[Zope3-dev] Siesia: A new UI for Zope 3

Stephan Richter srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Tue May 4 20:57:52 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I read through the documents and had a very long discussion with Joe (Arnia) 
and Michael (eaon) on IRC. See http://irclogs.espnow.net/zope3/2004.05.04.log 
and http://irclogs.espnow.net/zope3/2004.05.05.log for the full discussion. 
The following comments are a brief summary of my impressions and the outcome 
of the discussion. I try to keep it as short as possible and all criticism is 
meant to be constructive.

> We wanted to make a full blown presentation, but because of time we
> couldn't finish everything - but we've finally (with a heavy delay,
> sorry) decided to bring some parts of what we've been working to
> daylight:

First of all, the coders and designers have a lot of communicating to do. I 
noticed that we have no clue about each others worlds.

> http://www.netalleynetworks.com/workgroups/isia-project/siesia/

Direct comments:
- The document is written in Z2 and CMF terminology. I do not know anything 
about the CMF and therefore I was not able to really understand 70% of the 

- There must be a separate section defining all the terms used, so that coders 
have a terminology map.

- The text lacks a concrete example to follow.

- Skin tools or services do not exists. However, we have presentation services 
managing skins.

- The text really describes step 2, while we do not even have step 1 as I 
noticed while talking to Arnia online. Step 1 would be to support 
transformation pipes.

- The text should move to the Zope 3 Proposals section, so people can edit it 
more easily, make correction and give comments.

Okay, I am going to write another mail summarizing the chat.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training

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