[Zope3-dev] Zope 3X build errors on OS X

Tim Peters tim at zope.com
Tue May 25 14:16:11 EDT 2004

[David Siedband]
> I'm getting the following errors when I attempt to create a new Zope3
> instance on OS X 10.3.3
> luna:/usr/local/Zope3 zope3$ bin/mkzopeinstance -d /Users/zope3/Z3 -u
> Traceback (most recent call last):


>      getServiceManager = hookable(getServiceManager)
> SystemError: NULL result without error in PyObject_Call
> same results as root and as the user I'm going to run the Zope process
> with.

That kind of SystemError is the result of a mistake in C-level code.  But by
eyeball, I don't see anything wrong with the C code in _zope_hookable.c
(which hookable() presumably invokes).

It could be a compiler optimization bug, or (but hard to imagine exactly
how) a Python version problem.

Which version of Python are you using?  Zope 3X requires 2.3.3.  Rebuilding
your Python and Zope in debug mode may help.  Since this is a problem in
C-level code, it's not easy to debug.

Is anyone else running 3X on OS X (success and failure are both

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