[Zope3-dev] Re: WebDav and Dreamweaver

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Thu May 6 05:58:23 EDT 2004


>   <browser:page
>       name="foo.html"
>       for="interfaces.IMyClass"
>       class=".bar.Bar"
>       template="bar.pt"            <<<<----------
>       permission="zope.View"
>       menu="zmi_views" title="Bar" />
> when the template is stored in the ZODB? I guess not, without 
> implementing the directive TTW... all inside or all outside ;-(

ZCML is meant to be the bootstrapping configuration for filesystem based 
code. Templates that reside in the ZODB should be configured using 
persistent services in a Site's service manager.

Note that it sounds like you are adding Templated Pages to your folders. 
Those are *content* objects and not meant to be view templates. Visit 
the default package in the ++etc++site service manager and add a "ZPT 
Template". You can now edit this template and register it to be a view 
template for a certain interface. The registration form loosely 
resembles the above ZCML code.


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