[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/zopeskel/ Initial distribution support for Twisted. Not tested yet, but it should

Stephan Richter srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Fri Sep 9 10:57:45 EDT 2005

Log message for revision 38434:
  Initial distribution support for Twisted. Not tested yet, but it should 

  U   Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/zopeskel/bin/runzope.in
  A   Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/zopeskel/etc/server.pem
  A   Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/zopeskel/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key
  U   Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/zopeskel/etc/zope.conf.in

Modified: Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/zopeskel/bin/runzope.in
--- Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/zopeskel/bin/runzope.in	2005-09-09 14:50:03 UTC (rev 38433)
+++ Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/zopeskel/bin/runzope.in	2005-09-09 14:57:44 UTC (rev 38434)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     sys.path[:] = [os.path.join(INSTANCE_HOME, "lib", "python"),
                    SOFTWARE_HOME] + basepath
-    from zope.app.server.main import main
+    from zope.app.twisted.main import main
     main(["-C", CONFIG_FILE] + sys.argv[1:])

Copied: Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/zopeskel/etc/server.pem (from rev 38391, Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/server.pem)

Copied: Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/zopeskel/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key (from rev 38394, Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/ssh_host_rsa_key)

Modified: Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/zopeskel/etc/zope.conf.in
--- Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/zopeskel/etc/zope.conf.in	2005-09-09 14:50:03 UTC (rev 38433)
+++ Zope3/branches/srichter-twisted-integration2/zopeskel/etc/zope.conf.in	2005-09-09 14:57:44 UTC (rev 38434)
@@ -15,26 +15,55 @@
 interrupt-check-interval 200
+# Standard HTTP server for Zope 3.
+# Server: All Servers
   type HTTP
   address 8080
-# uncomment this if you want the FTP server up and running
-#<server ftp>
-#  type FTP
-#  address 8021
+# Ready to go HTTPS server. You just need to make sure OpenSSL is installed.
+# Server: Twisted only!
+# <sslserver>
+#   type HTTPS
+#   address 8443
+#   privatekeypath server.pem
+#   certificatepath server.pem
+# </sslserver>
+# A special HTTP server that records HTTP session that can be converted to
+# functional tests.
+# Server: Twisted only!
+# <server>
+#   type RecordingHTTP
+#   address 8081
+# </server>
 # For debugging purposes, you can use this publisher instead/as well
 # (obviously if it's as well, use a different port number). If there's
 # an exception, Zope will drop into pdb at the point of the exception.
+# Server: Twisted only!
 #  type PostmortemDebuggingHTTP
 #  address 8080
+# uncomment this if you want the FTP server up and running
+# Server: All Servers
+#<server ftp>
+#  type FTP
+#  address 8021
+# You must install pycrypto to use the SFTP server.
+# Server: Twisted only!
+# <sshserver>
+#   type SFTP
+#   address 8115
+#   hostkey ssh_host_rsa_key
+# </sshserver>
 # Standard Filestorage

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