[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/benji-testbrowser-with-real-browsers/src/zope/testbrowser/ftests/real remove unneeded code

Benji York benji at zope.com
Sun Jul 23 23:13:32 EDT 2006

Log message for revision 69248:
  remove unneeded code

  D   Zope3/branches/benji-testbrowser-with-real-browsers/src/zope/testbrowser/ftests/real.zcml
  U   Zope3/branches/benji-testbrowser-with-real-browsers/src/zope/testbrowser/ftests/reallayer.py

Deleted: Zope3/branches/benji-testbrowser-with-real-browsers/src/zope/testbrowser/ftests/real.zcml
--- Zope3/branches/benji-testbrowser-with-real-browsers/src/zope/testbrowser/ftests/real.zcml	2006-07-24 02:35:43 UTC (rev 69247)
+++ Zope3/branches/benji-testbrowser-with-real-browsers/src/zope/testbrowser/ftests/real.zcml	2006-07-24 03:13:31 UTC (rev 69248)
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-   xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
-   xmlns:meta="http://namespaces.zope.org/meta"
-   i18n_domain="zope"
-   >
-  <!-- Turn on the devmode -->
-  <meta:provides feature="devmode" />
-  <!-- This file is the equivalent of site.zcml and it is -->
-  <!-- used for functional testing setup -->
-  <include package="zope.app" />
-  <include package="zope.app" file="ftesting.zcml" />
-  <include files="zopeskel/etc/package-includes/*-meta.zcml" />
-  <include files="zopeskel/etc/package-includes/*-configure.zcml" />
-  <include files="zopeskel/etc/package-includes/*-ftesting.zcml" />
-  <include file="securitypolicy.zcml" />
-  <include file="securitypolicy-ftesting.zcml" />
-  <!-- Principals -->
-  <unauthenticatedPrincipal
-      id="zope.anybody"
-      title="Unauthenticated User" />
-  <unauthenticatedGroup
-    id="zope.Anybody"
-    title="Unauthenticated Users"
-    />
-  <authenticatedGroup
-    id="zope.Authenticated"
-    title="Authenticated Users"
-    />
-  <everybodyGroup
-    id="zope.Everybody"
-    title="All Users"
-    />
-  <!-- Principal that tests generally run as -->
-  <principal
-      id="zope.mgr"
-      title="Manager"
-      login="mgr"
-      password="mgrpw" />
-  <!-- Bootstrap principal used to make local grant to the principal above -->
-  <principal
-      id="zope.globalmgr"
-      title="Manager"
-      login="globalmgr"
-      password="globalmgrpw" />
-  <grant role="zope.Manager" principal="zope.globalmgr" />
-  <includeOverrides file="overrides_ftesting.zcml" />

Modified: Zope3/branches/benji-testbrowser-with-real-browsers/src/zope/testbrowser/ftests/reallayer.py
--- Zope3/branches/benji-testbrowser-with-real-browsers/src/zope/testbrowser/ftests/reallayer.py	2006-07-24 02:35:43 UTC (rev 69247)
+++ Zope3/branches/benji-testbrowser-with-real-browsers/src/zope/testbrowser/ftests/reallayer.py	2006-07-24 03:13:31 UTC (rev 69248)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     def startZope(self, fg=None):
         """start Zope in a daemon thread"""
-        SITE_ZCML = '/home/benji/workspace/testbrowser3/src/zope/testbrowser/ftests/real.zcml'
+        SITE_ZCML = 'ftesting.zcml'
         TARGET_PORT = realproxy.TARGET_PORT
         handle, self.conf_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
         os.write(handle, CONF % locals())
@@ -50,9 +50,7 @@
         def go():
             # force the server to run with a known config
-#            args = ['-C', self.conf_path]
-            args = ['-X', 'server/address=%s' % TARGET_PORT,
-                    '-X', 'site-definition=ftesting.zcml']
+            args = ['-C', self.conf_path]

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