[Zope3-dev] Zope 3X build errors on OS X

Tim Peters tim at zope.com
Wed May 26 13:32:25 EDT 2004

[David Siedband]
>> I'm getting the following errors when I attempt to create a new Zope3
>> instance on OS X 10.3.3
>> luna:/usr/local/Zope3 zope3$ bin/mkzopeinstance -d /Users/zope3/Z3 -u
>>       zope3:thePassword
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> ...
>>     getServiceManager = hookable(getServiceManager)
>> SystemError: NULL result without error in PyObject_Call
>> same results as root and as the user I'm going to run the Zope process
>> with.

[Janko Hauser]
> I had the same problem with the default Python (2.3 gcc3.3) under
> OSX10.3

Since Zope 3X requires 2.3.3 (or later), that's not *terribly* interesting,
but this is:

> and also the newer install from Jack (Python2.3.3 for OSX10.2 gcc3.2)

Could you (or anyone else on OS X with Jack's 2.3.3) please try this
standalone Python script?

from zope.hookable import hookable

def f():
    return 'OK'

g = hookable(f)
print g()

I expect that to print


and it does for me in a Zope3 checkout using Python 2.3.3 (albeit on

> It is working with the python from the fink project. (python 2.3.3 gcc3.3)

So it gets even more bizarre <wink>.

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