[Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex - Observation 2.13: Provide a statement about the strength of function.

Christian Theune ct at gocept.com
Thu Nov 8 08:36:43 EST 2007

Log message for revision 81604:
  - Observation 2.13: Provide a statement about the strength of function.
  - Observation 2.12: Provide the relation between assurance measures and
    assurance requirements.

  U   Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex

Modified: Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex
--- Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex	2007-11-08 13:28:00 UTC (rev 81603)
+++ Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.tex	2007-11-08 13:36:42 UTC (rev 81604)
@@ -1452,6 +1452,12 @@
       authentication credentials secret.
+\section{Minimum Strength of Function (SOF) for the TOE}
+In this TOE there are no security functional requirements that require a
+consideration of strength of function (SOF).
 \chapter{TOE summary specification}
@@ -2362,8 +2368,31 @@
 \subsection{Assurance measures}
-The assurance measures are selected in accordance to EAL 1.
+The assurance measures are selected in accordance to EAL 1:
+  \toprule
+  & Measure for assurance & Requrements & Comment \\
+  &                       & of assurance & \\
+  \midrule\endhead
+  AM.1 & Configuration management & ACM\_CAP.1 & Version numbers \\
+  \midrule
+  AM.2 & Delivery and operation & ADO\_IGS.1 & Installation, generation and start-up procedures \\
+  \midrule
+  AM.3 & Development            & ADV\_FSP.1 & Informal functional specification \\
+  AM.4 &                        & ADV\_RCR.1 & Informal correspondence demonstration \\
+  \midrule
+  AM.5 & Guidance documents     & AGD\_ADM.1 & Administrator guidance \\
+  AM.6 &                        & AGD\_USR.1 & User guidance \\
+  \midrule
+  AM.7 & Tests                  & ATE\_IND.1 & Independent testing  \\
+  \bottomrule
+  \caption{Assurance measures}
+  \label{tab-assurance-measures}
 \subsection{Choice of TOE security assurance requirements}

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