[Zope3-checkins] SVN: zdaemon/trunk/src/zdaemon/zdoptions.py Removed confusing usage info that humans never see and that was a

jim cvs-admin at zope.org
Tue Jun 5 13:38:19 UTC 2012

Log message for revision 126593:
  Removed confusing usage info that humans never see and that was a
  massive DRY violation.

  U   zdaemon/trunk/src/zdaemon/zdoptions.py

Modified: zdaemon/trunk/src/zdaemon/zdoptions.py
--- zdaemon/trunk/src/zdaemon/zdoptions.py	2012-06-05 13:32:14 UTC (rev 126592)
+++ zdaemon/trunk/src/zdaemon/zdoptions.py	2012-06-05 13:38:15 UTC (rev 126593)
@@ -355,34 +355,7 @@
 class RunnerOptions(ZDOptions):
-    """a zdaemon runner.
-    Usage: python <script>.py [-C URL][-h] [zdrun-options] [action [arguments]]
-    Options:
-    -C/--configure URL -- configuration file or URL
-    -h/--help -- print usage message and exit
-    -b/--backoff-limit SECONDS -- set backoff limit to SECONDS (default 10)
-    -d/--daemon -- run as a proper daemon; fork a subprocess, close files etc.
-    -f/--forever -- run forever (by default, exit when backoff limit
-                    is exceeded)
-    -h/--help -- print this usage message and exit
-    -s/--socket-name SOCKET -- Unix socket name for client (default "zdsock")
-    -T/--stop-timeout SECONDS -- How long to wait for a graceful exit.
-    -u/--user USER -- run as this user (or numeric uid)
-    -m/--umask UMASK -- use this umask for daemon subprocess (default is 022)
-    -x/--exit-codes LIST -- list of fatal exit codes (default "0,2")
-    -z/--directory DIRECTORY -- directory to chdir to when using -d
-                                (default off)
-    action [arguments] -- see below
-    Actions are commands like "start", "stop" and "status".  If -i is
-    specified or no action is specified on the command line, a "shell"
-    interpreting actions typed interactively is started (unless the
-    configuration option default_to_interactive is set to false).  Use the
-    action "help" to find out about available actions.
-    """
     uid = gid = None
     def __init__(self):

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