[Zope3-dev] Errors with ZopeX3a2 windows binary

Michael Haubenwallner michael at d2m.at
Thu May 27 02:17:25 EDT 2004

I had some troubles installing the new windows binary alpha2 release.

First, installation into lib/python/site-packages/...
   with the current install only 1 version of zx3 can live in the 
filesystem. installing zx3a2 overwrote most files, some from alpha 1 
stayed in place though - this produced an error message:
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File 
line 23.2-26.19 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'TLocation'

after completely removing zx3a1 from site-packages and reinstalling
i had antoher problem:
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File 
"c:\zope3a2\etc\package-includes\catalog-configure.zcml", line 1.0-1.38 
ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'package', 'Module zope.app 
has no global catalog')

same with index-configure.zcml...

i then removed catalog-configure.zcml and index-configure.zcml from
$INSTANCE\etc\package-includes. zx3a2 starts up and works now.


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