[Zope3-dev] Apache2 Configuration

Achim Domma (Procoders) domma at procoders.net
Wed Oct 27 04:12:31 EDT 2004


I have a problem configuring Zope3 with Apache2. If this is not the 
right mailinglist, please point to a better one.

I have a Zope 3 instance running on http://myServer:8090/proCodersRoot 
which can be accessed via Browser without any problems. Now I want the 
domain www.procoders.net to point to this folder. I set up the following 
  virtual host:

<VirtualHost www.procoders.net:80>
     ServerAdmin domma at procoders.net
     ServerName www.procoders.net
     RewriteEngine On
     RewriteRule ^(/?.*) \
http://myServer:8090/proCodersRoot/++vh++http:www.procoders.net:80/++$1 \
     ErrorLog logs/www.procoders.net-error_log
     CustomLog logs/www.procoders.net-access_log common

If I try to access www.procoders.net, I get an access denied error. As 
far as I understand, the url http://www.procoders.net should be mapped 
If I access this url via browser, I also get an access denied.

Any hint what I'm doing wrong?


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