[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/jim-adapter/src/zope/app/apidoc/ Updated to reflect new registration reprs and constructors.

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Sun Apr 2 12:59:26 EDT 2006

Log message for revision 66304:
  Updated to reflect new registration reprs and constructors.

  U   Zope3/branches/jim-adapter/src/zope/app/apidoc/component.txt
  U   Zope3/branches/jim-adapter/src/zope/app/apidoc/presentation.txt

Modified: Zope3/branches/jim-adapter/src/zope/app/apidoc/component.txt
--- Zope3/branches/jim-adapter/src/zope/app/apidoc/component.txt	2006-04-02 16:59:23 UTC (rev 66303)
+++ Zope3/branches/jim-adapter/src/zope/app/apidoc/component.txt	2006-04-02 16:59:25 UTC (rev 66304)
@@ -44,10 +44,16 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getRequiredAdapters(IFoo))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(('IFoo', 'IBar'), 'ISpecialResult', '', None, ''),
-   AdapterRegistration(('IFoo',), 'IResult', '', None, ''),
-   HandlerRegistration(('IFoo',), u'', 'stubFactory', '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''), 
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo], IResult, '', None, u''), 
+   HandlerRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo], u'', 'stubFactory', u'')]
 Note how the adapter requiring an `IRequest` at the end of the required
 interfaces is neglected. This is because it is recognized as a view and views
 are not returned by default. But you can simply turn this flag on:
@@ -55,27 +61,37 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getRequiredAdapters(IFoo, withViews=True))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(('IFoo', 'IBar'), 'ISpecialResult', '', None, ''),
-   AdapterRegistration(('IFoo', 'IRequest'), 'ISpecialResult', '', None, ''),
-   AdapterRegistration(('IFoo',), 'IResult', '', None, ''),
-   HandlerRegistration(('IFoo',), u'', 'stubFactory', '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''), 
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo, IRequest], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''), 
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo], IResult, '', None, u''), 
+   HandlerRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo], u'', 'stubFactory', u'')]
 The function will also pick up registrations that have required interfaces the
 specified interface extends:
   >>> regs = list(component.getRequiredAdapters(IFoo))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(('IFoo', 'IBar'), 'ISpecialResult', '', None, ''),
-   AdapterRegistration(('IFoo',), 'IResult', '', None, ''),
-   HandlerRegistration(('IFoo',), u'', 'stubFactory', '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''),
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                       [IFoo], IResult, '', None, u''), 
+   HandlerRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                       [IFoo], u'', 'stubFactory', u'')]
 And all of the required interfaces are considered, of course:
   >>> regs = list(component.getRequiredAdapters(IBar))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(('IFoo', 'IBar'), 'ISpecialResult', '', None, '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u'')]
 `getProvidedAdapters(iface, withViews=False)`
@@ -88,24 +104,30 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getProvidedAdapters(ISpecialResult))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(('IFoo', 'IBar'), 'ISpecialResult', '', None, '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u'')]
 And by specifying the `withView` flag, we get views as well:
   >>> regs = list(component.getProvidedAdapters(ISpecialResult, withViews=True))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(('IFoo', 'IBar'), 'ISpecialResult', '', None, ''),
-   AdapterRegistration(('IFoo', 'IRequest'), 'ISpecialResult', '', None, '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''), 
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo, IRequest], ISpecialResult, '', None, u'')]
 We can of course also ask for adapters specifying `IResult`:
   >>> regs = list(component.getProvidedAdapters(IResult, withViews=True))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(('IFoo', 'IBar'), 'ISpecialResult', '', None, ''),
-   AdapterRegistration(('IFoo', 'IRequest'), 'ISpecialResult', '', None, ''),
-   AdapterRegistration(('IFoo',), 'IResult', '', None, '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''),
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                       [IFoo, IRequest], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''),
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                       [IFoo], IResult, '', None, u'')]
@@ -167,16 +189,17 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getFactories(IFooBar))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [UtilityRegistration('IFactory', 'MyFooBar',
-      <Factory for <class 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar'>>, '')]
+  [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+      IFactory, 'MyFooBar',
+      <Factory for <class 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar'>>, u'')]
   >>> regs = list(component.getFactories(IFoo))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [UtilityRegistration('IFactory', 'MyFoo',
-      <Factory for <class 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFoo'>>, ''),
-   UtilityRegistration('IFactory', 'MyFooBar',
-      <Factory for <class 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar'>>, '')]
+  [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFactory, 'MyFoo', 
+               <Factory for <class 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFoo'>>, u''),
+   UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFactory, 'MyFooBar',
+            <Factory for <class 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar'>>, u'')]
@@ -196,16 +219,16 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getUtilities(IFooBar))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
-  [UtilityRegistration('IFooBar', '',
-                       <zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar object at ...>, '')]
+  [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFooBar, '', 
+                       <zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar object at ...>, u'')]
   >>> regs = list(component.getUtilities(IFoo))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
-  [UtilityRegistration('IFoo', '',
-                       <zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFoo object at ...>, ''),
-   UtilityRegistration('IFooBar', '',
-                       <zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar object at ...>, '')]
+  [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFoo, '', 
+                       <zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFoo object at ...>, u''),
+   UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFooBar, '', 
+                       <zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar object at ...>, u'')]
@@ -305,7 +328,7 @@
   ...     implements(IResult)
   >>> from zope.component.registry import AdapterRegistration
-  >>> reg = AdapterRegistration((IFoo, IBar), IResult, 'FooToResult',
+  >>> reg = AdapterRegistration(None, (IFoo, IBar), IResult, 'FooToResult',
   ...                            MyResult, 'doc info')
 And now get the info dictionary:
@@ -328,7 +351,7 @@
   >>> from zope.interface import classImplements
   >>> classImplements(MyResultType, IResult)
-  >>> reg = AdapterRegistration((IFoo, IBar), IResult, 'FooToResult',
+  >>> reg = AdapterRegistration(None, (IFoo, IBar), IResult, 'FooToResult',
   ...                            MyResultType, 'doc info')
   >>> pprint(component.getAdapterInfoDictionary(reg))
   {'doc': 'doc info',
@@ -345,7 +368,7 @@
 see how the function handles subscriptions:
   >>> from zope.component.registry import HandlerRegistration
-  >>> reg = HandlerRegistration((IFoo, IBar), '', MyResult, 'doc info')
+  >>> reg = HandlerRegistration(None, (IFoo, IBar), '', MyResult, 'doc info')
   >>> pprint(component.getAdapterInfoDictionary(reg))
   {'doc': 'doc info',

Modified: Zope3/branches/jim-adapter/src/zope/app/apidoc/presentation.txt
--- Zope3/branches/jim-adapter/src/zope/app/apidoc/presentation.txt	2006-04-02 16:59:23 UTC (rev 66303)
+++ Zope3/branches/jim-adapter/src/zope/app/apidoc/presentation.txt	2006-04-02 16:59:25 UTC (rev 66304)
@@ -266,18 +266,18 @@
   >>> regs = list(presentation.getViews(IFoo))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
-  [AdapterRegistration(('IFoo', 'IBrowserRequest'), 'Interface',
-                       'blah', None, ''),
-   AdapterRegistration(('IFoo', 'IHTTPRequest'), 'Interface',
-                       'foo', None, ''),
-   AdapterRegistration(('Interface', 'IHTTPRequest'), 'Interface',
-                       'bar', None, '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [IFoo, IBrowserRequest], Interface, 'blah', None, u''),
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                       [IFoo, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'foo', None, u''),
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                       [Interface, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'bar', None, u'')]
   >>> regs = list(presentation.getViews(Interface, IHTTPRequest))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
-  [AdapterRegistration(('Interface', 'IHTTPRequest'), 'Interface',
-                       'bar', None, '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                       [Interface, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'bar', None, u'')]
 `filterViewRegistrations(regs, iface, level=SPECIFC_INTERFACE_LEVEL)`
@@ -329,24 +329,24 @@
   ...     regs, IFile, level=presentation.SPECIFIC_INTERFACE_LEVEL))
   >>> result.sort()
   >>> result
-  [AdapterRegistration(('IFile', 'IHTTPRequest'), 'Interface',
-                       'view.html', None, '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                     [IFile, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u'')]
   >>> result = list(presentation.filterViewRegistrations(
   ...     regs, IFile, level=presentation.EXTENDED_INTERFACE_LEVEL))
   >>> result.sort()
   >>> result
-  [AdapterRegistration(('IContent', 'IHTTPRequest'), 'Interface', 'edit.html',
-                       None, ''),
-   AdapterRegistration(('IContent', 'IHTTPRequest'), 'Interface', 'view.html',
-                       None, '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                  [IContent, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'edit.html', None, u''),
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                  [IContent, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u'')]
   >>> result = list(presentation.filterViewRegistrations(
   ...     regs, IFile, level=presentation.GENERIC_INTERFACE_LEVEL))
   >>> result.sort()
   >>> result
-  [AdapterRegistration(('Interface', 'IHTTPRequest'), 'Interface', 'view.html',
-                       None, '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                 [Interface, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u'')]
 You can also specify multiple levels at once using the Boolean OR operator,
 since all three levels are mutually exclusive.
@@ -356,22 +356,22 @@
   ...                        presentation.EXTENDED_INTERFACE_LEVEL))
   >>> result.sort()
   >>> result
-  [AdapterRegistration(('IContent', 'IHTTPRequest'), 'Interface',
-                       'edit.html', None, ''),
-   AdapterRegistration(('IContent', 'IHTTPRequest'), 'Interface',
-                       'view.html', None, ''),
-   AdapterRegistration(('IFile', 'IHTTPRequest'), 'Interface',
-                       'view.html', None, '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+                  [IContent, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'edit.html', None, u''),
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                  [IContent, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u''),
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                  [IFile, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u'')]
   >>> result = list(presentation.filterViewRegistrations(
   ...     regs, IFile, level=presentation.SPECIFIC_INTERFACE_LEVEL |
   ...                        presentation.GENERIC_INTERFACE_LEVEL))
   >>> result.sort()
   >>> result
-  [AdapterRegistration(('IFile', 'IHTTPRequest'), 'Interface',
-                       'view.html', None, ''),
-   AdapterRegistration(('Interface', 'IHTTPRequest'), 'Interface',
-                       'view.html', None, '')]
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                [IFile, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u''),
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                [Interface, IHTTPRequest], Interface, 'view.html', None, u'')]
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
 Let's first create a registration:
   >>> from zope.component.registry import AdapterRegistration
-  >>> reg = AdapterRegistration((IFile, Interface, IHTTPRequest),
+  >>> reg = AdapterRegistration(None, (IFile, Interface, IHTTPRequest),
   ...                           Interface, 'view.html', Factory, 'reg info')
   >>> pprint(presentation.getViewInfoDictionary(reg))

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