[Zope3-dev] Zope 3 Wiki
Stephan Richter
Sat, 7 Jun 2003 21:54:06 -0400
Hello everyone,
just a couple of notes about the Zope 3 Wiki. I am starting to feel more
comfortable with the condition of the Zope 3 Wiki, even though there are
still massive amounts of outdated information around. Here is a list of
second tier Wiki Pages and their status (in my opinion):
ComponentArchitectureOverview - I moved it up, since I retired Design. It is a
bit high-level and old, but seems to be still acurate. It is linked from the
second line of the front page, so that many newcomers will read it, which
means that having high-level stuff only there might be a good thing. Another
thought is to move this page to Documentation. What do you think?
Documentation - I feel very comfortable with the state of this wiki page and
its children. Most of the sub-pages come from the cookbook, which I maintain.
The FAQ and Glossary are also pretty much up to date. I still have to check
some of the Glossary pages for accuracy. The DeveloperInfo is up to date as
well, since there seems to be a strong interest in the Z3 community to do so.
Downloads - Jim keeps this uptodate. I also reparented Zope3Products to be
under it, which has been well maintained by the community so far.
HistoricalDocuments - This is always uptodate, since it contains outdated
pages. :-)
RoadMap - Pretty much uptodate. Should this be parented somewhere else?
SprintSchedule - Everyone has shown great responsibility to keep this page
SubProjects - Much of the information there is in good shape. But we should be
careful; while this is a great point of organization, it can also be a trap
to be totally rotten. I wreally would like the various project leaders to
keep their site updated. Something that jumps at me is the Workflow page; I
bet that needs updating.
UseCases - This is my headache at the moment. It seems to be partially
maintained, but a lot of stuff is outdated. It also seems that UseCases is
not used anymore and only UserGoalsAndUseCases is active; So maybe it should
be moved up and UseCases be removed.
VisionStatement - Shrug, marked as outdated and still the first link of the
FrontPage TOC. Someone really needs to weed through this soon!
WikiBadge - I updated that recently (in the previous cleanup).
ZWiki - This is timeless information only.
Zope3Newsletter - I wonder whether the NewsletterGlossary should merge with
the regular Glossary. Also, I wish Gary would start making Newsletters again.
:-( A lot of development is going on and not everyone has time to read the
checkins carefully.
Zope3Proposals - Probably one of the best-maintained pages in the Wiki, I have
kept an eye on it and regularly moved implemented proposals to the
OldProposals page.
Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training