[Zope3-checkins] SVN: zdaemon/branches/py3/tox.ini Let's not clutter the current working directory with *.egg files

Marius Gedminas cvs-admin at zope.org
Thu Feb 14 07:03:16 UTC 2013

Log message for revision 129369:
  Let's not clutter the current working directory with *.egg files

  U   zdaemon/branches/py3/tox.ini

Modified: zdaemon/branches/py3/tox.ini
--- zdaemon/branches/py3/tox.ini	2013-02-14 02:11:43 UTC (rev 129368)
+++ zdaemon/branches/py3/tox.ini	2013-02-14 07:03:15 UTC (rev 129369)
@@ -7,8 +7,21 @@
     python setup.py test -q
 # without explicit deps, setup.py test will download a bunch of eggs into $PWD
 deps =
-     zdaemon
+    zope.testing
+    zope.testrunner
+    manuel
+    mock
+deps =
+    {[testenv]deps}
+    zc.customdoctests
+deps =
+    {[testenv]deps}
+    zc.customdoctests
 basepython =

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