[Zope3-dev] Re: Status of homefolders?
Florent Guillaume
fg at nuxeo.com
Wed Dec 8 11:46:40 EST 2004
In article <cp4ffe$p5t$1 at sea.gmane.org> you write:
> Stephan Richter wrote:
> > On Tuesday 07 December 2004 07:25, Florian Lindner wrote:
> >
> >>I've read that Stephan is working on homefolders for users.
> >>What is the status of this project? Is there any code to look at in SVN
> >>already? When do you expect it to be usable for development?
> >
> > It's in the trunk since last weekend. I consider it done for now and do not
> > plan to do more work on it. Of course, I will maintain it. Feel free to
> > suggest and implement or reimplement features; the home folder makes some
> > assumptions that might not be well suitable for a general use case.
> There is a few things I have been thinking about for member folders, or
> rather member properties. The way it is done in cmf/plone has a number
> of problems for me when doing intranet applications.
> 1) It's difficult to get the member folder through aquisition. Often you
> want to show data from a member folder. Not from the authenticated
> members, but from the member which member folder you are visiting.
> You then have to guess if you actually are under a member folder.
Then your member folders should different than normal folders, by
implementing a specific marker interface for instance.
> If member folders had a getMemberFolder() method it would be easy to
> check hasattr(self, 'getMemberFolder')
Urgh. This is not Zope 2 :)
> 2) In Plone there is a memberproperties tool. In it, you can save
> properties for each member. But you can only store member properties on
> people that are actually members.
> Often you want to store the exact same data for non-members.
> Eg. with a contact database with adresses emails etc. which email
> address do you use? The one in member properties, or the one in the
> contact database. How do you avoid redundancy?
That's not a member problem at all. That's a problem of storing
information somewhere. CPS does it for instance by having a notion of
directories, you can have a directory with the standard members, and a
directory of contacts.
> A typical use case is
> also that you have a contact that you want to make into a member. Then
> you need to enter all the contact info once more. With the same
> redundancy problems.
That's not a problem in the member framework. Just have a script that
creates a member from that info. (It's maybe 2 lines in CPS for
> 3) different workflows for different member properties.
> In an intranet you often want to have more personal info than you want
> to publish to the public. Like your private phone and address. But as it
> is right now you can only choose to show or hide all the properties.
> It seems clear to me that member properties needs to be made from a
> collection of some sort of content types with properties. Typically they
> could be like:
> MemberBaseProperties:
> Name, email
> MemberPublicProperties:
> companyemail, companyphone etc.
> MemberPersonalProperties:
> privateemail, privatephone etc.
> # and one can only dream on
> MemberMultiMediaProperties
> image, videogreeting, audiogreeting
> The workflow state could then be set for each individual content type.
> It would be simple to add new member properties.
Where do you store all that information ?
Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France) CTO, Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59 http://nuxeo.com fg at nuxeo.com
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