[Zope3-dev] Re: Widget problems? Is there work in progress?

Gary Poster gary at modernsongs.com
Fri May 28 14:19:40 EDT 2004

Roger Ineichen wrote:

> I still think we have some general problem with
> the widget framework and List fields.
> If I can fix the problem above I write a note 
> about my problems with to deal with widgets.
> Is there work on the form framework in progress?  

Not as far as I know.

Also, you asked about List field widgets: we have some for clients now. 
    We are on an old-ish Zope 3 fork still (March) and I haven't 
upgraded to the head yet.  I hope that they will work fine.  I think I 
agree with you that the List widgets in the core need a bit of work to 
actually manage lists.  They are better for sets.  The framework itself 
should be fine, though.  I hope. :-)


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