AW: [Zope3-dev] Release for Views As Adapters
dev at
dev at
Tue Sep 28 09:43:41 EDT 2004
Stephan Richter wrote:
> Betreff: Re: [Zope3-dev] Release for Views As Adapters
> On Monday 27 September 2004 18:20, dev at wrote:
> > Perhaps we can discuss some of this questions on the IsarSprint:
> I really hate discussions like this at sprints, because they
> shut out the
> community members that are not at the sprint. To avoid this
> shut out, the
> discussing parties at least have to (1) commit to not make a
> final decision
> and (2) create a very detailed Zope3-Dev post about the discussion.
I agree, but it's easier to discuss this kind of problems
and work out a solution if we can speak with each other.
Otherwise it gives long mails which nobody will follow.
> > - How can developer see what's comming in a new release?
> There are several ways to stay updated.
> 1. Read the CHANGES.txt file.
> 2. Read the TODO.txt file to see what is planned for the next release
> (currently it is empty, since we have not decided on a 3.1
> feature set).
> 3. Read the proposals online. They are also good as some
> initial documentation
> purpose.
> 4. Keep an eye on the Zope3-Dev Mailing list, so you always
> know what's being
> discussed and why something takes the direction it does.
I now all the sources, docs, lists, IRC etc, but we have also
other work to do and sometimes it's really hard to follow if
you missed some discussions.
> > - Can we provide a future Alpha package of the next release
> > for to develope with?
> I agree with Jim, it is too early for an alpha. There are
> some really big
> changes coming, such as switching to interface- and subscriber-based
> workflows (which will change the way we will think about UIs)
> and some CA
> work (like thinking about a single component registry -- yes
> Jim, I would
> love to discuss this with you and maybe even get working on it ;-)
> > - What's the criterions for to release a package. Specially
> > if developer use the trunk as a kind of collector for usefull
> > packages?
> The trunk should not be used as a collector for packages that
> are supposed to
> be compatible with the releases. One major mistake we did for
> the X3.0 branch
> was that we removed all packages that are not part of the
> release, which
> makes it hard to release branch-compatible packages
> separately, such as ZWiki
> or the Bug Tracker application. So we will have to use
> separate branches for
> them. Phillip and I are planning to release the following
> packages for Zope
> X3.0:, zwiki, bugtracker, and psycopgda.
That's exactly the problem. Your solution is a option.
This makes the release process of some package independent
of the z3 application server.
> Regards,
> Stephan
> --
> Stephan Richter
> CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D.
> student) Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and
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