SVN: zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/
- Moved the actual formatter definitions to its own file.
Christian Theune
ct at gocept.com
Sat May 3 10:06:19 EDT 2008
Log message for revision 86214:
- Moved the actual formatter definitions to its own file.
- Fix the way the test runner calls itself: don't use __file__ but use the
original sys.argv[0].
U zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/__init__.py
A zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/formatter.py
U zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-debugging-layer-setup.test
Modified: zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/__init__.py
--- zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/__init__.py 2008-05-03 13:58:31 UTC (rev 86213)
+++ zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/__init__.py 2008-05-03 14:06:18 UTC (rev 86214)
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
import types
import unittest
+from zope.testing.testrunner.formatter import OutputFormatter, ColorfulOutputFormatter
+from zope.testing.testrunner.formatter import terminal_has_colors
available_profilers = {}
@@ -250,612 +252,6 @@
return False
-doctest_template = """
-File "%s", line %s, in %s
-def tigetnum(attr, default=None):
- """Return a value from the terminfo database.
- Terminfo is used on Unix-like systems to report various terminal attributes
- (such as width, height or the number of supported colors).
- Returns ``default`` when the ``curses`` module is not available, or when
- sys.stdout is not a terminal.
- """
- try:
- import curses
- except ImportError:
- # avoid reimporting a broken module in python 2.3
- sys.modules['curses'] = None
- else:
- try:
- curses.setupterm()
- except (curses.error, TypeError):
- # You get curses.error when $TERM is set to an unknown name
- # You get TypeError when sys.stdout is not a real file object
- # (e.g. in unit tests that use various wrappers).
- pass
- else:
- return curses.tigetnum(attr)
- return default
-class OutputFormatter(object):
- """Test runner output formatter."""
- # Implementation note: be careful about printing stuff to sys.stderr.
- # It is used for interprocess communication between the parent and the
- # child test runner, when you run some test layers in a subprocess.
- # resume_layer() reasigns sys.stderr for this reason, but be careful
- # and don't store the original one in __init__ or something.
- max_width = 80
- def __init__(self, options):
- self.options = options
- self.last_width = 0
- self.compute_max_width()
- progress = property(lambda self: self.options.progress)
- verbose = property(lambda self: self.options.verbose)
- def compute_max_width(self):
- """Try to determine the terminal width."""
- # Note that doing this every time is more test friendly.
- self.max_width = tigetnum('cols', self.max_width)
- def getShortDescription(self, test, room):
- """Return a description of a test that fits in ``room`` characters."""
- room -= 1
- s = str(test)
- if len(s) > room:
- pos = s.find(" (")
- if pos >= 0:
- w = room - (pos + 5)
- if w < 1:
- # first portion (test method name) is too long
- s = s[:room-3] + "..."
- else:
- pre = s[:pos+2]
- post = s[-w:]
- s = "%s...%s" % (pre, post)
- else:
- w = room - 4
- s = '... ' + s[-w:]
- return ' ' + s[:room]
- def info(self, message):
- """Print an informative message."""
- print message
- def info_suboptimal(self, message):
- """Print an informative message about losing some of the features.
- For example, when you run some tests in a subprocess, you lose the
- ability to use the debugger.
- """
- print message
- def error(self, message):
- """Report an error."""
- print message
- def error_with_banner(self, message):
- """Report an error with a big ASCII banner."""
- print
- print '*'*70
- self.error(message)
- print '*'*70
- print
- def profiler_stats(self, stats):
- """Report profiler stats."""
- stats.print_stats(50)
- def import_errors(self, import_errors):
- """Report test-module import errors (if any)."""
- if import_errors:
- print "Test-module import failures:"
- for error in import_errors:
- self.print_traceback("Module: %s\n" % error.module,
- error.exc_info),
- print
- def tests_with_errors(self, errors):
- """Report names of tests with errors (if any)."""
- if errors:
- print
- print "Tests with errors:"
- for test, exc_info in errors:
- print " ", test
- def tests_with_failures(self, failures):
- """Report names of tests with failures (if any)."""
- if failures:
- print
- print "Tests with failures:"
- for test, exc_info in failures:
- print " ", test
- def modules_with_import_problems(self, import_errors):
- """Report names of modules with import problems (if any)."""
- if import_errors:
- print
- print "Test-modules with import problems:"
- for test in import_errors:
- print " " + test.module
- def format_seconds(self, n_seconds):
- """Format a time in seconds."""
- if n_seconds >= 60:
- n_minutes, n_seconds = divmod(n_seconds, 60)
- return "%d minutes %.3f seconds" % (n_minutes, n_seconds)
- else:
- return "%.3f seconds" % n_seconds
- def format_seconds_short(self, n_seconds):
- """Format a time in seconds (short version)."""
- return "%.3f s" % n_seconds
- def summary(self, n_tests, n_failures, n_errors, n_seconds):
- """Summarize the results of a single test layer."""
- print (" Ran %s tests with %s failures and %s errors in %s."
- % (n_tests, n_failures, n_errors,
- self.format_seconds(n_seconds)))
- def totals(self, n_tests, n_failures, n_errors, n_seconds):
- """Summarize the results of all layers."""
- print ("Total: %s tests, %s failures, %s errors in %s."
- % (n_tests, n_failures, n_errors,
- self.format_seconds(n_seconds)))
- def list_of_tests(self, tests, layer_name):
- """Report a list of test names."""
- print "Listing %s tests:" % layer_name
- for test in tests:
- print ' ', test
- def garbage(self, garbage):
- """Report garbage generated by tests."""
- if garbage:
- print "Tests generated new (%d) garbage:" % len(garbage)
- print garbage
- def test_garbage(self, test, garbage):
- """Report garbage generated by a test."""
- if garbage:
- print "The following test left garbage:"
- print test
- print garbage
- def test_threads(self, test, new_threads):
- """Report threads left behind by a test."""
- if new_threads:
- print "The following test left new threads behind:"
- print test
- print "New thread(s):", new_threads
- def refcounts(self, rc, prev):
- """Report a change in reference counts."""
- print " sys refcount=%-8d change=%-6d" % (rc, rc - prev)
- def detailed_refcounts(self, track, rc, prev):
- """Report a change in reference counts, with extra detail."""
- print (" sum detail refcount=%-8d"
- " sys refcount=%-8d"
- " change=%-6d"
- % (track.n, rc, rc - prev))
- track.output()
- def start_set_up(self, layer_name):
- """Report that we're setting up a layer.
- The next output operation should be stop_set_up().
- """
- print " Set up %s" % layer_name,
- sys.stdout.flush()
- def stop_set_up(self, seconds):
- """Report that we've set up a layer.
- Should be called right after start_set_up().
- """
- print "in %s." % self.format_seconds(seconds)
- def start_tear_down(self, layer_name):
- """Report that we're tearing down a layer.
- The next output operation should be stop_tear_down() or
- tear_down_not_supported().
- """
- print " Tear down %s" % layer_name,
- sys.stdout.flush()
- def stop_tear_down(self, seconds):
- """Report that we've tore down a layer.
- Should be called right after start_tear_down().
- """
- print "in %s." % self.format_seconds(seconds)
- def tear_down_not_supported(self):
- """Report that we could not tear down a layer.
- Should be called right after start_tear_down().
- """
- print "... not supported"
- def start_test(self, test, tests_run, total_tests):
- """Report that we're about to run a test.
- The next output operation should be test_success(), test_error(), or
- test_failure().
- """
- self.test_width = 0
- if self.progress:
- if self.last_width:
- sys.stdout.write('\r' + (' ' * self.last_width) + '\r')
- s = " %d/%d (%.1f%%)" % (tests_run, total_tests,
- tests_run * 100.0 / total_tests)
- sys.stdout.write(s)
- self.test_width += len(s)
- if self.verbose == 1:
- room = self.max_width - self.test_width - 1
- s = self.getShortDescription(test, room)
- sys.stdout.write(s)
- self.test_width += len(s)
- elif self.verbose == 1:
- sys.stdout.write('.' * test.countTestCases())
- if self.verbose > 1:
- s = str(test)
- sys.stdout.write(' ')
- sys.stdout.write(s)
- self.test_width += len(s) + 1
- sys.stdout.flush()
- def test_success(self, test, seconds):
- """Report that a test was successful.
- Should be called right after start_test().
- The next output operation should be stop_test().
- """
- if self.verbose > 2:
- s = " (%s)" % self.format_seconds_short(seconds)
- sys.stdout.write(s)
- self.test_width += len(s) + 1
- def test_error(self, test, seconds, exc_info):
- """Report that an error occurred while running a test.
- Should be called right after start_test().
- The next output operation should be stop_test().
- """
- if self.verbose > 2:
- print " (%s)" % self.format_seconds_short(seconds)
- print
- self.print_traceback("Error in test %s" % test, exc_info)
- self.test_width = self.last_width = 0
- def test_failure(self, test, seconds, exc_info):
- """Report that a test failed.
- Should be called right after start_test().
- The next output operation should be stop_test().
- """
- if self.verbose > 2:
- print " (%s)" % self.format_seconds_short(seconds)
- print
- self.print_traceback("Failure in test %s" % test, exc_info)
- self.test_width = self.last_width = 0
- def print_traceback(self, msg, exc_info):
- """Report an error with a traceback."""
- print
- print msg
- print self.format_traceback(exc_info)
- def format_traceback(self, exc_info):
- """Format the traceback."""
- v = exc_info[1]
- if isinstance(v, doctest.DocTestFailureException):
- tb = v.args[0]
- elif isinstance(v, doctest.DocTestFailure):
- tb = doctest_template % (
- v.test.filename,
- v.test.lineno + v.example.lineno + 1,
- v.test.name,
- v.example.source,
- v.example.want,
- v.got,
- )
- else:
- tb = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info))
- return tb
- def stop_test(self, test):
- """Clean up the output state after a test."""
- if self.progress:
- self.last_width = self.test_width
- elif self.verbose > 1:
- print
- sys.stdout.flush()
- def stop_tests(self):
- """Clean up the output state after a collection of tests."""
- if self.progress and self.last_width:
- sys.stdout.write('\r' + (' ' * self.last_width) + '\r')
- if self.verbose == 1 or self.progress:
- print
-class ColorfulOutputFormatter(OutputFormatter):
- """Output formatter that uses ANSI color codes.
- Like syntax highlighting in your text editor, colorizing
- test failures helps the developer.
- """
- # These colors are carefully chosen to have enough contrast
- # on terminals with both black and white background.
- colorscheme = {'normal': 'normal',
- 'default': 'default',
- 'info': 'normal',
- 'suboptimal-behaviour': 'magenta',
- 'error': 'brightred',
- 'number': 'green',
- 'slow-test': 'brightmagenta',
- 'ok-number': 'green',
- 'error-number': 'brightred',
- 'filename': 'lightblue',
- 'lineno': 'lightred',
- 'testname': 'lightcyan',
- 'failed-example': 'cyan',
- 'expected-output': 'green',
- 'actual-output': 'red',
- 'character-diffs': 'magenta',
- 'diff-chunk': 'magenta',
- 'exception': 'red'}
- # Map prefix character to color in diff output. This handles ndiff and
- # udiff correctly, but not cdiff. In cdiff we ought to highlight '!' as
- # expected-output until we see a '-', then highlight '!' as actual-output,
- # until we see a '*', then switch back to highlighting '!' as
- # expected-output. Nevertheless, coloried cdiffs are reasonably readable,
- # so I'm not going to fix this.
- # -- mgedmin
- diff_color = {'-': 'expected-output',
- '+': 'actual-output',
- '?': 'character-diffs',
- '@': 'diff-chunk',
- '*': 'diff-chunk',
- '!': 'actual-output',}
- prefixes = [('dark', '0;'),
- ('light', '1;'),
- ('bright', '1;'),
- ('bold', '1;'),]
- colorcodes = {'default': 0, 'normal': 0,
- 'black': 30,
- 'red': 31,
- 'green': 32,
- 'brown': 33, 'yellow': 33,
- 'blue': 34,
- 'magenta': 35,
- 'cyan': 36,
- 'grey': 37, 'gray': 37, 'white': 37}
- slow_test_threshold = 10.0 # seconds
- def color_code(self, color):
- """Convert a color description (e.g. 'lightgray') to a terminal code."""
- prefix_code = ''
- for prefix, code in self.prefixes:
- if color.startswith(prefix):
- color = color[len(prefix):]
- prefix_code = code
- break
- color_code = self.colorcodes[color]
- return '\033[%s%sm' % (prefix_code, color_code)
- def color(self, what):
- """Pick a named color from the color scheme"""
- return self.color_code(self.colorscheme[what])
- def colorize(self, what, message, normal='normal'):
- """Wrap message in color."""
- return self.color(what) + message + self.color(normal)
- def error_count_color(self, n):
- """Choose a color for the number of errors."""
- if n:
- return self.color('error-number')
- else:
- return self.color('ok-number')
- def info(self, message):
- """Print an informative message."""
- print self.colorize('info', message)
- def info_suboptimal(self, message):
- """Print an informative message about losing some of the features.
- For example, when you run some tests in a subprocess, you lose the
- ability to use the debugger.
- """
- print self.colorize('suboptimal-behaviour', message)
- def error(self, message):
- """Report an error."""
- print self.colorize('error', message)
- def error_with_banner(self, message):
- """Report an error with a big ASCII banner."""
- print
- print self.colorize('error', '*'*70)
- self.error(message)
- print self.colorize('error', '*'*70)
- print
- def tear_down_not_supported(self):
- """Report that we could not tear down a layer.
- Should be called right after start_tear_down().
- """
- print "...", self.colorize('suboptimal-behaviour', "not supported")
- def format_seconds(self, n_seconds, normal='normal'):
- """Format a time in seconds."""
- if n_seconds >= 60:
- n_minutes, n_seconds = divmod(n_seconds, 60)
- return "%s minutes %s seconds" % (
- self.colorize('number', '%d' % n_minutes, normal),
- self.colorize('number', '%.3f' % n_seconds, normal))
- else:
- return "%s seconds" % (
- self.colorize('number', '%.3f' % n_seconds, normal))
- def format_seconds_short(self, n_seconds):
- """Format a time in seconds (short version)."""
- if n_seconds >= self.slow_test_threshold:
- color = 'slow-test'
- else:
- color = 'number'
- return self.colorize(color, "%.3f s" % n_seconds)
- def summary(self, n_tests, n_failures, n_errors, n_seconds):
- """Summarize the results."""
- sys.stdout.writelines([
- self.color('info'), ' Ran ',
- self.color('number'), str(n_tests),
- self.color('info'), ' tests with ',
- self.error_count_color(n_failures), str(n_failures),
- self.color('info'), ' failures and ',
- self.error_count_color(n_errors), str(n_errors),
- self.color('info'), ' errors in ',
- self.format_seconds(n_seconds, 'info'), '.',
- self.color('normal'), '\n'])
- def totals(self, n_tests, n_failures, n_errors, n_seconds):
- """Report totals (number of tests, failures, and errors)."""
- sys.stdout.writelines([
- self.color('info'), 'Total: ',
- self.color('number'), str(n_tests),
- self.color('info'), ' tests, ',
- self.error_count_color(n_failures), str(n_failures),
- self.color('info'), ' failures, ',
- self.error_count_color(n_errors), str(n_errors),
- self.color('info'), ' errors in ',
- self.format_seconds(n_seconds, 'info'), '.',
- self.color('normal'), '\n'])
- def print_traceback(self, msg, exc_info):
- """Report an error with a traceback."""
- print
- print self.colorize('error', msg)
- v = exc_info[1]
- if isinstance(v, doctest.DocTestFailureException):
- self.print_doctest_failure(v.args[0])
- elif isinstance(v, doctest.DocTestFailure):
- # I don't think these are ever used... -- mgedmin
- tb = self.format_traceback(exc_info)
- print tb
- else:
- tb = self.format_traceback(exc_info)
- self.print_colorized_traceback(tb)
- def print_doctest_failure(self, formatted_failure):
- """Report a doctest failure.
- ``formatted_failure`` is a string -- that's what
- DocTestSuite/DocFileSuite gives us.
- """
- color_of_indented_text = 'normal'
- colorize_diff = False
- for line in formatted_failure.splitlines():
- if line.startswith('File '):
- m = re.match(r'File "(.*)", line (\d*), in (.*)$', line)
- if m:
- filename, lineno, test = m.groups()
- sys.stdout.writelines([
- self.color('normal'), 'File "',
- self.color('filename'), filename,
- self.color('normal'), '", line ',
- self.color('lineno'), lineno,
- self.color('normal'), ', in ',
- self.color('testname'), test,
- self.color('normal'), '\n'])
- else:
- print line
- elif line.startswith(' '):
- if colorize_diff and len(line) > 4:
- color = self.diff_color.get(line[4], color_of_indented_text)
- print self.colorize(color, line)
- else:
- print self.colorize(color_of_indented_text, line)
- else:
- colorize_diff = False
- if line.startswith('Failed example'):
- color_of_indented_text = 'failed-example'
- elif line.startswith('Expected:'):
- color_of_indented_text = 'expected-output'
- elif line.startswith('Got:'):
- color_of_indented_text = 'actual-output'
- elif line.startswith('Exception raised:'):
- color_of_indented_text = 'exception'
- elif line.startswith('Differences '):
- color_of_indented_text = 'normal'
- colorize_diff = True
- else:
- color_of_indented_text = 'normal'
- print line
- print
- def print_colorized_traceback(self, formatted_traceback):
- """Report a test failure.
- ``formatted_traceback`` is a string.
- """
- for line in formatted_traceback.splitlines():
- if line.startswith(' File'):
- m = re.match(r' File "(.*)", line (\d*), in (.*)$', line)
- if m:
- filename, lineno, test = m.groups()
- sys.stdout.writelines([
- self.color('normal'), ' File "',
- self.color('filename'), filename,
- self.color('normal'), '", line ',
- self.color('lineno'), lineno,
- self.color('normal'), ', in ',
- self.color('testname'), test,
- self.color('normal'), '\n'])
- else:
- print line
- elif line.startswith(' '):
- print self.colorize('failed-example', line)
- elif line.startswith('Traceback (most recent call last)'):
- print line
- else:
- print self.colorize('exception', line)
- print
def run(defaults=None, args=None):
if args is None:
args = sys.argv[:]
@@ -1273,7 +669,7 @@
resume_number = 0
for layer_name in layers:
args = [sys.executable,
- options.original_testrunner_args[0],
+ sys.argv[0],
'--resume-layer', layer_name, str(resume_number),
resume_number += 1
@@ -2400,14 +1796,6 @@
-def terminal_has_colors():
- """Determine whether the terminal supports colors.
- Some terminals (e.g. the emacs built-in one) don't.
- """
- return tigetnum('colors', -1) >= 8
def get_options(args=None, defaults=None):
# Because we want to inspect stdout and decide to colorize or not, we
# replace the --auto-color option with the appropriate --color or
@@ -2662,7 +2050,7 @@
test.globs['this_directory'] = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
- test.globs['testrunner_script'] = __file__
+ test.globs['testrunner_script'] = sys.argv[0]
def tearDown(test):
sys.path[:], sys.argv[:] = test.globs['saved-sys-info'][:2]
Added: zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/formatter.py
--- zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/formatter.py (rev 0)
+++ zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/formatter.py 2008-05-03 14:06:18 UTC (rev 86214)
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Output formatting.
+$Id: __init__.py 86207 2008-05-03 13:25:02Z ctheune $
+import sys
+import re
+import traceback
+from zope.testing import doctest
+doctest_template = """
+File "%s", line %s, in %s
+class OutputFormatter(object):
+ """Test runner output formatter."""
+ # Implementation note: be careful about printing stuff to sys.stderr.
+ # It is used for interprocess communication between the parent and the
+ # child test runner, when you run some test layers in a subprocess.
+ # resume_layer() reasigns sys.stderr for this reason, but be careful
+ # and don't store the original one in __init__ or something.
+ max_width = 80
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ self.options = options
+ self.last_width = 0
+ self.compute_max_width()
+ progress = property(lambda self: self.options.progress)
+ verbose = property(lambda self: self.options.verbose)
+ def compute_max_width(self):
+ """Try to determine the terminal width."""
+ # Note that doing this every time is more test friendly.
+ self.max_width = tigetnum('cols', self.max_width)
+ def getShortDescription(self, test, room):
+ """Return a description of a test that fits in ``room`` characters."""
+ room -= 1
+ s = str(test)
+ if len(s) > room:
+ pos = s.find(" (")
+ if pos >= 0:
+ w = room - (pos + 5)
+ if w < 1:
+ # first portion (test method name) is too long
+ s = s[:room-3] + "..."
+ else:
+ pre = s[:pos+2]
+ post = s[-w:]
+ s = "%s...%s" % (pre, post)
+ else:
+ w = room - 4
+ s = '... ' + s[-w:]
+ return ' ' + s[:room]
+ def info(self, message):
+ """Print an informative message."""
+ print message
+ def info_suboptimal(self, message):
+ """Print an informative message about losing some of the features.
+ For example, when you run some tests in a subprocess, you lose the
+ ability to use the debugger.
+ """
+ print message
+ def error(self, message):
+ """Report an error."""
+ print message
+ def error_with_banner(self, message):
+ """Report an error with a big ASCII banner."""
+ print
+ print '*'*70
+ self.error(message)
+ print '*'*70
+ print
+ def profiler_stats(self, stats):
+ """Report profiler stats."""
+ stats.print_stats(50)
+ def import_errors(self, import_errors):
+ """Report test-module import errors (if any)."""
+ if import_errors:
+ print "Test-module import failures:"
+ for error in import_errors:
+ self.print_traceback("Module: %s\n" % error.module,
+ error.exc_info),
+ print
+ def tests_with_errors(self, errors):
+ """Report names of tests with errors (if any)."""
+ if errors:
+ print
+ print "Tests with errors:"
+ for test, exc_info in errors:
+ print " ", test
+ def tests_with_failures(self, failures):
+ """Report names of tests with failures (if any)."""
+ if failures:
+ print
+ print "Tests with failures:"
+ for test, exc_info in failures:
+ print " ", test
+ def modules_with_import_problems(self, import_errors):
+ """Report names of modules with import problems (if any)."""
+ if import_errors:
+ print
+ print "Test-modules with import problems:"
+ for test in import_errors:
+ print " " + test.module
+ def format_seconds(self, n_seconds):
+ """Format a time in seconds."""
+ if n_seconds >= 60:
+ n_minutes, n_seconds = divmod(n_seconds, 60)
+ return "%d minutes %.3f seconds" % (n_minutes, n_seconds)
+ else:
+ return "%.3f seconds" % n_seconds
+ def format_seconds_short(self, n_seconds):
+ """Format a time in seconds (short version)."""
+ return "%.3f s" % n_seconds
+ def summary(self, n_tests, n_failures, n_errors, n_seconds):
+ """Summarize the results of a single test layer."""
+ print (" Ran %s tests with %s failures and %s errors in %s."
+ % (n_tests, n_failures, n_errors,
+ self.format_seconds(n_seconds)))
+ def totals(self, n_tests, n_failures, n_errors, n_seconds):
+ """Summarize the results of all layers."""
+ print ("Total: %s tests, %s failures, %s errors in %s."
+ % (n_tests, n_failures, n_errors,
+ self.format_seconds(n_seconds)))
+ def list_of_tests(self, tests, layer_name):
+ """Report a list of test names."""
+ print "Listing %s tests:" % layer_name
+ for test in tests:
+ print ' ', test
+ def garbage(self, garbage):
+ """Report garbage generated by tests."""
+ if garbage:
+ print "Tests generated new (%d) garbage:" % len(garbage)
+ print garbage
+ def test_garbage(self, test, garbage):
+ """Report garbage generated by a test."""
+ if garbage:
+ print "The following test left garbage:"
+ print test
+ print garbage
+ def test_threads(self, test, new_threads):
+ """Report threads left behind by a test."""
+ if new_threads:
+ print "The following test left new threads behind:"
+ print test
+ print "New thread(s):", new_threads
+ def refcounts(self, rc, prev):
+ """Report a change in reference counts."""
+ print " sys refcount=%-8d change=%-6d" % (rc, rc - prev)
+ def detailed_refcounts(self, track, rc, prev):
+ """Report a change in reference counts, with extra detail."""
+ print (" sum detail refcount=%-8d"
+ " sys refcount=%-8d"
+ " change=%-6d"
+ % (track.n, rc, rc - prev))
+ track.output()
+ def start_set_up(self, layer_name):
+ """Report that we're setting up a layer.
+ The next output operation should be stop_set_up().
+ """
+ print " Set up %s" % layer_name,
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def stop_set_up(self, seconds):
+ """Report that we've set up a layer.
+ Should be called right after start_set_up().
+ """
+ print "in %s." % self.format_seconds(seconds)
+ def start_tear_down(self, layer_name):
+ """Report that we're tearing down a layer.
+ The next output operation should be stop_tear_down() or
+ tear_down_not_supported().
+ """
+ print " Tear down %s" % layer_name,
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def stop_tear_down(self, seconds):
+ """Report that we've tore down a layer.
+ Should be called right after start_tear_down().
+ """
+ print "in %s." % self.format_seconds(seconds)
+ def tear_down_not_supported(self):
+ """Report that we could not tear down a layer.
+ Should be called right after start_tear_down().
+ """
+ print "... not supported"
+ def start_test(self, test, tests_run, total_tests):
+ """Report that we're about to run a test.
+ The next output operation should be test_success(), test_error(), or
+ test_failure().
+ """
+ self.test_width = 0
+ if self.progress:
+ if self.last_width:
+ sys.stdout.write('\r' + (' ' * self.last_width) + '\r')
+ s = " %d/%d (%.1f%%)" % (tests_run, total_tests,
+ tests_run * 100.0 / total_tests)
+ sys.stdout.write(s)
+ self.test_width += len(s)
+ if self.verbose == 1:
+ room = self.max_width - self.test_width - 1
+ s = self.getShortDescription(test, room)
+ sys.stdout.write(s)
+ self.test_width += len(s)
+ elif self.verbose == 1:
+ sys.stdout.write('.' * test.countTestCases())
+ if self.verbose > 1:
+ s = str(test)
+ sys.stdout.write(' ')
+ sys.stdout.write(s)
+ self.test_width += len(s) + 1
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def test_success(self, test, seconds):
+ """Report that a test was successful.
+ Should be called right after start_test().
+ The next output operation should be stop_test().
+ """
+ if self.verbose > 2:
+ s = " (%s)" % self.format_seconds_short(seconds)
+ sys.stdout.write(s)
+ self.test_width += len(s) + 1
+ def test_error(self, test, seconds, exc_info):
+ """Report that an error occurred while running a test.
+ Should be called right after start_test().
+ The next output operation should be stop_test().
+ """
+ if self.verbose > 2:
+ print " (%s)" % self.format_seconds_short(seconds)
+ print
+ self.print_traceback("Error in test %s" % test, exc_info)
+ self.test_width = self.last_width = 0
+ def test_failure(self, test, seconds, exc_info):
+ """Report that a test failed.
+ Should be called right after start_test().
+ The next output operation should be stop_test().
+ """
+ if self.verbose > 2:
+ print " (%s)" % self.format_seconds_short(seconds)
+ print
+ self.print_traceback("Failure in test %s" % test, exc_info)
+ self.test_width = self.last_width = 0
+ def print_traceback(self, msg, exc_info):
+ """Report an error with a traceback."""
+ print
+ print msg
+ print self.format_traceback(exc_info)
+ def format_traceback(self, exc_info):
+ """Format the traceback."""
+ v = exc_info[1]
+ if isinstance(v, doctest.DocTestFailureException):
+ tb = v.args[0]
+ elif isinstance(v, doctest.DocTestFailure):
+ tb = doctest_template % (
+ v.test.filename,
+ v.test.lineno + v.example.lineno + 1,
+ v.test.name,
+ v.example.source,
+ v.example.want,
+ v.got,
+ )
+ else:
+ tb = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info))
+ return tb
+ def stop_test(self, test):
+ """Clean up the output state after a test."""
+ if self.progress:
+ self.last_width = self.test_width
+ elif self.verbose > 1:
+ print
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def stop_tests(self):
+ """Clean up the output state after a collection of tests."""
+ if self.progress and self.last_width:
+ sys.stdout.write('\r' + (' ' * self.last_width) + '\r')
+ if self.verbose == 1 or self.progress:
+ print
+def tigetnum(attr, default=None):
+ """Return a value from the terminfo database.
+ Terminfo is used on Unix-like systems to report various terminal attributes
+ (such as width, height or the number of supported colors).
+ Returns ``default`` when the ``curses`` module is not available, or when
+ sys.stdout is not a terminal.
+ """
+ try:
+ import curses
+ except ImportError:
+ # avoid reimporting a broken module in python 2.3
+ sys.modules['curses'] = None
+ else:
+ try:
+ curses.setupterm()
+ except (curses.error, TypeError):
+ # You get curses.error when $TERM is set to an unknown name
+ # You get TypeError when sys.stdout is not a real file object
+ # (e.g. in unit tests that use various wrappers).
+ pass
+ else:
+ return curses.tigetnum(attr)
+ return default
+def terminal_has_colors():
+ """Determine whether the terminal supports colors.
+ Some terminals (e.g. the emacs built-in one) don't.
+ """
+ return tigetnum('colors', -1) >= 8
+class ColorfulOutputFormatter(OutputFormatter):
+ """Output formatter that uses ANSI color codes.
+ Like syntax highlighting in your text editor, colorizing
+ test failures helps the developer.
+ """
+ # These colors are carefully chosen to have enough contrast
+ # on terminals with both black and white background.
+ colorscheme = {'normal': 'normal',
+ 'default': 'default',
+ 'info': 'normal',
+ 'suboptimal-behaviour': 'magenta',
+ 'error': 'brightred',
+ 'number': 'green',
+ 'slow-test': 'brightmagenta',
+ 'ok-number': 'green',
+ 'error-number': 'brightred',
+ 'filename': 'lightblue',
+ 'lineno': 'lightred',
+ 'testname': 'lightcyan',
+ 'failed-example': 'cyan',
+ 'expected-output': 'green',
+ 'actual-output': 'red',
+ 'character-diffs': 'magenta',
+ 'diff-chunk': 'magenta',
+ 'exception': 'red'}
+ # Map prefix character to color in diff output. This handles ndiff and
+ # udiff correctly, but not cdiff. In cdiff we ought to highlight '!' as
+ # expected-output until we see a '-', then highlight '!' as actual-output,
+ # until we see a '*', then switch back to highlighting '!' as
+ # expected-output. Nevertheless, coloried cdiffs are reasonably readable,
+ # so I'm not going to fix this.
+ # -- mgedmin
+ diff_color = {'-': 'expected-output',
+ '+': 'actual-output',
+ '?': 'character-diffs',
+ '@': 'diff-chunk',
+ '*': 'diff-chunk',
+ '!': 'actual-output',}
+ prefixes = [('dark', '0;'),
+ ('light', '1;'),
+ ('bright', '1;'),
+ ('bold', '1;'),]
+ colorcodes = {'default': 0, 'normal': 0,
+ 'black': 30,
+ 'red': 31,
+ 'green': 32,
+ 'brown': 33, 'yellow': 33,
+ 'blue': 34,
+ 'magenta': 35,
+ 'cyan': 36,
+ 'grey': 37, 'gray': 37, 'white': 37}
+ slow_test_threshold = 10.0 # seconds
+ def color_code(self, color):
+ """Convert a color description (e.g. 'lightgray') to a terminal code."""
+ prefix_code = ''
+ for prefix, code in self.prefixes:
+ if color.startswith(prefix):
+ color = color[len(prefix):]
+ prefix_code = code
+ break
+ color_code = self.colorcodes[color]
+ return '\033[%s%sm' % (prefix_code, color_code)
+ def color(self, what):
+ """Pick a named color from the color scheme"""
+ return self.color_code(self.colorscheme[what])
+ def colorize(self, what, message, normal='normal'):
+ """Wrap message in color."""
+ return self.color(what) + message + self.color(normal)
+ def error_count_color(self, n):
+ """Choose a color for the number of errors."""
+ if n:
+ return self.color('error-number')
+ else:
+ return self.color('ok-number')
+ def info(self, message):
+ """Print an informative message."""
+ print self.colorize('info', message)
+ def info_suboptimal(self, message):
+ """Print an informative message about losing some of the features.
+ For example, when you run some tests in a subprocess, you lose the
+ ability to use the debugger.
+ """
+ print self.colorize('suboptimal-behaviour', message)
+ def error(self, message):
+ """Report an error."""
+ print self.colorize('error', message)
+ def error_with_banner(self, message):
+ """Report an error with a big ASCII banner."""
+ print
+ print self.colorize('error', '*'*70)
+ self.error(message)
+ print self.colorize('error', '*'*70)
+ print
+ def tear_down_not_supported(self):
+ """Report that we could not tear down a layer.
+ Should be called right after start_tear_down().
+ """
+ print "...", self.colorize('suboptimal-behaviour', "not supported")
+ def format_seconds(self, n_seconds, normal='normal'):
+ """Format a time in seconds."""
+ if n_seconds >= 60:
+ n_minutes, n_seconds = divmod(n_seconds, 60)
+ return "%s minutes %s seconds" % (
+ self.colorize('number', '%d' % n_minutes, normal),
+ self.colorize('number', '%.3f' % n_seconds, normal))
+ else:
+ return "%s seconds" % (
+ self.colorize('number', '%.3f' % n_seconds, normal))
+ def format_seconds_short(self, n_seconds):
+ """Format a time in seconds (short version)."""
+ if n_seconds >= self.slow_test_threshold:
+ color = 'slow-test'
+ else:
+ color = 'number'
+ return self.colorize(color, "%.3f s" % n_seconds)
+ def summary(self, n_tests, n_failures, n_errors, n_seconds):
+ """Summarize the results."""
+ sys.stdout.writelines([
+ self.color('info'), ' Ran ',
+ self.color('number'), str(n_tests),
+ self.color('info'), ' tests with ',
+ self.error_count_color(n_failures), str(n_failures),
+ self.color('info'), ' failures and ',
+ self.error_count_color(n_errors), str(n_errors),
+ self.color('info'), ' errors in ',
+ self.format_seconds(n_seconds, 'info'), '.',
+ self.color('normal'), '\n'])
+ def totals(self, n_tests, n_failures, n_errors, n_seconds):
+ """Report totals (number of tests, failures, and errors)."""
+ sys.stdout.writelines([
+ self.color('info'), 'Total: ',
+ self.color('number'), str(n_tests),
+ self.color('info'), ' tests, ',
+ self.error_count_color(n_failures), str(n_failures),
+ self.color('info'), ' failures, ',
+ self.error_count_color(n_errors), str(n_errors),
+ self.color('info'), ' errors in ',
+ self.format_seconds(n_seconds, 'info'), '.',
+ self.color('normal'), '\n'])
+ def print_traceback(self, msg, exc_info):
+ """Report an error with a traceback."""
+ print
+ print self.colorize('error', msg)
+ v = exc_info[1]
+ if isinstance(v, doctest.DocTestFailureException):
+ self.print_doctest_failure(v.args[0])
+ elif isinstance(v, doctest.DocTestFailure):
+ # I don't think these are ever used... -- mgedmin
+ tb = self.format_traceback(exc_info)
+ print tb
+ else:
+ tb = self.format_traceback(exc_info)
+ self.print_colorized_traceback(tb)
+ def print_doctest_failure(self, formatted_failure):
+ """Report a doctest failure.
+ ``formatted_failure`` is a string -- that's what
+ DocTestSuite/DocFileSuite gives us.
+ """
+ color_of_indented_text = 'normal'
+ colorize_diff = False
+ for line in formatted_failure.splitlines():
+ if line.startswith('File '):
+ m = re.match(r'File "(.*)", line (\d*), in (.*)$', line)
+ if m:
+ filename, lineno, test = m.groups()
+ sys.stdout.writelines([
+ self.color('normal'), 'File "',
+ self.color('filename'), filename,
+ self.color('normal'), '", line ',
+ self.color('lineno'), lineno,
+ self.color('normal'), ', in ',
+ self.color('testname'), test,
+ self.color('normal'), '\n'])
+ else:
+ print line
+ elif line.startswith(' '):
+ if colorize_diff and len(line) > 4:
+ color = self.diff_color.get(line[4], color_of_indented_text)
+ print self.colorize(color, line)
+ else:
+ print self.colorize(color_of_indented_text, line)
+ else:
+ colorize_diff = False
+ if line.startswith('Failed example'):
+ color_of_indented_text = 'failed-example'
+ elif line.startswith('Expected:'):
+ color_of_indented_text = 'expected-output'
+ elif line.startswith('Got:'):
+ color_of_indented_text = 'actual-output'
+ elif line.startswith('Exception raised:'):
+ color_of_indented_text = 'exception'
+ elif line.startswith('Differences '):
+ color_of_indented_text = 'normal'
+ colorize_diff = True
+ else:
+ color_of_indented_text = 'normal'
+ print line
+ print
+ def print_colorized_traceback(self, formatted_traceback):
+ """Report a test failure.
+ ``formatted_traceback`` is a string.
+ """
+ for line in formatted_traceback.splitlines():
+ if line.startswith(' File'):
+ m = re.match(r' File "(.*)", line (\d*), in (.*)$', line)
+ if m:
+ filename, lineno, test = m.groups()
+ sys.stdout.writelines([
+ self.color('normal'), ' File "',
+ self.color('filename'), filename,
+ self.color('normal'), '", line ',
+ self.color('lineno'), lineno,
+ self.color('normal'), ', in ',
+ self.color('testname'), test,
+ self.color('normal'), '\n'])
+ else:
+ print line
+ elif line.startswith(' '):
+ print self.colorize('failed-example', line)
+ elif line.startswith('Traceback (most recent call last)'):
+ print line
+ else:
+ print self.colorize('exception', line)
+ print
Property changes on: zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/formatter.py
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Modified: zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-debugging-layer-setup.test
--- zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-debugging-layer-setup.test 2008-05-03 13:58:31 UTC (rev 86213)
+++ zope.testing/branches/ctheune-cleanup/src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-debugging-layer-setup.test 2008-05-03 14:06:18 UTC (rev 86214)
@@ -96,11 +96,12 @@
... ''')
+ >>> import sys
>>> try:
... zope.testing.testrunner.run(
... ['--path', dir, '-Dvv', '--tests-pattern', 'tests2'])
... finally: sys.stdin = real_stdin
- ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +REPORT_NDIFF
Running tests at level 1
Running tests2.Layer1 tests:
Set up tests2.Layer1 in 0.000 seconds.
@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@
Tests with errors:
- runTest (__main__.SetUpLayerFailure)
+ runTest (zope.testing.testrunner.SetUpLayerFailure)
Total: 1 tests, 0 failures, 1 errors in 0.210 seconds.
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