[Zope3-dev] open-sourcing some ZC widgets (was Re: AW: Widget problems? Is there work in progress?)

Gary Poster gary at modernsongs.com
Sun May 30 09:50:10 EDT 2004

Roger Ineichen wrote:

>It whould be really nice if we can implement a 
>ordered list widget which you can sort in the ZMI.
>Is it possible to share this old-ish widget sort code.
>If so I can try to implement this part in Zoep3.
We (Zope Corp) are going to put all of our generically useful widgets 
into Zope 3 (or an open-sourced add-on, depending on whether Stephan et 
al want this in the 3.0.0 release) ASAP so we don't all duplicate 
effort.  I have other things going on too, of course, but I'll try to 
get this in within a few weeks.  Here's a summary of what we'll be adding:

- Some list and set widgets for any size vocabulary (small to large)
- Some list and set widgets especially for small vocabularies
- Union widget (for a union field that may be one of multiple types, 
such as date or duration)
- The date/time widget (the same JS is being used by many projects--the 
mishoo JS)

The list widgets allow sorting and all that good stuff.  The union 
widget is needed much less frequently in our experience but a client did 
require it and it's generally useful.  The date/time widget is pretty 
simple because it relies on the familiar mishoo JS to do all the tough 
work (http://dynarch.com/mishoo/calendar.epl).

I also plan to propose that the Zope 3 form machinery incorporate some 
of my changes that allow zcml to declare multiple submit buttons per 
page (and some other features and refactoring).  I think we're planning 
on waiting to change the Zope form machinery till after the initial 
release, and there are a number of other desired additions to the form 
machinery, so this may be best handled with an add-on for now.


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