1"):
+ self.default_encoding = default_encoding
+ self._history = [] # LIFO
+ self.request = self._response = None
+ self.form = None
+ self._forms = None
+ self._title = None
+ self._links = None
+ UserAgent.__init__(self) # do this last to avoid __getattr__ problems
+ def close(self):
+ UserAgent.close(self)
+ self._history = self._forms = self._title = self._links = None
+ self.request = self._response = None
+ def open(self, url, data=None): return self._mech_open(url, data)
+ def _mech_open(self, url, data=None, update_history=True):
+ if not hasattr(url, 'get_full_url'):
+ # string URL -- convert to absolute URL if required
+ scheme, netloc = urlparse.urlparse(url)[:2]
+ if not scheme:
+ # relative URL
+ assert not netloc, "malformed URL"
+ if self._response is None:
+ raise BrowserStateError(
+ "can't fetch relative URL: not viewing any document")
+ url = urlparse.urljoin(self._response.geturl(), url)
+ if self.request is not None:
+ self._history.append((self.request, self._response))
+ self._response = None
+ # we want self.request to be assigned even if OpenerDirector.open fails
+ self.request = self._request(url, data)
+ self._previous_scheme = self.request.get_type()
+ self._response = ClientCookie.OpenerDirector.open(
+ self, self.request, data)
+ if not hasattr(self._response, "seek"):
+ self._response = response_seek_wrapper(self._response)
+ self._parse_html(self._response)
+ return self._response
+ def response(self):
+ """Return last response (as return value of urllib2.urlopen())."""
+ # XXX This is currently broken: responses returned by this method
+ # all share the same seek position.
+ return self._response
+ def geturl(self):
+ """Get URL of current document."""
+ if self._response is None:
+ raise BrowserStateError("not viewing any document")
+ return self._response.geturl()
+ def reload(self):
+ """Reload current document, and return response object."""
+ if self.request is None:
+ raise BrowserStateError("no URL has yet been .open()ed")
+ return self._mech_open(self.request, update_history=False)
+ def back(self, n=1):
+ """Go back n steps in history, and return response object.
+ n: go back this number of steps (default 1 step)
+ """
+ while n:
+ try:
+ self.request, self._response = self._history.pop()
+ except IndexError:
+ raise BrowserStateError("already at start of history")
+ n -= 1
+ if self._response is not None:
+ self._parse_html(self._response)
+ return self._response
+ def links(self, *args, **kwds):
+ """Return iteratable over links (mechanize.Link objects)."""
+ if not self.viewing_html():
+ raise BrowserStateError("not viewing HTML")
+ if args:
+ raise ValueError("keyword arguments only, please!")
+ if kwds:
+ return self._find_links(False, **kwds)
+ if self._links is None:
+ self.build_links()
+ return self._links
+ def build_links(self):
+ base = self._response.geturl()
+ self._response.seek(0)
+ p = pullparser.PullParser(
+ self._response, encoding=self._encoding(self._response))
+ self._links = []
+ for token in p.tags(*(self.urltags.keys()+["base"])):
+ if token.data == "base":
+ base = dict(token.attrs).get("href")
+ continue
+ if token.type == "endtag":
+ continue
+ attrs = dict(token.attrs)
+ tag = token.data
+ name = attrs.get("name")
+ text = None
+ url = attrs.get(self.urltags[tag])
+ if tag == "a":
+ if token.type != "startendtag":
+ # XXX hmm, this'd break if end tag is missing
+ text = p.get_compressed_text(("endtag", tag))
+ # but this doesn't work for eg. <a href="blah"><b>Andy</b></a>
+ #text = p.get_compressed_text()
+ # This is a hack from WWW::Mechanize to get some really basic
+ # JavaScript working, which I'm not yet convinced is a good
+ # idea.
+## onClick = attrs["onclick"]
+## m = re.search(r"/^window\.open\(\s*'([^']+)'/", onClick)
+## if onClick and m:
+## url = m.group(1)
+ if not url:
+ # Probably an <A NAME="blah"> link or <AREA NOHREF...>.
+ # For our purposes a link is something with a URL, so ignore
+ # this.
+ continue
+ link = Link(base, url, text, tag, token.attrs)
+ self._links.append(link)
+ self._response.seek(0)
+ def forms(self):
+ """Return iteratable over forms.
+ The returned form objects implement the ClientForm.HTMLForm interface.
+ """
+ if not self.viewing_html():
+ raise BrowserStateError("not viewing HTML")
+ if self._forms is None:
+ self._response.seek(0)
+ self._forms = ClientForm.ParseResponse(self._response)
+ self._response.seek(0)
+ return self._forms
+ def viewing_html(self):
+ """Return whether the current response contains HTML data."""
+ if self._response is None:
+ raise BrowserStateError("not viewing any document")
+ ct = self._response.info().getheaders("content-type")
+ return ct and ct[0].startswith("text/html")
+ def title(self):
+ """Return title, or None if there is no title element in the document.
+ Tags are stripped or textified as described in docs for
+ PullParser.get_text() method of pullparser module.
+ """
+ if not self.viewing_html():
+ raise BrowserStateError("not viewing HTML")
+ if self._title is None:
+ p = pullparser.PullParser(self._response,
+ encoding=self._encoding(self._response))
+ try:
+ p.get_tag("title")
+ except pullparser.NoMoreTokensError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self._title = p.get_text()
+ return self._title
+ def select_form(self, name=None, predicate=None, nr=None):
+ """Select an HTML form for input.
+ This is like giving a form the "input focus" in a browser.
+ If a form is selected, the object supports the HTMLForm interface, so
+ you can call methods like .set_value(), .set(), and .click().
+ At least one of the name, predicate and nr arguments must be supplied.
+ If no matching form is found, mechanize.FormNotFoundError is raised.
+ If name is specified, then the form must have the indicated name.
+ If predicate is specified, then the form must match that function. The
+ predicate function is passed the HTMLForm as its single argument, and
+ should return a boolean value indicating whether the form matched.
+ nr, if supplied, is the sequence number of the form (where 0 is the
+ first). Note that control 0 is the first form matching all the other
+ arguments (if supplied); it is not necessarily the first control in the
+ form.
+ """
+ if not self.viewing_html():
+ raise BrowserStateError("not viewing HTML")
+ if (name is None) and (predicate is None) and (nr is None):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "at least one argument must be supplied to specify form")
+ orig_nr = nr
+ for form in self.forms():
+ if name is not None and name != form.name:
+ continue
+ if predicate is not None and not predicate(form):
+ continue
+ if nr:
+ nr -= 1
+ continue
+ self.form = form
+ break # success
+ else:
+ # failure
+ description = []
+ if name is not None: description.append("name '%s'" % name)
+ if predicate is not None:
+ description.append("predicate %s" % predicate)
+ if orig_nr is not None: description.append("nr %d" % orig_nr)
+ description = ", ".join(description)
+ raise FormNotFoundError("no form matching "+description)
+ def _add_referer_header(self, request):
+ if self.request is None:
+ return request
+ scheme = request.get_type()
+ previous_scheme = self.request.get_type()
+ if scheme not in ["http", "https"]:
+ return request
+ request = HTTPRequestUpgradeProcessor().http_request(request) # yuck
+ if (self._handle_referer and
+ previous_scheme in ["http", "https"] and not
+ (previous_scheme == "https" and scheme != "https")):
+ request.add_unredirected_header("Referer",
+ self.request.get_full_url())
+ return request
+ def click(self, *args, **kwds):
+ """See ClientForm.HTMLForm.click for documentation."""
+ if not self.viewing_html():
+ raise BrowserStateError("not viewing HTML")
+ request = self.form.click(*args, **kwds)
+ return self._add_referer_header(request)
+ def submit(self, *args, **kwds):
+ """Submit current form.
+ Arguments are as for ClientForm.HTMLForm.click().
+ """
+ return self.open(self.click(*args, **kwds))
+ def click_link(self, link=None, **kwds):
+ """Find a link and return a Request object for it.
+ Arguments are as for .find_link(), except that a link may be supplied
+ as the first argument.
+ """
+ if not self.viewing_html():
+ raise BrowserStateError("not viewing HTML")
+ if not link:
+ link = self.find_link(**kwds)
+ else:
+ if kwds:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "either pass a Link, or keyword arguments, not both")
+ request = ClientCookie.Request(link.absolute_url)
+ return self._add_referer_header(request)
+ def follow_link(self, link=None, **kwds):
+ """Find a link and .open() it.
+ Arguments are as for .click_link().
+ """
+ return self.open(self.click_link(link, **kwds))
+ def find_link(self, *args, **kwds):
+ """Find a link in current page.
+ Links are returned as mechanize.Link objects.
+ # Return third link that .search()-matches the regexp "python"
+ # (by ".search()-matches", I mean that the regular expression method
+ # .search() is used, rather than .match()).
+ find_link(text_regex=re.compile("python"), nr=2)
+ # Return first http link in the current page that points to somewhere
+ # on python.org whose link text (after tags have been removed) is
+ # exactly "monty python".
+ find_link(text="monty python",
+ url_regex=re.compile("http.*python.org"))
+ # Return first link with exactly three HTML attributes.
+ find_link(predicate=lambda link: len(link.attrs) == 3)
+ Links include anchors (<a>), image maps (<area>), and frames (<frame>,
+ <iframe>).
+ All arguments must be passed by keyword, not position. Zero or more
+ arguments may be supplied. In order to find a link, all arguments
+ supplied must match.
+ If a matching link is not found, mechanize.LinkNotFoundError is raised.
+ text: link text between link tags: eg. <a href="blah">this bit</a> (as
+ returned by pullparser.get_compressed_text(), ie. without tags but
+ with opening tags "textified" as per the pullparser docs) must compare
+ equal to this argument, if supplied
+ text_regex: link text between tag (as defined above) must match the
+ regular expression object passed as this argument, if supplied
+ name, name_regex: as for text and text_regex, but matched against the
+ name HTML attribute of the link tag
+ url, url_regex: as for text and text_regex, but matched against the
+ URL of the link tag (note this matches against Link.url, which is a
+ relative or absolute URL according to how it was written in the HTML)
+ tag: element name of opening tag, eg. "a"
+ predicate: a function taking a Link object as its single argument,
+ returning a boolean result, indicating whether the links
+ nr: matches the nth link that matches all other criteria (default 0)
+ """
+ if args:
+ raise ValueError("keyword arguments only, please!")
+ return self._find_links(True, **kwds)
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ # pass through ClientForm / DOMForm methods and attributes
+ if self.form is not None:
+ try: return getattr(self.form, name)
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute %s "
+ "(perhaps you forgot to .select_form()?" %
+ (self.__class__, name))
+# Private methods.
+ def _find_links(self, single,
+ text=None, text_regex=None,
+ name=None, name_regex=None,
+ url=None, url_regex=None,
+ tag=None,
+ predicate=None,
+ nr=0
+ ):
+ if not self.viewing_html():
+ raise BrowserStateError("not viewing HTML")
+ links = []
+ orig_nr = nr
+ if self._links is None:
+ self.build_links()
+ for link in self._links:
+ if url is not None and url != link.url:
+ continue
+ if url_regex is not None and not url_regex.search(link.url):
+ continue
+ if (text is not None and
+ (link.text is None or text != link.text)):
+ continue
+ if (text_regex is not None and
+ (link.text is None or not text_regex.search(link.text))):
+ continue
+ if name is not None and name != dict(link.attrs).get("name"):
+ continue
+ if name_regex is not None:
+ link_name = dict(link.attrs).get("name")
+ if link_name is None or not name_regex.search(link_name):
+ continue
+ if tag is not None and tag != link.tag:
+ continue
+ if predicate is not None and not predicate(link):
+ continue
+ if nr:
+ nr -= 1
+ continue
+ if single:
+ return link
+ else:
+ links.append(link)
+ nr = orig_nr
+ if not links:
+ raise LinkNotFoundError()
+ return links
+ def _encoding(self, response):
+ # HTTPEquivProcessor may be in use, so both HTTP and HTTP-EQUIV
+ # headers may be in the response.
+ ct_headers = response.info().getheaders("content-type")
+ if not ct_headers:
+ return self.default_encoding
+ # sometimes servers return multiple HTTP headers: take the first
+ http_ct = ct_headers[0]
+ for k, v in split_header_words([http_ct])[0]:
+ if k == "charset":
+ return v
+ # no HTTP-specified encoding, so look in META HTTP-EQUIV headers,
+ # which, if present, will be last
+ if len(ct_headers) > 1:
+ equiv_ct = ct_headers[-1]
+ for k, v in split_header_words([equiv_ct])[0]:
+ if k == "charset":
+ return v
+ return self.default_encoding
+ def _parse_html(self, response):
+ self.form = None
+ self._title = None
+ if not self.viewing_html():
+ # nothing to see here
+ return
+ # set ._forms, ._links
+ #self._forms = ClientForm.ParseResponse(self._response)
+ self._forms = None
+ response.seek(0)
+ self._links = None
+ #response.seek(0)
Property changes on: Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/_mechanize.py
Name: svn:keywords
+ Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/_useragent.py
--- Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/_useragent.py 2005-08-25 16:33:25 UTC (rev 38089)
+++ Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/_useragent.py 2005-08-25 17:05:52 UTC (rev 38090)
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+"""Convenient HTTP UserAgent class.
+This is a subclass of urllib2.OpenerDirector.
+Copyright 2003 John J. Lee <jjl at pobox.com>
+This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the BSD License (see the file COPYING included with the
+import urllib2, httplib
+import ClientCookie
+from ClientCookie import OpenerDirector, BaseHandler
+class HTTPRefererProcessor(BaseHandler):
+ def http_request(self, request):
+ # See RFC 2616 14.36. The only times we know the source of the
+ # request URI has a URI associated with it are redirect, and
+ # Browser.click() / Browser.submit() / Browser.follow_link().
+ # Otherwise, it's the user's job to add any Referer header before
+ # .open()ing.
+ if hasattr(request, "redirect_dict"):
+ request = self.parent._add_referer_header(request)
+ return request
+ https_request = http_request
+class UserAgent(OpenerDirector):
+ """Convenient user-agent class.
+ Do not use .add_handler() to add a handler for something already dealt with
+ by this code.
+ Public attributes:
+ addheaders: list of (name, value) pairs specifying headers to send with
+ every request, unless they are overridden in the Request instance.
+ >>> ua = UserAgent()
+ >>> ua.addheaders = [
+ ... ("User-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible)"),
+ ... ("From", "responsible.person at example.com")]
+ """
+ handler_classes = {
+ # scheme handlers
+ "http": ClientCookie.HTTPHandler,
+ "ftp": urllib2.FTPHandler, # CacheFTPHandler is buggy in 2.3
+ "file": urllib2.FileHandler,
+ "gopher": urllib2.GopherHandler,
+ # XXX etc.
+ # other handlers
+ "_unknown": urllib2.UnknownHandler,
+ # HTTP{S,}Handler depend on HTTPErrorProcessor too
+ "_http_error": ClientCookie.HTTPErrorProcessor,
+ "_http_request_upgrade": ClientCookie.HTTPRequestUpgradeProcessor,
+ "_http_default_error": urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler,
+ # feature handlers
+ "_authen": urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler,
+ # XXX rest of authentication stuff
+ "_redirect": ClientCookie.HTTPRedirectHandler,
+ "_cookies": ClientCookie.HTTPCookieProcessor,
+ "_refresh": ClientCookie.HTTPRefreshProcessor,
+ "_referer": HTTPRefererProcessor, # from this module, note
+ "_equiv": ClientCookie.HTTPEquivProcessor,
+ "_seek": ClientCookie.SeekableProcessor,
+ "_proxy": urllib2.ProxyHandler,
+ # XXX there's more to proxies, too
+ # debug handlers
+ "_debug_redirect": ClientCookie.HTTPRedirectDebugProcessor,
+ "_debug_response_body": ClientCookie.HTTPResponseDebugProcessor,
+ }
+ default_schemes = ["http", "ftp", "file", "gopher"]
+ default_others = ["_unknown", "_http_error", "_http_request_upgrade",
+ "_http_default_error"]
+ default_features = ["_authen", "_redirect", "_cookies", "_seek", "_proxy"]
+ if hasattr(httplib, 'HTTPS'):
+ handler_classes["https"] = ClientCookie.HTTPSHandler
+ default_schemes.append("https")
+ if hasattr(ClientCookie, "HTTPRobotRulesProcessor"):
+ handler_classes["_robots"] = ClientCookie.HTTPRobotRulesProcessor
+ default_features.append("_robots")
+ def __init__(self):
+ OpenerDirector.__init__(self)
+ self._ua_handlers = {}
+ for scheme in (self.default_schemes+
+ self.default_others+
+ self.default_features):
+ klass = self.handler_classes[scheme]
+ self._ua_handlers[scheme] = klass()
+ for handler in self._ua_handlers.itervalues():
+ self.add_handler(handler)
+ # special case, requires extra support from mechanize.Browser
+ self._handle_referer = True
+ def close(self):
+ OpenerDirector.close(self)
+ self._ua_handlers = None
+ # XXX
+## def set_timeout(self, timeout):
+## self._timeout = timeout
+## def set_http_connection_cache(self, conn_cache):
+## self._http_conn_cache = conn_cache
+## def set_ftp_connection_cache(self, conn_cache):
+## # XXX ATM, FTP has cache as part of handler; should it be separate?
+## self._ftp_conn_cache = conn_cache
+ def set_handled_schemes(self, schemes):
+ """Set sequence of protocol scheme strings.
+ If this fails (with ValueError) because you've passed an unknown
+ scheme, the set of handled schemes WILL be updated, but schemes in the
+ list that come after the unknown scheme won't be handled.
+ """
+ want = {}
+ for scheme in schemes:
+ if scheme.startswith("_"):
+ raise ValueError("invalid scheme '%s'" % scheme)
+ want[scheme] = None
+ # get rid of scheme handlers we don't want
+ for scheme, oldhandler in self._ua_handlers.items():
+ if scheme.startswith("_"): continue # not a scheme handler
+ if scheme not in want:
+ self._replace_handler(scheme, None)
+ else:
+ del want[scheme] # already got it
+ # add the scheme handlers that are missing
+ for scheme in want.keys():
+ if scheme not in self.handler_classes:
+ raise ValueError("unknown scheme '%s'")
+ self._set_handler(scheme, True)
+ def _add_referer_header(self, request):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "this class can't do HTTP Referer: use mechanize.Browser instead")
+ def set_cookiejar(self, cookiejar):
+ """Set a ClientCookie.CookieJar, or None."""
+ self._set_handler("_cookies", obj=cookiejar)
+ def set_credentials(self, credentials):
+ """Set a urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr, or None."""
+ # XXX use Greg Stein's httpx instead?
+ self._set_handler("_authen", obj=credentials)
+ # these methods all take a boolean parameter
+ def set_handle_robots(self, handle):
+ """Set whether to observe rules from robots.txt."""
+ self._set_handler("_robots", handle)
+ def set_handle_redirect(self, handle):
+ """Set whether to handle HTTP Refresh headers."""
+ self._set_handler("_redirect", handle)
+ def set_handle_refresh(self, handle):
+ """Set whether to handle HTTP Refresh headers."""
+ self._set_handler("_refresh", handle)
+ def set_handle_equiv(self, handle):
+ """Set whether to treat HTML http-equiv headers like HTTP headers.
+ Response objects will be .seek()able if this is set.
+ """
+ self._set_handler("_equiv", handle)
+ def set_handle_referer(self, handle):
+ """Set whether to add Referer header to each request.
+ This base class does not implement this feature (so don't turn this on
+ if you're using this base class directly), but the subclass
+ mechanize.Browser does.
+ """
+ self._set_handler("_referer", handle)
+ self._handle_referer = True
+ def set_seekable_responses(self, handle):
+ """Make response objects .seek()able."""
+ self._set_handler("_seek", handle)
+ def set_debug_redirects(self, handle):
+ """Print information about HTTP redirects.
+ This includes refreshes, which show up as faked 302 redirections at the
+ moment.
+ """
+ self._set_handler("_debug_redirect", handle)
+ def set_debug_responses(self, handle):
+ """Print HTTP response bodies."""
+ self._set_handler("_debug_response_body", handle)
+ def set_debug_http(self, handle):
+ """Print HTTP headers."""
+ level = int(bool(handle))
+ for scheme in "http", "https":
+ h = self._ua_handlers.get(scheme)
+ if h is not None:
+ h.set_http_debuglevel(level)
+ def _set_handler(self, name, handle=None, obj=None):
+ if handle is None:
+ handle = obj is not None
+ if handle:
+ handler_class = self.handler_classes[name]
+ if obj is not None:
+ newhandler = handler_class(obj)
+ else:
+ newhandler = handler_class()
+ else:
+ newhandler = None
+ self._replace_handler(name, newhandler)
+ # XXXX I'd *really* rather get rid of this and just rebuild every time.
+ # This is fragile to base class changes, and hard to understand.
+ # Have to make sure there's no state directly stored in handlers, though,
+ # and have appropriate methods for adding state back to the cookie etc.
+ # handlers known to this class (only the ones in urllib2 / ClientCookie --
+ # no need to care about other peoples' as long as it's documented that
+ # calling the set_* methods will in general clobber handler state).
+ def _replace_handler(self, name, newhandler=None):
+ # first, if handler was previously added, remove it
+ if name is not None:
+ try:
+ handler = self._ua_handlers[name]
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ for table in (
+ [self.handle_open,
+ self.process_request, self.process_response]+
+ self.handle_error.values()):
+ for handlers in table.values():
+ remove(handlers, handler)
+ remove(self.handlers, handler)
+ # then add the replacement, if any
+ if newhandler is not None:
+ self.add_handler(newhandler)
+ self._ua_handlers[name] = newhandler
+def remove(sequence, obj):
+ # for use when can't use .remove() because of obj.__cmp__ :-(
+ # (ClientCookie only requires Python 2.0, which doesn't have __lt__)
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(sequence):
+ if sequence[i] is obj:
+ del sequence[i]
+ else:
+ i += 1
+# XXX
+# This is urllib2.Request with a new .set_method() method,
+# for HTTP HEAD / PUT -- move into ClientCookie if/when need it.
+# Maybe it should have a constructor arg, too.
+## class Request:
+## def __init__(self, url, data=None, headers={}):
+## # unwrap('<URL:type://host/path>') --> 'type://host/path'
+## self.__original = unwrap(url)
+## self.type = None
+## # self.__r_type is what's left after doing the splittype
+## self.host = None
+## self.port = None
+## self.data = data
+## self.headers = {}
+## for key, value in headers.items():
+## self.add_header(key, value)
+## if data is None:
+## self._method = "GET"
+## else:
+## self._method = "POST"
+## def __getattr__(self, attr):
+## # XXX this is a fallback mechanism to guard against these
+## # methods getting called in a non-standard order. this may be
+## # too complicated and/or unnecessary.
+## # XXX should the __r_XXX attributes be public?
+## if attr[:12] == '_Request__r_':
+## name = attr[12:]
+## if hasattr(Request, 'get_' + name):
+## getattr(self, 'get_' + name)()
+## return getattr(self, attr)
+## raise AttributeError, attr
+## def get_method(self):
+## return self._method
+## def set_method(self, method):
+## if method == "POST":
+## if data is None:
+## data = ""
+## else:
+## self.data = None
+## self._method == method
+## def add_data(self, data):
+## self.data = data
+## def has_data(self):
+## return self.data is not None
+## def get_data(self):
+## return self.data
+## def get_full_url(self):
+## return self.__original
+## def get_type(self):
+## if self.type is None:
+## self.type, self.__r_type = splittype(self.__original)
+## if self.type is None:
+## raise ValueError, "unknown url type: %s" % self.__original
+## return self.type
+## def get_host(self):
+## if self.host is None:
+## self.host, self.__r_host = splithost(self.__r_type)
+## if self.host:
+## self.host = unquote(self.host)
+## return self.host
+## def get_selector(self):
+## return self.__r_host
+## def set_proxy(self, host, type):
+## self.host, self.type = host, type
+## self.__r_host = self.__original
+## def add_header(self, key, val):
+## # useful for something like authentication
+## self.headers[key.capitalize()] = val
+## def http_get(fullurl, ranges=None, conditions=None):
+## """HTTP GET, with convenient partial fetches (ranges).
+## XXX conditional fetches?
+## ranges: sequence of pairs of byte ranges (start, end) to fetch;
+## Ranges follow the usual Python rules (the start byte is included,
+## the end byte is not; negative numbers count back from the end of
+## the entity; start None means start of entity; end None means end of
+## entity). There are restrictions, though: end must not be negative,
+## and if start is negative, end must be None.
+## >>> http_get("http://www.example.com/big.dat",
+## [(0, 10), (-10, None)]) # first and last 10 bytes
+## >>> http_get("http://www.example.com/big.dat",
+## [(50000, None)]) # from byte 50000 to the end
+## """
+## if conditions: raise NotImplementedError("conditions not yet implemented")
+## req = self._request(fullurl, data)
+## assert req.get_type() == "http", "http_get for non-HTTP URI"
+## rs = []
+## for start, end in ranges:
+## if start < 0:
+## assert end is None, "invalid range"
+## start = ""
+## else:
+## assert 0 <= start <= end, "invalid range"
+## if start == end: continue
+## end = end - 1
+## rs.append("%s-%s" % range)
+## req.add_header(("Range", "bytes=" % string.join(rs, ", ")))
+## return self.open(req)
+## def http_head(self, fullurl):
+## raise NotImplementedError() # XXX
+## def http_put(self, fullurl, data=None):
+## # XXX what about 30x handling?
+## raise NotImplementedError() # XXX
Property changes on: Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/mechanize/_useragent.py
Name: svn:keywords
+ Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Modified: Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/testing.py
--- Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/testing.py 2005-08-25 16:33:25 UTC (rev 38089)
+++ Zope3/branches/testbrowser-integration/src/zope/testbrowser/testing.py 2005-08-25 17:05:52 UTC (rev 38090)
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@
# ``HTTPCaller`` wants.
request_string = (method + ' ' + url + ' HTTP/1.1\n'
+ headers + '\n' + body)
self.response = self.caller(request_string, handle_errors)
def getresponse(self):
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