[Zope3-dev] Workflow -> trying to summarize today's chat APP centric wf

sathya sathya@zeomega.com
Fri, 08 Nov 2002 22:29:35 -0500


>    <hathaway_> In application-centric workflow, you choose a verb, and 
> then a noun.
>    Example: TBD 

I would like to know how to diffrentiate between the two. It seems like 
a chicken and egg problem. I wonder how can you choose a verb
without having a premonition of what object you want to apply it to.  If 
 I click a button called submit which is a verb that triggers some events
I have already made a decision on what object it is applicable to .I 
 would appreciate any insights.

>    Questions:
>     - Does a user really choose where to do things in every case ??
>       If an customer requests an order .. all the person, who takes
>       this order wants to do is: Order something and let the system
>       choose what needs to be done with this request.
>       The Engine would start a process that perhaps checks customers
>       credit, stocks (this might start a new process for ordering goods).
>       Later on it cares about shipping and payment.
>     - How are different users involved in this scenario?
>       The system should be able to choose the right users/performer
>       with sufficient skills and less load to do something.