[Zope3-dev] Re: use of ':action' in button names

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp@weitershausen.de
Sat, 28 Jun 2003 18:09:00 -0500

Garrett Smith wrote:
> I noticed that this pattern:
>   <input name="delete.html:action" value="Delete" />
> is still supported in Zope 3 TALES, but isn't used anywhere. Is this a
> deprecated feature?

This is not a TALES feature but a feature of zope.publisher, formerly 
known as ZPublisher. It has nothing to do with templating.

name="delete.html:action" tells the publisher to look for and publish a 
component (in this case a view) in the context of what is provided in 
the action="" attribute of the <form> tag. This is very useful if you 
have a view on an object showing a form with several buttons, while each 
of the buttons should invoke different actions.

I wonder, however, where you found this "pattern" in the Zope3 source. I 
did a quick grep and couldn't find a single match. Did I miss something?
