[Zope3-dev] Slow down

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 20:20:50 -0500

> Speed kills.
> I *really* appreciate help getting to alpha 1, but please be careful
> about your checkins.
> I went to do some work this afternoon and found that Zope didn't start
> any more.  There was an incomplete refactoring checked in that left
> some zcml files broken. I fixed these and, to be safe, ran the tests.
> There were two independent sets of test failures. (There's also a test
> import error due to tests that rely on optional software.)
> Two hours later, I finally got the test failures cleaned up. (Barry
> still needs to arrange for the bsddb storage tests not to run when bsddb
> isn't installed.)
> Please be careful before a check in to make sure:
> - You've completed any moves. When moving files, it's best to
>    remove the old ones right away. Otherwise, tests that depend on
>    old locations will still work but will be broken for other
>    people.
> - All the unit tests pass. This is getting to be a pain because
>    it takes a long time for the tests to run.  (I suspect that someone
>    has checked in a test that takes too long to run.) It takes just as
>    long for someone trying to clean up bad checkins to run the tests.
> - You can still start and run Zope. (Yes, I know we need functional tests.)
> - Don't use linux cvs with DOS editing programs, We don't want DOS
>    line endings in CVS. Today they caused a test to fail, at least on linux.

Someone should add this to the Zope3 style guide.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)